GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

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Hi! ^_^

I'd love a new Cloud signature for my new account here, and I really like the other work you've done sooo..

How about one from this image?



P.S. Grunge would be more favorable than sparkly.
Ok, here's my try:


I think that's grungy enough. =/ I've never really tried my hands on grungy signatures, so if you want anything changed, please let me know. =]
Ok, here's my try:


I think that's grungy enough. =/ I've never really tried my hands on grungy signatures, so if you want anything changed, please let me know. =]

Wow, thats incredible, thank you! One thing though, can you lighten up his eyes just a tad? Perhaps a white brush with overlay and a 50% opacity? (Sorry Im without Photoshop or I'd do it myself). AND just a "Sharpen" to the whole thing once? Just to match it to my avatar. ^_^

And by his shoulder, if you could just add "Cloud", it'd be perfect.

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Sure thing. It's not very much lightened, but it was kinda hard doing it with the brush so I just duplicated the image layer and erased the unnecessary parts.

Hello Mitsuki! i was wondering if you could do anything with the image in my avatar? edit it for the avatar or even try and do a sig with it please ^^
Hiya Mitsuki. Think you could make a sig and avatar set out of this pic for me?



Size: Experiment. Whatever looks best to you, something a little more than 100x100 would be nice though.

Text: None.


Size: Same as with avatar, whatever size is best for the sig.

Text: Just my name. SSBMASTER (not yelling or saying to make it big, just figured it would look best in all capital letters, but not too big, since that would distract from the actual sig).

If you could make those for me, please and thank you, I would really appreciate it, I don't usually go a really long time with the same avatar/signature, so if you could, that would be great.

I've seen the work you've done, and am impressed, I really look forward to seeing what you do with this, even if it is a little different than what you've done. :P
Hey mitsuki...
Would you be able to make me a avatar.. along the theme of my sig.. i know there a set but i find the avatar kinda boring now.. thanx alot for the time if you can :)
You should provide a pic...without one she has nothing to work on, and if she just gets one from off the Internet somewhere, it might not be to your liking.

It may well be, but it is good to come with a pic to provide when requesting an avatar and/or sig. :wink:
Yes, providing a picture would be helpful, please. =]

And be honest the image is not really that great of a quality. =/ Is there a better picture of that somewhere...? If not, I suppose I can work with it but I can guarantee you that it will not be the best. =[ And please give me a few days for this, thanks.
Well, it is one of my Brawl Snapshots, it is one and only I'm afraid... Now to decide whether to accept less than top quality to have that pic used, or use a higher quality pic. :/

Which do you think would be better? Does it really lack a lot of quality, or just a bit?
The picture itself is already too bright, especially the sword part since it also somewhat blocks his face. I would honestly prefer to work with a better quality pic, but if it's not possible, I can try and see what I can come up with this one. It's not too bad of a quality, but it could've been better and smoother. =/ Anyway, it's worth a try.
Well, if it's that much of a problem, would it be better without the sword? And I could take the snapshot in a darker stage (that is just about the brightest one (Hyrule). :/).
Yeah that would be great, but I will still give this one a try anyway and I can present you with two different versions.
Alright, I'll go work on taking another snapshot now, and will edit it into this once I have it. Thanks for your time, sorry that pic isn't suitable, but taking another snapshot shouldn't take too long. :wink:

Edit: Got the snapshot, sorry if the quality isn't really any better, it is just the quality of snapshots after hosted on a website. :/

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Ok, I know I said I'd do two versions but I decided to do just one since it was extremely challenging for me. >.>

I tried my best to make the image look a little sharper to match with the background's quality state anyway, but I'm not sure if I succeeded. I blurred the image's edges a bit to soften him up a little. I figured that he'd blend in more with light but something darker surrounding the light would also suit. Sorry, this is all I can really do with it. =[



Size: 115x115
I don't like to complain about it, but you can't really see Lucario very well, you don't normally make sigs that dark from what I've seen, not really what I was expecting. :/

I hate to make this more trouble than with anyone else that has requested a sig and/or avatar from you, but it looks like a badly scratched disc or something with all those slashes through parts of the sig (avatar some too, but since it of course isn't as big, not as much so).

It also looks weird seeing the head without really being able to see the ears well. Sorry, I know you're just doing your best...I feel bad for saying these things about them, just after seeing great sig after great sig, I really got my hopes high for this.

I appreciate the trouble you have went through to make them though, to be sure, I will at least hang onto them, I may use them sooner or later, but I don't think it I'll switch it with the sig/avatar I have now, even if they are older.

If I hadn't worn out my welcome with this, I'd throw something else out there that you may be able to work with very well, what I gave you to work with was different than anything else, I could at least have used an actual picture that isn't just one of a kind like a Brawl Snapshot, I apologize for my inefficient pic providing. >_>
I understand, don't worry about it. Again, sorry about that. =/ My first time working with a snapshot and anything with colors doesn't complement with any of the background I came up with so I finally went with a darker theme to get rid of the pixels.
Well that was a good idea though, I certainly didn't notice any pixels. :P I left you a user note for the trouble, sorry to have pushed that on you, requesting a sig/avatar from a snapshot...

After a little while (probably not too awfully long, just a bit of time so I'm not going requesting right away again), I may request a sig from an actual image, not a snapshot. <.<

I wonder what character though, maybe I take a shot at the same character, but just not in a snapshot, I would like a true work of art made in the form of a sig of that character. Does that sound at all odd? :lol: I've been getting people calling me weird at FFF a lot lately...
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