Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Awww, such a cute picture! :P And look, I have no hard feelings against you at all, okay? :) In fact, I have a lot of Cloti friends that I really care about. <3

Honey, I am a Clerith and a Cloti. ^_^ I am a fan of both pairings as I stated above and I *am* a member of this club. ^_~ I have an open mind when it comes to both pairings and I enjoy them both in their own special ways.

I love CloudxTifa for the whole family aspect. It's super sweet that they foster mother and father two children and I like that. I think it's great that they're together. I also appreciate CloudxAerith for the tragic side of it, because, well I'm a sucker for tragic romances <.< >.>
More pics :3





I wish I could draw like these awesome people >__<
The Cloti fan fic would probably be a crossover with FFX, I've been itching to do that one for a very long time ago. It starts off where Tifa saves Aeris and she gets to be the one that Sephiroth kills, thus, leading to her awakening in Spira. She starts seeing her friends, who don't recognise her.


Tidus: Tifa Lockhart
Yuna: Cloud Strife
Rikku: Cid Highwind
Auron: Sephiroth
Wakka: Yuffie
Lulu: Vincent
Kimahri: Red XIII
Great, Juliet! I am glad to have this finally settled. <3 Oh, I didn't realize you were a member. I respect your opinion and, I am also a big sucker for tragedies. xD

That last picture you post, Fusionist, is one of my favorites! I'm going to put together a Christmas Cloti Album to post, I think. ;) Unless one already exists.

Also, sounds interesting, Faith.
I'm also thinking of using Zack as Shuyin and Aeris as Lenne in X-2, if I get around to it.
Oh Faith, I think there was one fic like that I read before on

Same Premise: Tifa dies instead of Aerith, but she get's sent to the world of Spira, but a lot of the FFX characters are replaced by FFVII ones. Cloud was a summoner, and even Sephiroth was a good guy O.O

Actually, I think there was a sequel as well but I never got around to reading it >__<

I like the Zack = Shuyin, Aerith = Lenne idea ^^

One story I had rolling around in my head isn't canon though. It takes place after DoC, but Cloud and Tifa still aren't romantically involved, in fact, Cloud's still not willing to let himself get with Tifa. But something happens to Tifa o_O

There's a lot more I'm trying to figure out, in fact I got a lot of scenes already played out through my head, but it's hard to write out -__-
ugh the Clerith are having a fielday over Dissidia's ending.... well as if an ambiguos ending in an AU game could override the huge amount of Cloti evidence.
loved the fanarts Fusionist! specially the second one.
I wouldn't have the story start with the main character dying, faith, since it always tinges the story with a 'the last thing before you die' feel, unless you deliberately subvert it later, which you might, It's not my story.

Perhaps as a different premise, set the thing as she falls into the lifestream? Perhaps have her wondering if she's seeing someone else's life, as a sort of an in joke?


And yes, the Clerii are going crazy over a field of flowers.
Even though everyone else just has something that represents their game, not their loved one.
If they did, Tidus would have something other than a Jecht/ Braska Sphere, like Yuna's staff or something like that, Zidane might consider his dagger or hold a racket, Cecil would do SOMETHING regarding Rosa because she was ALWAYS important to that man, etc.

Hell, Butz's 'item' is a stick from the forest Exdeath came from.
Tina's holding a shell.
The Materia and Flower field are just 'Gaia'.
At best, it's ship tease.

If it was anything more, you think Cloud would say something aside from an in joke with Squall. And using an exact copy of a line he had previously used to reject the notion of an older girlfriend. (mmmph... not interested) at that.
...Cloti please. I asked for it to stop. You must have missed my previous posts. I asked to keep things lowkey. No more complaining about the Cleriths and no more Cleriths complaining about the Clotis either.

Faithy, your story sounds so awesome! I want to read it when you get done! I love AUs and cross-overs!
...Cloti please. I asked for it to stop. You must have missed my previous posts. I asked to keep things lowkey. No more complaining about the Cleriths and no more Cleriths complaining about the Clotis either.

Faithy, your story sounds so awesome! I want to read it when you get done! I love AUs and cross-overs!

I am sorry.I won't do it anymore but I can't hide my frustration I mean what in the world has to happen for people to understand the intent of the story? I'll just have to wait for this little ending to appear in LTD debates when us Clotis never bring the clotiness that it's Kingdom hearts II.. we use the original story and the creators statements,but when people refuse to accept and twist everything you can't help but to get a little mad.
They understand it, but they just don't want to accept it and that's all there is to it. Just let it die and don't let the Cleriths upset you. Just go on and enjoy your pairing and let them enjoy theirs in other ways. If it has to be from Dissidia and other games, let 'em do it. I support both sides and keep a very open mind to both, so I'm here to offer advice, etc...on both. Don't let them get to you though hun. Not worth it! ;) *hugs*
*hugs too* yeah you are right I feel SO inmature xD... but Well let`s talk about the lovely thing that is Cloti! that is what this club is about anyway.
Hehehe, don't feel immature hun. It's only natural you'd get upset! ^_~ Anyway, I'd love an idea! I've been itching to either draw or write something Cloti, but I'm lacking inspiration! Help? :D
Maybe a slightly AU of the game, Manders? That's what my fic will have, just replacing Tifa dying instead of Aeris and that leads her to Spira to see her friends.
<_< Hai. ^^ Yes, I am like Juliet. Cloti and Clerith. Though, I'll point out here that I'm more of a Zarith fan (Zack - Aerith) leaving room for Cloti-goodness.

I love AC because of the whole Tifa/Cloud looking after Marlene and Denzel thing. ^^; It's adorable. Tifa and Cloud have an unspoken love I think. They both know it's there, no matter how people try to shrug it off as "he loves her like a sister" blah blah... stfu weirdos. <_<

yeah I love the subtleness of their relationship so important yet unspoken. They know each other perfectly and I love that about them
You don't need to speak love, to know that you share it with that other person after all ^^;

It is subtle and I think that's what I adore about it. It's not whacked over your head like other couples are. It's untainted. ^^ And underrated.
^^You guys are both right on it. The whole unspoken yet deep feelings between Cloud and Tifa gives me the bittersweet vibe. I'm a sucker for bittersweet, subtle romance. I don't think anyone has ever characterized CloTi as bittersweet? But that's just how I feel about CloTi; while Zerith is like milk chocolate, CloTi is like dark chocolate to me. :wacky: ... I' not good with analogies. I use to hate dark chocolates. :wacky:
excellent analogy! Zerith could be white chocolate too.
wow haven't realized we reached 60 pages! we are probably the most active Cloti club in a while.
Dark Chocolate is my favorite. Hm, that explains it, haha. So, what's the Clerith chocolate? XD It's a completely innocent question, too. :)
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