GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

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Here ya' go, Cerri. I tried making the whole sig lighter overall (using subtle designs) but after so many tries, it just didn't appeal to me, so I finally went with darker effects as it suited her character somewhat.


Wow! U are amazing!! I read u all but i have anaccount right now. So, I said to me... Let's ask for one ^^. Let's talk....

I love GENSHIKEN so.... i have some pictures that could be used in pairs or... well, u are the artist so i'm not goin' to say anything.




And... srry for my bad english, 'here an spanish
Um, so which one did you want me to do? Those are rather hard to do since there's really no focal point, but I think the middle one may be easier to work with...

If you could please be more specific, that would be most helpful. Thanks. =]
M'kay, Zelpa here is your Tidus sig:



Really sorry I couldn't do that collage thing. >.>

If you want any changes, please let me know.
I think it would be fantastic, the photo with the ppl, all of them in the banner, and behind the "logo", or, if not possible, the "yellow hair" boy playing the PS2, and the "logo" behind? if the logo is so big, i dunno if u can do the japanese phrase...:zip: and, i bet it would e fantastic if u put mi nickname "h4chim4ki" i use it in games, like warrock, america's army, counter, and xfire. (Add me if u have) ^^

Thanks for all. :)
You got it. ^_^ Please gimme a few days though since I'm still working with xCloudx92's signature. I may get it done tonight, but tomorrow for sure it'll be ready. I have two days off so I can definitely work on this. =]

Actually, you mind if I used this image instead:


It still includes the group, but this image is much easier to work with than the one you provided. I can still include logo, but I doubt I can place the image "behind" the logo as that would be a bit odd. It'll just have to be placed in a "text-like" manner, if that's okay.
I'm Lovin' it xD yeah, it's better, thanks for all!! ^^ I'm waiting for see the final image *-*
Well first of all want to say you do a great job with sigs and avi. So i was wondering if ya could make one for me :) This is for the sig. I dont care the color or way you make it but if you could please add my name in it somewere. kenshin/stonnellier/rurounikenshinrememberack5.jpg and this for the avi. And make the colors match the sig if you could and if you could add (TN) in there somewere. Make the (TN) old english or some cool kind of writing.. THXS!!!!
Thank you, Takeshi. I'll get on it when I can. ;)

Alright xCloudx92, finally done with yours. Sorry it took awhile to finish...this was actually quite a challenge, but I didn't really do much since the whole image took a lot of space, so it may seem crowded. I also added a Photograph-like effect, but if you don't like it I can take it out.

Um, like I stated earlier, I couldn't put the image "behind" the logo since it was just almost impossible for me to work with. =/ Hope you don't mind. I tried the best I can. >.>


Nariko, I already started working on yours and will be done tomorrow. ^_^
Um, like I stated earlier, I couldn't put the image "behind" the logo since it was just almost impossible for me to work with. =/ Hope you don't mind. I tried the best I can. >.>
The Best you can is the best i wanted, thanks so much i love it!:seifer:
Ah, glad you like it the. =]

And here's yours, Nariko. If you want any changes, please let me know. ;)



M'kay Takeshi...

I know it's a bit on the rough side, but I was aiming for that rugged look overall and added a few effects to make it look so. If it doesn't please you, I can always give it another crack and do a more softer style. xD



Me wants another one pleaseee. This one is kinda different, but i know you make really good art, so i gotsa come to ya ;)

I'm looking for a banner for a forums i'm making for a runescape clan. I would make one myself.. but.. well... I suxxor.

If you up to it, continue reading :gasp:

There are 2 images I would like to be used in making the banner
This one:
And this one:

Mainly want the characters from the first one and the dragon out of the second one.

The main text would be "Bahamut's Raiders". In one of the corners, include a smaller text saying "85+ CB" and in another corner, put "Play Hard, Play Fair"

Size would have to be about 800x200 or 800x150 ish, whichever works best for ya.
And, of course, make a mark on it showing it's your work after all.
A banner, eh? This will be the first time then. And as you know, my laptop broke down on me so I'm stuck using the PC instead, which has a resolution of 1600X1200 so hopefully I get the coloration right. xD Did you want any color theme...?

Anyway, the links you provided won't work. =P
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