Dirge of Cerberus Lucrecia


Apr 6, 2007
United Kingdom
I recognise the name from the FFVII game , plus i read she plays a role in Crisis Core, but may i ask, who is Lucrecia, and what is the her in the whole FFVII story? I just dont seem to get it at the moment.

Lucrecia is the mother of Sephiroth who Vincent was in love with but because of her accidental involvement in his father's death, Grimoire. She deicdes to start a relationship with Hojo, she falls pregnant with Sephiroth and both scientists decide to inject the unborn baby with Jenova cells. Making the invincible Sephiroth. Due to what the Jenova cells did to her body and mind and her guilt over her baby's experimental use, she decided to encase herself in Crystallis.. While alive though she witnesses the shooting of Vincent by Hojo and uses Chaos to bring him back to life and this causes him to have the power he has in FFVII. In DoC Vincent sees Lucrecia through his conscience and a holographic image were she informs she is sorry for what happened to him and that she was indeed in love with him too.
Franki-Chan thanks, thats a huge help, jus a quick question about that. Is it ever explained how Vincents father died?

Yes they were doing an experiment with Omega, since Lucrecia was his apprentice, the experiment exploded and it was heading towards Lucrecia, Grimoire pushed her out of the way and it hit him instead, he died in her arms ( he exploded in a sort of Kadaj fashion near the end of AC) but Vincent never blamed her for his farher's death nor did his father.
How Did Lucrecia Crescent die? someone please tell mee!

i've been wondering for a while, how did she die?
it doesn't really say in the game!
can someone please tell me coz i've been wondering for ages now.

I merged your thread with the other Lucrecia. Next time, please check if there is a thread on the subject you are asking about, thank you.
Still no answer regarding this question..? I'm also curious to know how Lucrecia died..
She's not so much dead, she's in crysallis. She encased herself because of her guilt, she didn't want to face the world anymore. Her body and mind were too worn out. No I'm sure she's not dead, just dormant.
Still no answer regarding this question..? I'm also curious to know how Lucrecia died..

Lucrecia didn't die. You'd know that if you'd played VII.

She's not so much dead, she's in crysallis. She encased herself because of her guilt, she didn't want to face the world anymore. Her body and mind were too worn out. No I'm sure she's not dead, just dormant.

Yep. Basically she did the same thing Sephiroth did. She's not exactly dormant either, she talks to Vincent in VII behind the waterfall when you go in search of his gun Death Penalty and final limit break.
I recognise the name from the FFVII game , plus i read she plays a role in Crisis Core, but may i ask, who is Lucrecia, and what is the her in the whole FFVII story? I just dont seem to get it at the moment.


She's a Shinra scientist that was researching Jenova. She worked with Vincents father resaercing Chaos and Omega. She's the reason Vincent has chaos in him. She's is also someone Vincent fell in love with.
hold up a sec! i thought she waz dead. in doc she comes to vincent n her holographic state or whatever and says that the real her "crumbled" away along time ago... if shes alive, how come vincent doesnt break her out of the crystal and b happy for once?
Because if Vincent was happy all the fangirls would stop fawning over him and FF7 would lose 90% of its fanbase.

On a less spammy note, I think Vincent didn't break her out because she didn't want to be broken out and he didn't want her to be unhappy.
she must b crazy... she has a smexy guy head over heels for her and instead of being with him she decides she'd rather lock herself in a crystal for all eternity over something that happened 30 years ago...

oh well i no there r lots of meanings n it, but seriously she really must b crazy :)
i guess so lol if i were her i'd b out of that crystal and into vinnie's arms in a sec..or mayb clouds...hmmm.....
Because if Vincent was happy all the fangirls would stop fawning over him and FF7 would lose 90% of its fanbase.

Truthiest thing I've heard on these forums in a long time :monster:

she must b crazy... she has a smexy guy head over heels for her and instead of being with him she decides she'd rather lock herself in a crystal for all eternity over something that happened 30 years ago...

oh well i no there r lots of meanings n it, but seriously she really must b crazy :)

IMO, Vincent was way hotter as a Turk before he was turned into an emo monster.

When he speaks to Lucrecia in the cave in VII, her physical body is still in the crystal and it's more or less a projection of her spirit talking to him. She's likely unable to leave the crystal. Some script while she's talking to Vinny:

"I wanted to disappear... I couldn't be with anyone... I wanted
to die..."
"But the Jenova inside me wouldn't let me die..."

So we see her blatantly say she couldn't be with anyone. One can gather from this that she probably would have liked to return to Vincent or find a new man, but couldn't likely due to guilt. Moar script, this time asking about Sephi:

"I heard that he died five years ago. But I see him in my dreams
so often..."
"And I know that physically, like myself, he can't die so easily.
"Please, Vincent, tell me......"

Gathering from this part and the previous, it's obvious to see the Jenova cells and chrysalis are keeping her alive, much like how Sephi was kept alive in the Great Crater. So, it's likely she can't leave the chrysalis, maybe because her body would be too week or the Jenova cells would take over, who knows. Or maybe she's just being emo and is banishing herself to the crystal like Vince banned himself to the coffin.

i guess so lol if i were her i'd b out of that crystal and into vinnie's arms in a sec..or mayb clouds...hmmm.....
I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, Cloud is too mentally unstable to have a relationship with anyone.
LOL poor Cloud!!!

But I do agree, who would not want Vincent?? And I shall never stop fawning over this completely fictional guy, I'm doomed to eternal fangirl sadness...^_^

Ok back to topic. I'm really not sure what Lucrecia's feelings for Vincent are or were, I actually get the impression that it was more platonic in her eyes. Esp before she went to Hojo *shudders*, it was almost like she strung Vince along a bit. Grrrr...
Ok back to topic. I'm really not sure what Lucrecia's feelings for Vincent are or were, I actually get the impression that it was more platonic in her eyes. Esp before she went to Hojo *shudders*, it was almost like she strung Vince along a bit. Grrrr...

Yeah, I'm actually unsure of that as well...I'm not sure her feelings were ever clarified. If they were I totally missed them. But I agree, it kinda looks like she just led him on and then dumped him for the mad scientist.
in the ultimania guidebook it says that hojo and lucrecia actually got married.. i always thought she just slept with him
I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, Cloud is too mentally unstable to have a relationship with anyone.

I lol'd

I also think that Vincent is too mentally unstable to be with anyone aswel, Im actually suprised he didn't banish his cofin to her cave instead of the Shinra mansion

Is she ever likely to die though? Will she fade away completely eventually or just fester in that cave forever? And what about Vincent, considering he locked himself a way for a good 30 odd years he sure has aged well...:huh:
in the ultimania guidebook it says that hojo and lucrecia actually got married.. i always thought she just slept with him

Dear God, the crazy crazy woman!!! Why the hell would you want that all over you when there's a cute guy right next to you?!?!

I also think that Vincent is too mentally unstable to be with anyone aswel, Im actually suprised he didn't banish his cofin to her cave instead of the Shinra mansion

Is she ever likely to die though? Will she fade away completely eventually or just fester in that cave forever? And what about Vincent, considering he locked himself a way for a good 30 odd years he sure has aged well...

I think that he might have done at some point- he was going to sleep in Shinra mansion and Hojo sneakily locked the door, probably so that he couldn't change his mind and pack up his coffin to go to the cave. But I agree, perhaps a combination of benig heartbroken and being experimented on by both Lucrecia and Hojo did warp his mind quite a bit. Still, he seemed quite normal after the original game:)

Yay for being immortal! Vincent will probably always look 27 because of the experiments that made him indestructable, and Lucrecia probably won't move from her cave, yuck!

Ok I'm going to get a life now...:wacky: