
ive beaten all of them including that pain in the butt yiazmant. i dnt recall tiament, but i must have beaten him so just get a few levels higher than him, have good weapons and good bit of magic, and kick butt XD
This time around, the only mark I have yet to beat is Yiazmat.
I'm at level 75-85 with everyone, so I'm a high enough level and my equipment is all in order, I'm just way too lazy to go do it.
yiazmant is probably moreso what I meant. XD. Sorry.

Hrmmm, but, yeah....pretty sure that I can beat him I am in the Mid 80's now. Just don't know how to unlock him. =/.
u mean how to get him 2 show up? well u have to complete all of the other hunts, u must defeat the hellwrym boss, and u must have finished the storyline in the pharos at ridorna. then, when thats done, go see montblanc to sign up for the hunt, and fly back to the ridorna cataract colisium and fight a VERY long fight lol
I have defeated 8 and stuck on 9 my party is lvl 30 around and still fighting the Gil Snapper :)

lots of fun

Most of my party are 31-33.

I'm still trying to get to gil snapper. How many trees do you have to chop down to get across the river?

I'm confident I can beat it, as I defeated Judge Bergan with one go.
I can't remember how many trees there are, 6 or 7 I think.

On my last game I had just defeated the Trickster, I was lvl 46 and it took a while but I brought him down. I decided to start my game again, so I've just finished Ixtab and I'm on my way to Paramina Rift (yeah usually you do Ixtab after the Stiltshrine, but I was feeling lucky ^^).

But my mum is still on her first game. She defeated Gilgamesh appearance 2 at lvl 55, I couldn't believe it!! I thought I was seeing things, a 46 year old woman, my mum of all people, brought down Gilgamesh at that lvl. I take my hat off to her^_^

Right now she's on her way through the Subterra to find Ixion and the Seer.
wow i dnt think my mom could do that lol uve got a long ways to go tho. it took me nearly a year to finish everything, and i only finished a few weeks ago. the last thing i did waz beat the omega mark at level 99 and 98 with my characters, and then i went and got the wyrmhero blade. kinda pointless tho, to give you that sword after u'd beaten everything. i could have really used it on yiazment >_<
I've noticed some of you are going off topic. Let's stay on topic. The question was how many marks do you have and best levels to beat certain hunts at.
I've completed all Hunts and Marks. To be honest, 90% of them were easy and boring. The only ones I consider to be fun are the Gilgamesh fights, Fafnir, Behemoth King and Yiazmat. I only did this sidequest once I completed the Pharos, because they disrupted the flow of the main storyline.
He isn't too hard. You just need to cast Arise often, since he combos you at a great rate (4 hits+ would kill a single person)
Lv 55+ would be recommended.
My main party are all 53+, with Bubble belts. It's just going to take some trial and error, they're capable of taking alot of damage, it's the status effects which cause the most trouble.

Clash on the big bridge is such a good theme, also.
As long as you have gambit to heal those Status effects.
Make sure you aren't affected by his Lv-spells. The sleep one is rather annoying. As is the disable one.
I've defeated all marks except Yiazmat. I'm still debating whether or not to actually fight him.

The only ones I consider to be fun are the Gilgamesh fights, Fafnir, Behemoth King and Yiazmat.

I actually thought the Behemoth King fight was kind of boring. It really wasn't that challenging once you got his pattern down. And it was extremely long. The worst part is the first time I fought him, I had him down to less than a third of his HP and my brother accidentally unplugged the PS2. >_<
I beat Gilgamesh with my third try. The battle took a while, but I killed Endiku first and then concentrated on Gilgamesh himself. The status effects weren't that annoying, sleep only successfully worked on a few party members once, and disable only worked on Balthier, even though no-one had items to protect against it. Odd.
I didn't manage to steal any items from him, though.
If you didn't steal any items, then you have missed your chance to retrieve 2 rare pieces of armor unique to that fight. The Genji Armour is actually useful.

Behemoth King wasn't that long. I beat him in 35 mins.