Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Yeah, Marlene was definitely wanting Aerith to be with Cloud in the FFVII game. She was really close to Aerith, and wanted her to be happy. Cloud was the closest guy to Aerith at that point, and you know... Maybe when Aerith and Marlene were alone they got to girl talking. She probably admitted to her that she had a feeling for Cloud. xD

Though, Marlene definitely got to know Tifa a lot more after that. I think her feelings about Cloud and Aerith have changed. Especially since Marlene wants Cloud to be happy. It's not like she doesn't honor Aerith's memory.
I wonder if Marlene turned into a Cloti now because she was totally a Clerith in FFVII, remember when she says to Cloud"Aerith was asking lots of questions about you, I bet she likes you" and you could answer "let's hope so" or "I don't know"(my favorite choice of course) when you said that to her she calls you an idiot if I remember well.

Well, I think she was calling you an idiot for not knowing. If you say you do notice, she says she won't tell Tifa. So, I think she's just watching amusedly.

I guess she does turn into one,the drawings of her wall kinda shows it that way, and she loves Tifa so I think she wants to see her happy.
Denzel is a total Cloti that's for sure.

Everyone in their group of friends is a 'cloti', even Aerith.
Everyone in their group of friends is a 'cloti', even Aerith.

Hahaha, that really is the truth too. Even without Maiden's "Aerith Blessing", it's clear that Aerith wants Cloud to be happy, and just move on from being guilty. (And if Cloud DID love Aerith, she'd want him to move on from her too. Live his life.)
Everyone in their group of friends is a 'cloti', even Aerith.
definitely true Cid is probably one of Cloti's biggest supporters in Case Of Barret and in the game.
Clerith supporters think Caith Sith was a clerith(for the fortune telling scene and all) what do you think about him?
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Well, Reeve was controlling Caith Sith, and we don't know where he stands on the pairing. I wanna say Caith Sith was just an automated machine, but I dunno >_<

Oh yeah, I finds scans of the Reunion Files, and the voice actor for Cloud said that he's a Tifa fan xD
Yeah, I posted that quote a little earlier. He got into an arguement with his friend as to who's better, Tifa or Aeris :D

On the current note, I'm betting the whole town of Mideel supports Cloud/Tifa as well.
oh yeah the nurse was a big Cloti fan. I loved her statement about Cloud and Tifa.
and Cloud's voice actor is cloti of course we really have the world on our side xD
I'm a Cloti fan as well. Aerith is my favorite character though, because Tifa's kind of... she just dresses way too vaguely for my taste.
Anyways, I'm just so angry at how many anti-Cloti, anti-Tifa, and Cloti bashing sites there are. I mean, seriously, not to offend anyone, but there are a lot more anti-Cleriths than there are for anti-Clotis. I've seen a lot more. Even if you googled it, you would find a lot more. I've only seen three sites (a domain site, at that), that have promoted hate for Aerith, Clerith, and bashed Clerith. I mean, seriously, what is up with that? And that site? I mean, I took a look at their forums and was absolutely apalled by it.
I'm pretty sure that there are more Cloti's, looking at how many more youtube videos/fanfictions/google searches/etc... there is, but at the same time there's so much hate for this couple. What's up with that? There are so many annoying Clerith sites that just make me roll my eyes. I seriously want to gag whenever I see them.
♥Juliet♥;321927 said:
You'll find it funny, but we don't bash Clotis in our club. Clotis just seem to really enjoy bashing Cleriths for some unknown reason, when all we like to do is merely discuss our enjoyment with our preferring choice of pairing. All I'm asking is to please not bash Cleriths because they don't do it to you. How can you debate anyway when Cleriths don't even post in here?
Uh, no offense, but are you kidding me? Have you not seen the amount of posts in that stupid site, and how much they bash the pairing? If you type anti-Cloti, you'll get A LOT, compared to anti-Clerith's. Cloti's bash, but I really really feel that there are a lot more Clerith's that bash the pairing, looking at all the sites.
Honest- for future reference, don't double post. You may wish to merge and delete that one.

As for why there's so much hate?

To be perfectly frank, I suppose it's the same reason hardline religious types lash out against 'scientists' to discredit the sciences themselves. It's because they view the opposing viewpoint as anathema, and the more they sort of realize the other side is true/ gaining ground, the more violently they react and try and lash out.
Honest- for future reference, don't double post. You may wish to merge and delete that one.

As for why there's so much hate?

To be perfectly frank, I suppose it's the same reason hardline religious types lash out against 'scientists' to discredit the sciences themselves. It's because they view the opposing viewpoint as anathema, and the more they sort of realize the other side is true/ gaining ground, the more violently they react and try and lash out.
My bad. And you have a point. They're violent.
You'll find it funny, but we don't bash Clotis in our club.

I mean no disrespect regarding your judgment, since you are a Mod, but that is simply not true. You yourself may not bash Cloti, but the newest members have which in turn, got some of us a little irritated.

I have no reason to make a remark about someone else, who has not first made an offending statement towards me. That is just not the type of person I am.

And it's true, some of us expressed our dislike of the Clerith club being revived, but that was due to these new members posting rude remarks against our statements, that were not even about them or the club.

Moving away from that~
I adored the entire Mideel part of the game. <3 I also was heart-warmed by what the nurse said about Tifa. "She hasn't left his side this entire time. She must really love him..."
So, Also from, if I am not mistaken, the AC prologue book, Cloud and Tifa's profiles.

Age: 23
Height: 173cm
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: Aug, 11th
Birthplace: Nibelheim

A weak minded young man who once lost sight of himself after he was used as an experiment to clone Sephiroth, the legendary Soldier.
Taking high pride in his abilities and acting as a cool character who hardly socializes with people, Cloud buries his feelings of loneliness.
His deep blue eyes marks his identity as a Soldier and also of the fact that he was exposed heavily to Mako energy. Cloud has been called various names thoughout his journeys such as "Chocobo head" by Tifa because of his hair style.
Cloud's father died when he was still very young in Nibelheim and so he lived alone together with his mother. As a small boy, he didn't get along with others apart from Tifa. So when Tifa's mother died and three of her friends decided to take her up the mountains where the dead were believed to go, Cloud wasn't invited. But even so, Cloud secretly went after them wanting to cheer Tifa up. In the end, both of them fell from a rope bridge that snapped. Although miraculously Cloud lived with light wounds, Tifa was heavily wounded and was in the void between life and death for seven days. Cloud was accused of taking her up the mountains.
Few years later, at the age of fourteen, Cloud decided to leave Nibelheim to join Soldier so that he could become stronger, as strong as Sephiroth. Before he left, he gathered the courage to ask Tifa out alone to let her know. It was then that he promised her that he would come to rescue when she was in trouble. Little had he known about Shinra Soldier's dark secrets and what laid ahead of him.
Two years after joining Soldier and failing to reach the top ranks, Cloud travelled back to his hometown together with two other members of Soldier on a mission. The two other members the legendary Solider, Sephiroth himself along with another top ranking Soldier named Zack who Cloud got along with well. Ashamed that he couldn't achieve what he had said, he couldn't bear to face Tifa and hid himself under his helmet as they went about their mission.
Few days later, after Sephiroth went mad, Cloud watched as his hometown was burned down. Filled with anger he rushed to where Sephiroth was inside the reactor where he finds a heavily wounded Tifa. As his anger heightened further, he confronted Sephiroth and managed to kill him but not before being fatally wounded himself. It was then that he became an experiment of Professor Hojo from Shinra Inc. in an effort to clone Sephiroth.
With Jenova cells injected into his body as well as being exposed to high levels of Mako, he gained the abilities of a top ranking Soldier. But that was not all he got for his memories were scrambled so that his dreams replaced his memories while his real memories were locked away. After escaping together with Zack from the clutches of Professor Hojo, Cloud came to think that he had managed to become a first rank Soldier.
When Cloud later found out that all his memories were made up and that he was a failed experiment, his mentality fell apart. It was his childhood friend who helped him restore his former self.
After the Meteor incident, he still continues to blame himself for the death of others because he couldn't protect them. Especially Aerith's death. To this day, he also remembers his dear friend Zack well.
The 'He didn't get along with anyone except Tifa' is quite interesting to me.

Age: 22
Height: 167cm
Blood Type: B
Birthday: May, 3rd
Birth Place: Nibelheim
A childhood friend of Cloud and also the only one who knows about his past in detail.
Although on the outside she is a very cheerful and energetic girl, she is actually very reserved. Even when she is fully aware of those around her, she still keeps her troubles to herself and doesn't express them. She is very timid and prudent when it comes to love. Tifa cares very much about family and her cooking is good, popular with many of her customers.
To Tifa, Cloud is the only one through which she can get in touch with her past. He is her ideal love and his existence is also like a prince who promised to come to her rescue when she is in trouble.
When Tifa was in Nibelheim, a few years after her mother died, she became the student of a travelling fighter named Zangan at the age of thirteen. It was he who taught her the close combat skills she knew today. Not long afterwards, Sephiroth from Shinra arrived at Nibelheim and tragedy struck. Sephiroth burned down her hometown and killed everyone he saw, including Tifa's only parent, her father. Burning with hatred and anger, she went after Sephiroth but in the end, was heavily wounded. Ever since then, she held a grudge for Shinra.
With her hometown in ruins, Zangan took the heavily wounded Tifa to Midgar and left her with the doctors without waiting for her full recovery. Even though the time she had spent training with Zangan had been short, Tifa had mastered the basics and continued to hone her combat skills alone.
Before long, she found out about the anti-Shinra group Avalanche and with her grudge against Shinra, she decided to meet with the leader Barret to join them. While posing as the attractive hostess of her bar Seventh Heaven, she also took part in Avalanche's activities.
After the Meteor incident, Midgar was left in ruins and so was her bar. But with a little struggle, a new Seventh Heaven was opened in the new city of Edge. She now looks after Marlene as well as many orphaned children.
" To Tifa, Cloud is the only one through which she can get in touch with her past. He is her ideal love" *Erhem*- So much for her being the 'mommy'.

But yeah, thought you might like those.
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To Tifa, Cloud is the only one through which she can get in touch with her past. He is her ideal love and his existence is also like a prince who promised to come to her rescue when she is in trouble.

I definitely had an "awe" moment towards the whole, Cloud's existence being her prince. <3 Also, some C/A sides might argue that because this is in Tifa's profile, that it doesn't count.

Even though they refer to Cloud directly when they say "his existence".

And true, though we all knew it, this proves that Tifa does not feel like she is the Mother, sister, or just friend of Cloud.
I do like those. Where's that from, Ryu? I haven't seen them before. So we have confirmation that they DID get along as children and she didn't bully him. Well, duh. :) And I love that about him being her ideal love. As if she'd love someone her whole life, then one day decide, "you know, I'd rather be his mommy instead." :P
Ah, but Celes... herein lies the rub. We know that Tifa sees Cloud as her love. We also know that someone relevant to Advent Children sees Tifa as their Koibito, their sweetheart, their lover.

Now, for people who aren't adamantly opposed to the idea, it would seem obvious that when speaking of Tifa's role in the world, she would be seen as a beloved by the same person she sees as her ideal love, unless we are told explicitly otherwise.
Granted, I don't expect this will get through the hardliner's Wall of Ignorance, but hey, they're just the bonus points in this little game, after all.

Addendum: Huh. Dicking through Reunion Files again, the timeline has an interesting note:

Day 1 5:30 PM (Cloudy)
Cloud and Tifa lie unconscious in the flowerbed at the church. They gradually heal on their own and are taken by Reno to the house, where they wake up at 5:30.

So much for Aerith healing them, then.
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As a small boy, he didn't get along with others apart from Tifa.

Guh, that is waaaaayy too cute. I don't see how hard this concept is to understand really. They weren't close, but they were still friends. The concept is actually kind of cliche really. Not too sure about the east, but you the same concept happening in western media all the time.

and is it jus me or have the posts in the LTD thread gotten a little tl;dr? :monster:
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