Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Welcome Fuuka :monster:

It's confirmed. Cleriths have been lurking. (Durr)

I got a rep down from cali babe after stating:

Maybe they've been lurking around in this club and got annoyed by "cloti."

of course they lurk... they are scared of the facts our members present and they feel the need to talk about them in their forums...

members I noticed we have reached 500 replies! we are the top club by far let`s make it even bigger.
Welcome Fuuka :monster:

It's confirmed. Cleriths have been lurking. (Durr)

I got a rep down from cali babe after stating:


Yes, welcome! <3

Ahaha, I admit to lurking. It's not that I post, but I do read their comments. I get a nice laugh out of them.

What's immature, is rating someone or something low, just because they have proven you wrong or like something that you do not. If I happened to post about them (without being instigated), or in their private Forums, that would be rather childish.

Reading their arguments and taking in their opinion doesn't seem wrong to me.

And, cute:

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That's some damn nice art there. ^^

Thanks for the welcome Cloti, lonestar, and CelesChere. Looking forward to sharing the Cloti love with you guys.
I loved the pic!

the LTD thread is incredible, few Clerith defending their lost cause, I admire their tenacity.
nonetheles their arguments are so ridiculous and they take everything out of context...but the thing I hate the most is that for them Tifa is the bitch that makes Cloud unhappy... that is not true specially when the Ultimanias state that Cloud and Tifa are happy together.
but the thing I hate the most is that for them Tifa is the bitch that makes Cloud unhappy... that is not true specially when the Ultimanias state that Cloud and Tifa are happy together.
I know right? I mean why would Cloud live with someone for over 2 years that makes him unhappy? It's not like Tifa has him handcuffed to the bar against his will or anything xD If he really wanted to, he could've left with Barret, but no, he stayed with Tifa and became the father figure to the children they were both raising. Living with someone for more than two years/starting a life with them > living in a church for 3 days out of guilt/sadness!

I have a bad feeling that the LTD is about to get closed again though D=
I don't want it to be closed again... it is a good instance for debate I mean we know Cloti is canon but it is interesting to know the other side opinion(even if the arguments don't make sense most of the time)
and the fact that Cloud lived with Tifa for two years is a fact the Clerith ignore.. before Cloud contracted geoestigma they led a happy family life.. I would love to see some of the events that happened in those two years(we probably won't though)
I don't understand why the LTD thread got a warning because of it's 'heated' content. I'm sure the title had the word debate in it, right? I've only been taking in people's opinions, and responding to them with my own. I've also been asking that proof be provided to certain statements.

I'm not sure how that is insulting to the opposing poster, but apparently, it must be. I can admit to wanting to insult them, but I didn't. Especially in a debate.
Ahaha, I admit to lurking. It's not that I post, but I do read their comments. I get a nice laugh out of them.

There's nothing wrong with lurking. I just thought it was ironic that she should prove me right by rating me down. :monster:

About the LTD, I agree with everyone. I don't think anyone broke the rules; and there's nothing wrong with a heated debate if there's no insulting or calling each other ignorant. Words read online can be taken the wrong way. IMHO, those who seem to disapprove of the debate just don't want the truth to be known. Or, reading some of the response from the Clerith club, it's like they're afraid the debate is meant to change their minds, which IMHO again, it's not the case.

Though seriously, I was expecting to see some new responses in the LTD thread since we received a warning; but checking, not many. :monster: So the warning was quite a shock.
well the point of a debate is to convince an audience, of course the other side will never change their minds but the "neutral" or "causal" FFVII gamer will see for himself/herself which side is the strongest(in this case the only correct one)
well the point of a debate is to convince an audience, of course the other side will never change their minds but the "neutral" or "causal" FFVII gamer will see for himself/herself which side is the strongest(in this case the only correct one)

Quoted for truth.
Any convinced opposition should be considered a bonus, not an expectation.
Adding to that, reliable evidence of the facts should be used to support certain statements. Not opinions. ;O
A while back in the thread I mentioned how there was a new book being released that was on FFVII, right?

...Well, I was wrong. The book is a guide of some sort that focuses on the FFXIII franchise (including Versus and Agito). I was confused because it was advertised vaguely as "Cloud's Message". I realize now that was just a marketing ploy to get people hyped over the book -__-

However, I still think that at least one more title will be added to the FFVII compilation that takes place after DoC (with the secret ending leaving such a big plot hole), so that might clarify (or complicate o_O) some issues on the canon pairings *shrugs*

You know, I bet Cloud and Tifa would have a hard time consumating their relationship with a bunch of kids in the house; gettin' pretty frustrating I bet xD

(I swear, I'm not a perv in real life, this is just online >__<)
They could always leave the kids with Denzel for a few days. Or actually, you think Barret gets ignored alot, what about Elmyra? I'm sure she'd appreciate taking care of the kids for a while - no doubt she must've developed a motherly relationship with Marlene through most of FF7.

and oh lol the Cloud book :P from what I know, that's just book the provides coverage on Square-related information such as the Fabula Nova Crystallis, ACC, Kingdom Hearts etc.

and you never know, we may get some more Cloud/Tifa in the mini-movie set 2 years after Advent Children - it's expected to come in the ACC blue-ray.
Or actually, you think Barret gets ignored alot, what about Elmyra?

Yeah, I really wonder what the heck happened to her. I hope she didn't pass away or anything. D;

and you never know, we may get some more Cloud/Tifa in the mini-movie set 2 years after Advent Children - it's expected to come in the ACC blue-ray.

Oh, I hope so. <3
They could always leave the kids with Denzel for a few days. Or actually, you think Barret gets ignored alot, what about Elmyra? I'm sure she'd appreciate taking care of the kids for a while - no doubt she must've developed a motherly relationship with Marlene through most of FF7.

Well, she did have the better part of a month or so to get to know Marlene, so...

and you never know, we may get some more Cloud/Tifa in the mini-movie set 2 years after Advent Children - it's expected to come in the ACC blue-ray.

Or, y'never know, they MIGHT just kill Cloud in the mini-movie... let him 'be with Aerith'.
Yeah right.

Yeah, I really wonder what the heck happened to her. I hope she didn't pass away or anything. D;

She's still alive as per CoT, so I shall assume she is still alive for awhile longer.

And yes, the short is an additional feature of ACC.
She's still alive as per CoT, so I shall assume she is still alive for awhile longer.
They should show more about her.. I loved Elmyra she was a great minor character such a tragic one.

You know, I bet Cloud and Tifa would have a hard time consumating their relationship with a bunch of kids in the house; gettin' pretty frustrating I bet xD
They could always close the door... I mean a lot of parents manage to "consumate" their relationship with multiple kids so I doubt Cloud and Tifa would be an exception.
Tifa: boys we have to discuss some things with Cloud so don't bother us ok?
as Marlene and Denzel are so obedient I can bet they wouldn't get close to the door.

Or, y'never know, they MIGHT just kill Cloud in the mini-movie... let him 'be with Aerith'.
Yeah right.
That would be the perfect move on SE's part seeing as all the evidence points towards the Tragic Love...
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Haha, knowing Marlene's personality, she'd probably try and get Cloud and Tifa to spend some alone time together. :'D (And secretly watch until it got really serious.)

Or, y'never know, they MIGHT just kill Cloud in the mini-movie... let him 'be with Zack'.

Fix'd! =D
I wonder if Marlene turned into a Cloti now because she was totally a Clerith in FFVII, remember when she says to Cloud"Aerith was asking lots of questions about you, I bet she likes you" and you could answer "let's hope so" or "I don't know"(my favorite choice of course) when you said that to her she calls you an idiot if I remember well.
I guess she does turn into one,the drawings of her wall kinda shows it that way, and she loves Tifa so I think she wants to see her happy.
Denzel is a total Cloti that's for sure.
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