Magus Sisters vs. Sephiroth

Who would win?

  • The Dark Magus Sisters

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Sephiroth

    Votes: 19 76.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 6, 2006
In your opinion, who do you think would win in a battle? The Dark Magus Sisters or is it Sephiroth? You decide. You vote.
Yes. I can remeber all those times the dark magus sisters very nearly wiped out the world with giant metors and overtook th will of a powerful alien entityand created a sort of cancer, while sephirothe just sat there, having his power divided three ways. Let's face it: Sephiroth NEVER wins these things.

You can almost TASTE the sarcasm.
Psh, he only did all that because the Dark Magus Sisters weren't there.
if its saifer sephy kh sephy then its him the winner becuz saifer sephy is so strong and kh sephy has sin harvest
but if sephy is the normal one then dark magus sisters r the winners
btw saifer sephy and kh sephy can crush the dark magus sisters in one blow
Besides all of that, The MAgus Siters have a weakness that Spephiroth Does Not: Bug Spray
Sephiroth would cut them all to pieces. If he use his sword and a Bg Spray then the Magus Sisters are no match for him. Also Yuna, Riku and Pain defeated this Trio in FFX-2, so if they defeated the Magus Sisters, then what would Sephyroth do to them?
Sephiroth Can just cast SuperNova and the magus sisters die!
What can Magus Sisters do againest SuperNova anyways
Sephiroth is still King of all Gods. He's the One Winged Angel! And he never dies, just dispears back into the lifestream, which is why he can come back. Magus sisters, pshaw. It's takes 3 of tehm and it takes just one Sephiroth. And that damn supernova attack...

That's all it takes, whoosh. Dead. Why else do you think Sephiroth is a National Icon? (And if not, he SHOULD be!)
i get the point already!

Yeah, well this thread isn't devoted to you, so if someone gives their opinion, you don't necessarily have to comment.

Sephiroth would win. Why? I never tire of repeating this: Sephiroth is eternal. Sephiroth exists with the Jenova cells, and they run through the life stream. Consequently, the only way to rid the world of Sephiroth would be to terminate the planet.

As much as I love the sisters, they don't stand a chance against an immortal entity.
Yes. I can remeber all those times the dark magus sisters very nearly wiped out the world with giant metors and overtook th will of a powerful alien entityand created a sort of cancer, while sephirothe just sat there, having his power divided three ways. Let's face it: Sephiroth NEVER wins these things.

You can almost TASTE the sarcasm.
Right on, Brother! Sephiroth would totally ownage the magus sisters. Why? Because he never dies.
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Easily Sephiroth because his meteor come for A galaxy far far away and it goes trough Neptune, Venus, Mars, etc... and hit on the small Earth.