Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Meh, nothing to say, just wanted to share this pic I saw on DeviantArt
__003_Light___by_Cloud_x_Tifa_Club.jpg (in case the image doesn't show up >__<)

It's probably the background, but it makes me think of Kingdom Hearts, especially with how Tifa is surrounded by the light. So even in the non-canon game in respect to the FF characters who also have very little do do with the actual game story, people can still see the potential of a relationship between the two xD
Ayy. That's sweet. My only that Cloud is such a...girl. o_O *ducks*

But it's cute. ^_~
Aww, that sketch looks so cute! Are you going to post it in the Artist Cafe? And I'm loving the picture above as well; it really does remind you of Kingdom Hearts, doesn't it?
Chinnnn..... The chin needs blunting, and Cloud's head should be shifted down and right to be properly situated (neck's too long and a smidge too thick as is), but Tifa is drawn quite nicely.
So here is a situation I want you all to imagine. What if Cloud and Tifa accidentally swapped bodies - like in Freaky Friday? What could you see them doing for the day? I could totally see them doing the whole banging-into-one-another-to-be-themselves-again thing. :wacky:
lolwut? xD

I never saw Freaky Friday, but I get the whole body-swapping premise; it's been done a lot of times before that movie came out :P

Anyways, I suppose they'll probably be trying to figure out how to get back into their own bodies, unless they already know it's just for a short time (however that works o_O)

But it would be funny to see Cloud-in-Tifa acting emo-ish and Tifa-in-Cloud trying to to keep things positive, with the whole effiminate gestures to boot (hands on hips, etc). It would be lulzy to see Tifa-in-Cloud telling Cloud-in-Tifa off for being a coward or whatever xD

More hilarious would be when they have to take showers or whatever. I bet they'd both be too embaressed to keep their eyes opened xD

Of course, I suppose if they both might look at the scars on the other's body; it might make them feel humble of one another I suppose *shrugs*

And on the basis that the two are in a relationship, probably more fucked up then funny would be if Tifa was pregnant and that's how Cloud figured it out; he felt the baby in "his" body o_O

And another pic

lolwut?????? xD

But it would be funny to see Cloud-in-Tifa acting emo-ish and Tifa-in-Cloud trying to to keep things positive, with the whole effiminate gestures to boot (hands on hips, etc). It would be lulzy to see Tifa-in-Cloud telling Cloud-in-Tifa off for being a coward or whatever xD

You know, that just got me LULZING at the image of Tifa-in-Cloud acting all 'motherly'. AHAHAhAHahHARRR On a side note though, I don't believe the real chocobohead is an emo. Emo Cloud is a no no for me.

I can imagine Tifa-in-Cloud telling Cloud-in-Tifa, don't touch my boobies(!)
I can imagine Tifa-in-Cloud telling Cloud-in-Tifa, don't touch my boobies(!)
Me, too! And he would reply saying, "Don't touch meh hairy chest!" if he even has any. But also, he wouldn't want her to touch his sword since it's like his most prized possession. :wacky:
Me, too! And he would reply saying, "Don't touch meh hairy chest!" if he even has any. But also, he wouldn't want her to touch his sword since it's like his most prized possession. :wacky:

I thought it was the fenrir? :wacky:

Oh, but that's another idea. I want to see Cloud take the back seat. We'll see Tifa touch Cloud's shoulder, riding behind him in ACC, but in your scenario, maybe we can see Tifa or Cloud-in-Tifa riding the fenrir? Me likes the idea.

Or do you think any other guys would try to flirt with Tifa? Tifa's an attractive women. If Cloud and Tifa aren't in a romantic relationship, wouldn't any other guys be interested in her? And if they switched bodies, what would be Cloud's reaction? lolololol
No no, not his sword, Aries, 'his sword'.

I, for one, expect hilarious lulz.

If someone was hitting on Tifa, I expect swift swordy death to meet him. Unless it was a her. Then Cloud would be torn.
You just got this really funny picture in my head - Cloud-in-Tifa having to contend with Reno flirting with her. It's hawt and funny for Tifa's thoughts, anyway. :P
Oh, did I missed thee...joke. :wacky:

FF is all about love triangles. I haven't really thought about it, but it is revealed that Rude had a crush on Tifa, I guess Reno too? Some people I find, do like the idea of Reno and Tifa together.
Truthfully, I don't get why there's so many Reno/Tifa fanfics. Rude/Tifa makes sense since he says in the game his type is Tifa, but Reno? Like, yeah, he's hawt, but that's really it :/

The ONLY thing I can think of is that in AC, Reno calls Tifa's bar, and when she picks up, she uses his end phrase of "yo" back at him with some amusement, so there's that, maybe >_>

Love triangles, heh, I guess they are all over the place.

Although I'm rather amiable to three-ways lately for some reason :monster:


It's very ooc to me, but it still looks really cute xD
I am a die-hard Cloti fan so I hate to pair Tifa with other men,but I would like to see some guys hitting on her! I want to see Cloud insecure,he doesn't realize how beautiful his woman really is.
Maybe we'd seen an insecure Cloud if Tifa got really sick with a life-threatening disease or something like that. He wouldn't be insecure about other men; he'd be scared that she'd be dying or something. I could picture him refusing to leave her bedside or something like that.
Yeah, I agree. After losing Zack and Aerith, just the THOUGHT of Tifa being lost would really undo him D=

Although there's sort of that absurdity with video games; what can't a good ol' remedy fix, eh? xD
that's the reason why he wants to protect Tifa and the children,they mean the world to him now,and I am sure he won't lose them this time.
I want a happy ending with some cloti babies!xD two or three would be a good number.
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