Maiden of the Planet - An Aerith Fanclub

My favorite line is when she says "You came for me, that's all that matters," in AC

At least I think it's something like that. It just moved me so damn much >__<
This topic deserves some laughs. I want to join the Aerith fanclub.


Well, welcome.

My favorite line would be.........
"This guy are sick"
lmao, I like Aerith and all. But man did that give me some major laughs!

Nah, but seriously my favorite line is the part where Aerith says
"I'm so sorry!" to the guy thats fallowing her in Don's mansion and she kicks in the jibblits.



Well, welcome.

My favorite line would be.........
"This guy are sick"
lmao, I like Aerith and all. But man did that give me some major laughs!

Nah, but seriously my favorite line is the part where Aerith says
"I'm so sorry!" to the guy thats fallowing her in Don's mansion and she kicks in the jibblits.


Ahh yes I recall that line rather well. "This guy are sick." I could not stop laughing when I read that the first time.

I don't remember the second example though. I don't remember Aerith kicking anyone in the nadgers. I would like to see a video of this.
I've always love that scene, he jst slowly rolls down the stairs haha!

Well, it took me a while. But I finally found it.

Go to the time of about 10 minutes.

Hey thanks for that. I don't know if it's just me but I think Aerith shoved the guy. Aerith is too nice to purposely hurt a man in the worst area and then make him suffer a flight of stairs. That's just me.

Also, how do I permanently change my text? I went to my options in the control panel and I put "Book Antiqua" into the font editor thing. My font still shows up as Verdana. Can someone help me?
Hey thanks for that. I don't know if it's just me but I think Aerith shoved the guy. Aerith is too nice to purposely hurt a man in the worst area and then make him suffer a flight of stairs. That's just me.

Yea, I didn't think she kicked him either. But either way, it is funny seeing her defend herself then say sorry.
I'm not sure how to fix the font. I'm sorry :(
^ It's okay thanks. But yea I laughed quite a bit at that scene. I also found it funny that Aerith minded her manners when she was in danger.
Lol Hilarity! My favourite Aerith line? Anything from her exchange with Cloud after he walks her home from the Turks. Back when I first played FFVII I was too young to see the subtle flirtation in the way she teased him, but now it makes me smile. Little wench! Another line I love is "I'll come back when it's all over" in the Sleeping Forest. Every time I replay that I'm like NO, NO YOU WON'T *wail* In Crisis Core I like hearing her speak about her dream of covering Midgar in flowers. Most of her lines in AC are out due to the fact that I can't stand her voice actress, but switch to Japanese and the most unremarkable phrase sounds heavenly.

Atma said:
Demaris, we seem to be following each other's trail as of late. I figured I would find you hiding here.
I was luring you here lol. :PSomehow I knew you would join. I love loads of characters from FF but this is the only fanclub I joined.
Lol Hilarity! My favourite Aerith line? Anything from her exchange with Cloud after he walks her home from the Turks. Back when I first played FFVII I was too young to see the subtle flirtation in the way she teased him, but now it makes me smile. Little wench! Another line I love is "I'll come back when it's all over" in the Sleeping Forest. Every time I replay that I'm like NO, NO YOU WON'T *wail* In Crisis Core I like hearing her speak about her dream of covering Midgar in flowers. Most of her lines in AC are out due to the fact that I can't stand her voice actress, but switch to Japanese and the most unremarkable phrase sounds heavenly.

I was luring you here lol. :PSomehow I knew you would join. I love loads of characters from FF but this is the only fanclub I joined.

Yeah, I love when she speaks of her dreams. One thing Aerith has is her dreams. Even in death, she makes them a reality.

I see! You're clever, darling. I love how you took advantage of my fragile side. It makes me feel great that I can rely on such a strong willed girl. I have to say, this place is much better than I thought. I'm staying here and nowhere else. Hooray!!

I can't believe people are actually saying Aerith is useless to the story.

I can't even start to understand how that can be said.....
The point wasn't that Aerith was useless to the story, the point was the story could go on without her.

I love Aerith, and I would never want her to be discluded. :< There is so much that we would miss out on in FFVII, if she weren't included for the time that she was. We got to see the great parts of her personality that captured so many people for the short amount of time she was living in FFVII. Plus, her death is one of the most tragic.

But celes, the story can't go on without her.:sad: She is the reason why the Lifestream saved the planet from meteor in the first place.:sorry:

The story could go on without her my foot! What story? What Planet for that matter? Cause there wouldn't be one left! Who cares if Cloud remembered he was just a nobody in his youth, none of them would exist anyway lol. Dead people ftw! And in Advent Children, again a certain dead girl who the story could go on without managed to sort out the insignificant matter of Geostigma, the disease that was not only killing Cloud and quite a few little kids, but the very Planet. If it wasn't for her, no Cloud (or anyone else infected) and eventually no Planet. And on a more personal level, she helped alleviate Cloud's negative state of mind. I wouldn't like to think how the story would pan out without her, but at least you would have cheesy speeches and pretty fight scenes I suppose. Believe what you want about who Cloud loved, but the story was monumentally bigger than Cloud, and Aerith's role was bigger than just love interest. Downplaying her role to nothing just makes you look ignorant, not to mention bitter. SE sure like including her in things when she should be gone, just like anyone else who is dead. Strange for a non pivotal character.
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Excuse me Demaris, but the only one who seems ignorant is you, for personally attacking me for my own opinion. I adore Aerith, and FFVII wouldn't be the same without her. Furthermore, I'm not going to dignify you with a response because
1.You were rude.
2.It's off-topic, really.

I like Aerith, so there is no reason for me to downplay her character, which I never did. Likewise, I never mentioned Cloud's love interest, not even once. And I have low tolerance for comments like yours.

And Cali, what I meant was if Aerith was never created, there would be some other way to fill those gaps, obviously. The story would be different. I'm not trying to tell you how the story would be without her, but rather that it could be. Any character could be replaced, really. Aerith, Tifa, Cloud, Yuffie. All in all, NO character should be left out IMO, because all of them are amazing.
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I'm also sorry Celes, but you were not the one who was downplaying her importance in the thread anyway. That response was more for the "Holy didn't work lolz, Aeries is useless" brigade and I have little tolerance for that. The thread was turning into an LT debate again, and my post was not directed at you as you weren't the one who started it up.

Oh and I wouldn't say any of those characters could be replaced....but you could take out Yuffie and there wouldn't be any changes. I never got her.
Forgiven. :P

Anyway, I never got Vincent during my first play through, and I never really liked his character much at all. When DoC came out, I kind of had a "WTF" moment, because I thought he was rather pointless.

I liked things like Maiden, that explained more of Aerith's feelings- I wish we could see more of that in a game or movie.
Yes if people want to say that Vincent is pointless I will concur. I hate him. He gets his own game? Why? Where is my Barret and Cid game? I even hated Cloud in KH1 for the sole reason that his cape resembled Vincent's. Cloud and co could have destroyed those pathetic DoC antagonists, no need for vampire boy to get the spotlight.

Anyways, I did not like Maiden very much. I know a Cloud/Aerith fan who doesn't like Maiden is pretty rare, but I'm not fond of it's portrayal of the Afterlife. Instead of becoming one with the Planet you just kinda float there until some undead Angel of mercy comes to help you? It's not the impression the game gave me. I understand Aerith is special but what the Hell is with Zack? Why is he still hanging around AC timeline? I'm a bit confused about it now.

There was something about Aerith in the novella that was just not her, I can't put my finger on it, I know it wasn't written by SE but I can write Aerith in character. Tifa convinced me thoroughly in hers, and even though Denzel irritates me he was in character too. I didn't like her thoughts on her and Cloud, being seen as lovers or family, Aerith would never have said that O_O Why didn't she say these things to Cloud in AC? About waiting in their Promised Land? Gah!
There was something about Aerith in the novella that was just not her, I can't put my finger on it, I know it wasn't written by SE but I can write Aerith in character. Tifa convinced me thoroughly in hers, and even though Denzel irritates me he was in character too. I didn't like her thoughts on her and Cloud, being seen as lovers or family, Aerith would never have said that O_O Why didn't she say these things to Cloud in AC? About waiting in their Promised Land? Gah

Well, I don't consider Maiden canon and I have noticed a lot of it's inconsistencies. And it's rare for a Cloud/Tifa fan to actually like Maiden, lol. I really liked it besides Aerith's interaction with Zack, because that part made no sense to me. That's the part I felt was "not her" since she seemed like she was being stuck-up and didn't know that Zack was dead, even. Otherwise, I think her personality was portrayed in a pretty stunning way. I think what Maiden was supposed to be, was just a fan side-story... an interpretation of her character. Which is why they don't include it in recent Ultimania's or in Aerith's profiles, imho.
I totally agree with you. Aerith's personality in AC didn't match with the Maiden personality at all. xD

Yes if people want to say that Vincent is pointless I will concur. I hate him. He gets his own game? Why? Where is my Barret and Cid game? I even hated Cloud in KH1 for the sole reason that his cape resembled Vincent's. Cloud and co could have destroyed those pathetic DoC antagonists, no need for vampire boy to get the spotlight.

Again, I totally agree. Vincent barely has any personality to me, so it's hard for me to even try and like him. Like you, I wished other minor characters got more spot-light. I'm glad Reeve did, at least. He's always been one of my favorites. <3 And as for KH1, I never understood that either! For some reason Cloud has Vincent's hand? What? xD

I understand Aerith is special but what the Hell is with Zack? Why is he still hanging around AC timeline? I'm a bit confused about it now.

Well, Aerith is the one who awakened Zack. So I think that's why. XP
