GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

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Hah, that's cool then. I'll certainly try to make it better next time.
Yeah i would like a sasuke sig and avatar

sig with this picture

and the avatar with this picture

In the is i want the text Sasuke:Sharingan Master

In both the colors of black and deep purple (Like the one that is in the aura in his cursed mark lvl 1.)

Thanks a lot.:)
Okay, please give me a few days to work on this since I've already got a few sigs I'm working on currently. But I will have it done ASAP. =]
I realise you are busy, but when you have the time can you please make me a signature with this picture :

and can you please include the words : My memories will be a part of the sky ...
thankyou =]
Whoa, with as many requests as you have going right now it may not be the best time, but I will fit my request in anyways, and just do it whenever you can, don't rush anything. :P


Could you make me a sig and avatar using that pic? I know it isn't very big, but it looks cool. ^_^ For the size of them just whatever size you think fits best.

And this time I'm not asking that you make the avatar larger than 100x100, but if you can get away with bigger size without it reducing quality much, feel free, just use your judgment. :wink:
Due to many circumstances, I am now closing this thread for a few months. I will open it again (or perhaps start anew) sometime around January-February, so hopefully I'll gain a few more experience by then.

I will finish up the requests though, so don't worry. =] I'll PM you guys instead. Every now and then I might do a few requests in the Request section, but that depends if I'm not entirely too busy. And thanks to those who've requested here - you guys have definitely given me the experience that I need. Anyway, hope to do business with you guys again next year! ^^

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