Mitsuki's Photoshop Beginnings

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Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
Chocobo Egg
Barry the Behemoth
Accessory (Arms)
Mitsuki Calei
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Well, I guess I'll post my work here. I've only had photoshop for three weeks now, but I think I'm making some progress.

I'll try to post in order from when I first started although I didn't include few of the very first signatures I made.



*My 4th signature. As you can see, the samurai was inverted. Clearly, I was still experimenting.



*I didn't really like this one as the colors were way too bright, but I don't really feel like editing it.



*A pretty simple one. I hope to do some more black and white theme later on.



*Probably one of my least favorite.



*Ack, way too bright.


~Iya Villania~

*One of my favorite filipina actress. xD



*I like this one a lot. I was trying to aim for more realistic colors.



*Oh gosh, I did not have fun doing this one. It was a pain and probably one of my least favorites too.


~Kamen Rider Black~

*Anyone recognize him? xD I kinda like this one.



*Saix wanted me to do an abstract or surreal theme...and so this is my failed attempt at it. >.>



*This one's alright. Pretty shiny, I suppose.



*I don't know what to think of this one. It's alright, I guess.


~Valkyrie Profile~

Don't know who she's supposed to be. I just thought this little girl's cute. I think out of all of them, this is my most favorite.


Different version:



And finally, the most recent one I did which I just finished a few hours ago. I kinda like it too.


...And that's that. I'll update when I have some more. I'm hoping that in a month, I can make my own signature shop. xD I still don't feel comfortable doing requests for people...

Damn Suki! Your last 4 are kick ass, and not bad at all for a beginner! You've really improved in 3 weeks!
Now try to reduce the size a little. :P
If it's too big there's just too much space without any activity in it and it kinda reduces the aesthetics of the piece. =\

Otherwise it's going along fine. I noticed that you put your stock behind all the effects in the first couple of sigs, and in your own sig that you're using, but you've probably noticed that too. :P

EDIT: Actually for your 'Versatile' sig, did you put the stock on 'soft light'?
I noticed that you put your stock behind all the effects in the first couple of sigs, and in your own sig that you're using, but you've probably noticed that too. :P

EDIT: Actually for your 'Versatile' sig, did you put the stock on 'soft light'?

Honestly, I have no idea, lol. See, when I create sigs, I don't have anything in mind. It's all spur of the moment thing for me, and for each signature, I have like 7 - 13 layers. o.o Don't ask. >.> I usually move the layers around and so the outcome effect. I really don't know what I'm doing sometimes. Each signatures takes me an hour or so to finish as I get frustrated with some of the brushes I use and have to undo most of my actions. I think I spend more time "undoing" actions more than I spend on creating the signatures...

The "Valkyrie Profile" one was the only one where I actually had most of it planned out, I think.
Wow! For spur of the moment sigs these are really good, Suki! I love your use of affects too. I especially like the Beatrix one, the rose one and the Valkyrie Profile ones <3 Very nice work! Keep it up!
Thanks. xD

Five more signatures that I made.

Yay for smaller sigs. =)


~Metal Gear Solid~
Kinda dark...


~Ninja Gaiden~
Eek, just experimenting. >.> This one's kinda weird.

~Final Fantasy IX~
I like this one a lot.


I was aiming for that fiery effect. Not sure if I quite got it...

I love the first Vincent one and the little girl. I love how she seems to appear from the middle and I like the hand gesture of Vincent, it makes it more powerfull.
Could I request a siggy??
Could I request a siggy??

Ah, I'm actually not doing any requests at the moment. =/ I feel that I'm still not experienced enough and would like to venture more on signatures and the like. When I'm ready, I'll open up a shop and would be more than happy to do a request for you.
Some nice designs there. I think you need to work a bit on finishing touches. Just little things that make them look that bit nicer. In some areas bits are maybe a bit too blurry, so sharpen them up. I would suggest increasing contrast on many of them to add more drama.

Dodge/Burn tool is excellent for creating focals, something which I find is lacking. Adjustment layers are fantastic for adding those finishing touches, whether its colours levels contrast etc.

Anyway, it's great for a beginner, and looks very promising :)
Love the Valkyrie Profile sig, the girl has been blended very well ;), the other sigs are awesome too, especially the Vincent sig, its kick ass^_^
Keep up the great work!
Some nice designs there. I think you need to work a bit on finishing touches. Just little things that make them look that bit nicer. In some areas bits are maybe a bit too blurry, so sharpen them up. I would suggest increasing contrast on many of them to add more drama.

Dodge/Burn tool is excellent for creating focals, something which I find is lacking. Adjustment layers are fantastic for adding those finishing touches, whether its colours levels contrast etc.

Anyway, it's great for a beginner, and looks very promising :)

Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely keep that in mind. =)

Anyway, here's five more attempts. Erm, as you can see, anime sigs aren't exactly my cup of tea. =/ I'll keep trying though...






I'm slacking. =/ Out of these five, I think I quite like the Rydia one the best, although I know there's some flaws here and there.
I like the signature of Sion Farzhad theme, the images looks more fitting on the background than the rest of the signatures. Also the Rydia sig is good, but something is ruining it, I can't seem to find what it is....:sad:
Thanks folks. =] I'm really having a blast with borders and text, but I'm not too sure if I'm doing it right or what.

Also the Rydia sig is good, but something is ruining it, I can't seem to find what it is....:sad:

I think it's her face. =/ I can see that there's a hint of green. I wanted to achieve that elegant design, but clearly I need more work. Too many things going on in the background.

Anyway, updates.

Not really fond of this one, but it's a try.


~Crisis Core~

Kinda wanted that glass-shattering effect to the mid-right where his shoe's at (as if he were kicking it), but failed at it.


~Captain of the Sky~

I like this one. I think the background looks close to a sky anyway.


So, any advices and critiques? xD
Thanks folks. =] I'm really having a blast with borders and text, but I'm not too sure if I'm doing it right or what.

I think it's her face. =/ I can see that there's a hint of green. I wanted to achieve that elegant design, but clearly I need more work. Too many things going on in the background.

Anyway, updates.

Not really fond of this one, but it's a try.


I concur, I am not very fond of it. The thing is that it looks too simple. maybe if you add some more colors, light effects and a few distinctive designs, the signature could look better. That image fits more a "I will go on, no matter what..." like theme, do you get the idea?

~Crisis Core~
Kinda wanted that glass-shattering effect to the mid-right where his shoe's at (as if he were kicking it), but failed at it.


This one has what I mentioned in the signature above. Nice, though his left leg seems non existent (the leg that is stretched). I like the light effects though :)

~Captain of the Sky~
I like this one. I think the background looks close to a sky anyway.


So, any advices and critiques? xD
Looks ancient, I just like it, can't explain. His fingers look a bit edgy, but not enough to make the stock stand out too much. The background seems a bit empty, but nevertheless, it looks good.
Hey Mitsuki, can I use your Rydia sig? I'll give you credit :D


I would be honored, my dear. But if you don't mind, I'd like to fix the Rydia signature today when I get home. Just a few changes here and there. I'll let you know when it's ready again. ;)

I concur, I am not very fond of it. The thing is that it looks too simple. maybe if you add some more colors, light effects and a few distinctive designs, the signature could look better. That image fits more a "I will go on, no matter what..." like theme, do you get the idea?

Ahh, I think I gotcha. The background seems too serene for that particular stock, so something...explosive would be more fitting. I'll try and fix that when I can.

Looks ancient, I just like it, can't explain. His fingers look a bit edgy, but not enough to make the stock stand out too much. The background seems a bit empty, but nevertheless, it looks good.

:omg: That's what I forgot to fix! His fingers! I knew something was a bit off. I'll add something in the background while I'm at it. Thanks for the advices, Julius!
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