Crisis Core Missions


Apr 3, 2008
The Slums
Just wondering. When you guys get new missions, do you complete them all there? Or do you play the story a bit more, then periodically take down the missions?
I've been doing the periodically, simply because I'm so stuck on the storyline I find missions distracting, even though they are necessary to get levelled up properly. Darn. :mad:
I'm not that far in the game, but considering I've leveled up like twice in the normal story bits, and like 20 times in mission mode, I'd say I'm not entirely going periodically :P Though its making the story bits pretty easy.
I do the missions whenever i hit a point in the game i just get stuck or when i decide to level up.
I do the missions when it says "Normal" or less, It's not that I can't beat the Hard ones or something like that, I just wanna beat as fast as I can.
I beat all missions until they say "Very Hard" and they indeed are very hard (There are some very hard missions easier than some hard missions, IF you are well equipped, :))

However, the story turns too easy... (I am level 42-45 and I kill the enemies with less than 5 hits (non-critical)... besides, even if I get hit, they don't take any over 1000-2000, and I have over 27000 Hp, so well... it is kinda um... un-fun, XD It is, however, a great game
I'm like Pistol. I take care of all of the "Normal" missions and wait till the "Hard" missions get easier. It annoys me sometimes, its so repetative. The missions need a little more variety to them, instead of "kill this monster" to complete missions. But I can't complain too much, it's the best FFVII spin-off at this point.
i seemed to like doing the some times.. of course their was that odd time were i dreaded seeing "new mission"..
everytime a story plot starts i do all the missions available regardless of difficulty..
OMFG Minerva and 1000 soldiers are soo long.. I finished them though :)
honestly 1000 soldiers is a lot more than i thought
I did the missions whenever I wanted to level up or get some new materia. After a while though, the missions became so boring that I just decided to play the storyline, and forget about them, and so I finished the game today. I was going to back and play some more of the missions, but the ending has me not wanting to touch the game again.. Just warning you guys, its 10x harder to watch when you've become so attatched to the character :(
i do some of the story and then i do all of the missions in a specific mission category like "ending the war with Wutai". i usually do all of the missions there until i cant do anymore and then i move on to one more and finish that then i continue the story.^^
I'm like 73% and I'm not having a hard time, but still haven't tried 1000 soldiers (I know how long it is) and haven't reached Minerva, :)
I killed all 9 of them with a single quake, but still it was d*mn long... took me like an hout to get all of them... Grrrr...

BTW, now I'm like 91% and level 71
I do them periodically, although I just did over ten missions consecutively. I'm only level 10 right now, and so far it says I have 4% in the missions. I was able to beat a Very Hard mission (Shinra Elcectric Power Company > Peacekeeping Troops) and now I just need the Last Challenge, which I'm assuming will be very hard...but I don't know, they all seem pretty simple to me. =/
I usually try to complete every mission with a "hard" difficulty or lower at every chance I get, then after that continue on with the story.
Gah, I find that missions are a bit overwhelming after you go through only half-an-hour through the storyline. They pile up like crazy!!!

And I take back what I said earlier. Very Hard challenges are indeed that - very hard! I'm currently at 13% so far. I've unlocked 9 out of the 10 categories...I'm missing the one right before "Mysteries of the World". how to get that...
that will be opened much further in the game that's where you find... *looks at username* yeah, minerva (at the very end)

And, anyways, missions are what make the game even worthier, thus having you playing for a way longer time... However, repeating maps are NOT cool, :P

Lastly, I beat the game on 81, and it was a piece of cake, XD :P

Even Minerva *looks at username* wasn't really a match, :P

Oh and regarding the number, I think it's 300 missions, :)
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Its nice to finish all the missions you can before continuing the story, you still only get some missions during the story so you will never be able to finish them all till late in the game.
Yeah, the very hard missions are a tad of a nuisance, but as it's been proven, it's great for levels and treasures. And I never worry about story monsters killing me. For me, I'll accept the result if the challenge is too simple or too difficult. If I don't go all out the second time through, assuming I die before, I go straight to story mode.