Maiden of the Planet - An Aerith Fanclub

Well, the way I see it, Vincent does hold his amount of importance. His story reflects the past and the history that leads to the main game. In order to understand the main game, one has to consider the large pictures and even the outside of the frame. I'm not a Final Fantasy "fan" and much less one of part 7; however, I do appreciate the series. While I have only played FF7 once and will never touch it again, I understand the significance of all the characters. It's true that some characters are rather trivial in the main story.... That does not excuse their role in the big picture, so to speak. Obviously, if you claim to be a fan of anything, you have to fully understand the value of that object/noun/etc. down to the dregs. Calling yourself a fanatic would be irrelevant if not.

And Cali, what I meant was if Aerith was never created, there would be some other way to fill those gaps, obviously. The story would be different. I'm not trying to tell you how the story would be without her, but rather that it could be. Any character could be replaced, really. Aerith, Tifa, Cloud, Yuffie. All in all, NO character should be left out IMO, because all of them are amazing.

Well, yea. But it would be Aerith's storyline under a different character name.
If you change Aerith into a guy named Billy, Billy's (Aerith) story is still ultra important to the plot of the game. I'm not trying to say that Aerith herself is important, but that her story / life / information is important. And those things wouldn't change if you made Aerith into an other person.

I was under the impression that everyone was talking about how Aerith -including her story- didn't have to exist. And that her -and story- was useless to the plot of the game.

Which she isn't.
