
If you didn't steal any items, then you have missed your chance to retrieve 2 rare pieces of armor unique to that fight. The Genji Armour is actually useful.

Behemoth King wasn't that long. I beat him in 35 mins.

Yeah, shame. Does Masamune have an increased rate of combos?
The Masamune has the highest combo rate compared to any other weapon. (An exception being Wyrmhero Blade)

If paired with Genji gloves, the combo rate reaches 40%. If that character is also berserked and at critical health, the combo rate is 100%. As you can see, it's quite deadly. Unfortunately for you, only the Genji gloves allow it to reach 100%. Without them, you reach a maximum of 40%.
I actually thought the Behemoth King fight was kind of boring. It really wasn't that challenging once you got his pattern down. And it was extremely long. The worst part is the first time I fought him, I had him down to less than a third of his HP and my brother accidentally unplugged the PS2. >_<

That HAS to suck. Hahaha. I remember Behemoth King. He wasn't diffulcult. Just stay back and have Holy absorbing armour or thunder absorbing and you're fine, really. =).

Use bows, guns, or crossbows. Then when he had his physical shield on just bust out the staves or rods and cast magic. lol.