More Important to Plot: Yuna or Tidus

I think that their importance to the storyline depends on which part of the story you are at, Before you find out that Sin is Tidus' father then yuna is the most important member of the Story whereas after Auron has informed Tidus that Sin is infact his Father then it becomes a personal battle for Tidus, to 'free' his father from the torment that is being Sin.
To me without one another the story would've obviously not made any sense.

But, I do think that without Tidu the story would have been flawed in some way.

For instance, the Aeon's spirits were the ones creating the 'Dream World', right? Yes. Well, without that there would be no Tidus or Jecht. Without Jecht there would be no Tidus. And without a Jecht, Braska and Auron wouldn't have met one another. =/.

Sooo, I find Tidus to be more important to the story line.
What? - I do actually mean this as I'm a little slow and don't quite understand what you mean with the aeon thing.

I swear Jecht would have still been there because he exists as Sin whereas Tidus just exists as a dream. Therefore, Jecht actually exists in that world. So Jecht isn't a dream so Jecht would have been there. I think.

And I swear you were arguing that the Aeon's spirits were more important.
Nooo, Jecht is a Dream just as Tidus is a dream, as they both came from the same world that the Aeons had created. =/. Do you not pay attention to the story line?

Without them Creating Jecht or Tidus, then there would be no story of Braska and Auron.
I did. I just thought that...... ohhh.

I had a dumb phase. I forgot about the whole 1000 year thing and that Braska and Jecht met... Yeah, ok. Dumb phase. Sorry about that.

But I still say that they are of equal importance.
I would say Yuna was alot more important for the plot than Tidus because Yuna's pilgramage was an important part in FFX. If we did not have Yuna than how would FFX be a good game. Yuna is the most important character in ffx mainly because she is actually the main character not Tidus. Yuna plays a really nice role in the game and I just love her!!! Anyways if we did not have Tidus blitzball would be taken away and so would have Jecht.
That's what I said first but the whole Tidus/Jecht thing is very important.

And BTW: We can all see that you love Yuna, not important to post it. But because of that arn't you just a little biased?
Yuna is more important to the plot, but Tidus is more important to the story, if that makes sense to people.

It's Tidus's story, but his story needs to Yuna Macguffin to get it into action.

It's like how the Pink Panther diamond's theft is needed to get the story going, as it were.

Similarly, in FF10-2, the reverse is true.

I disagree, Yuna possibly would have defeated sin, but sin would have come back. It's a given that Yuna would not have challenged the final summoning. As you say, there is a storyline there, but not one for a game. It's no different from Braska's or indeed any other summoner.
Yuna just happens to be the summoner that Tidus meets, the plot would work the same with any other summoner, say Dona.

I don't want to suggest that Tidus was expendable to the story. Granted, without Tidus' aspect to the story there still would be a story, just not a very long or interesting one. Tidus' story relies on the existance of the Spira story, while the Spira story could go on without Tidus, albeit incredibley differently.

Think of it this way: the Yuna/Spira aspect of the story is the central conflict. You cannot have a story without conflict. Likewise, the Tidus/Zanarkand story is a resolution to said conflict. While a story needs a conflict, it is incomplete without a resolution.
So really what we are saying is that Yuna has one bit of the story, the slightly larger bit and Tidus has the smaller bit.

The thing about Yuna is she can't be a main character. She's more of a supporting role. Her personality fits her role but it would be bad for a leading position.
I don`t want to make it seem that Yuna has the larger part to the story. Refering to my previous post, her side of the plot just sets up the central conflict. That conflict goes hand in hand with a resolution, a resolution provided by Tidus`side of the plot. One without the other leaves only fragments to the full story.

I agree that Yuna could not be a lead role because it would ruin alot of the dramatic irony in FFX. That`s what makes the FFX story interesting because even though Yuna is the world`s saviour, she isn`t the main focus. I think it would also be better for the player to play as a more identifiable character, Tidus in this case. Tidus is an ordinary guy trying to figure himself out in a weird world. He is just as foreign to his surroundings as the player is. Yuna would be much different - it`d be much less personal playing as a messiah figure, and experiencing the world through Yuna`s eyes wouldn`t flow as naturally as it would with Tidus.
Yes, I know what you mean and I completely agree. I was not saying Yuna has a larger role, I was saying that she was more of the focus, which kinda made her seem more important sometimes. If you see my point.
It's interesting that people are choosing to answer this question in the way that you all are. You're taking both characters, removing one, and making the case that the story cannot exist without that character. But I think at this point, we've all established that if Yuna was not present in FFX, Tidus could have simply latched onto another summoner and if Tidus was not present, Yuna would have gone and defeated Sin... but never changed the world permanently.

Still though, it's a matter of who matters more. You can't get the complete story without both... but I think you completely miss the main focus of the story if Tidus is deleted. If he is, it's just another summoner on another journey to defeat Sin. If Tidus is deleted, it makes Yuna unimportant. If Yuna is deleted, Tidus is still important.
I'd like to bring back up the point that it would not have really worked with juat any other summoner. I'll quote previous posts for all-around efficiency, since I'd just be repeating it anyways.

DLFlux said:
I doubt Tidus would've been the same with any other summoner. Braska's pilgrimage is what ties the two together. Yuna had met Jecht, which made her believe about the dream Zanarkand. Any other summoner would've thought Tidus was nuts, coming from a place that doesn't exist, plus Zanarkand being considered a holy place probably would've led to other summoners being offended.

With Braska dead and Jecht being Sin, the two are still tied through Auron, who was entrusted with taking care of them both.

The two are invetiably tied together, before they even meet.

Tidus running into Rikku (who turns out to be Yuna's cousin) and then into Wakka may be considered a lucky coincidence, but it could also be considered destiny.

Aztec Triogal said:
Still though, it's a matter of who matters more. You can't get the complete story without both... but I think you completely miss the main focus of the story if Tidus is deleted. If he is, it's just another summoner on another journey to defeat Sin. If Tidus is deleted, it makes Yuna unimportant. If Yuna is deleted, Tidus is still important.

I have trouble disagreeing with this because it speaks very true. Yuna is the one to save the world but she isn't the focus (as I've said before) - Tidus is. It is his story after all. I just happen to think his story relies heavily upon Yuna's, and likewise. While Yuna's story could technically happen without Tidus, it would lose what makes the FFX story - which is HIS story.

The story is only complete with both, and considering that they are both critical to the main development, I consider the two sides have equal importance. In no ways does that mean Tidus is not the focus, he definitely is. There is no denying that.
I would agree that Yuna's existance in the game is crucial if it weren't for Auron and Wakka. Even if Tidus washed up in a "Yuna-less" Besaid, he still would have met Wakka. Wakka still would have been traveling to Luca for the Blitzball tournament and ended up meeting Auron. And because Auron knew that Sin is Jecht and who Tidus was... he would have made sure that Tidus accomplished his goals.
Yuna and Tidus both share the hero spot. FFX was Tidus's story and FFX-2 was how Yuna saw it. I really liked the whole teamwork with them.
Tidus would help any summoner anyway after "the thing" because he is sorry. He would be the main FFX no matter what.
I would agree that Yuna's existance in the game is crucial if it weren't for Auron and Wakka. Even if Tidus washed up in a "Yuna-less" Besaid, he still would have met Wakka. Wakka still would have been traveling to Luca for the Blitzball tournament and ended up meeting Auron. And because Auron knew that Sin is Jecht and who Tidus was... he would have made sure that Tidus accomplished his goals.

Feel free to correct me if I`m wrong (I`ve only played FFX twice, the last time being quite a while ago). You could say the same thing about Yuna, that Auron could have been a catalyst into defeating Yunalesca/going inside Sin/stopping Yu Yevon etc. (but it wouldn't be worth it because she's not the main character). However, you can't deny her being critical to the story because in the end, she's the one that goes on the pilgremedge and her summoner role that saves the world.

As for Tidus' goals, he was a more personal story (as stated before). The main conflict with his character was not focussed on saving the world (even though it ultimately did tie into that). His dilemma was to come to terms with his father. Auron thus lead Tidus to Yuna specifically because she was the only one with ties to Braska/Jecht, which suplemented Tidus' personal maturation. Yuna, as a summoner, was needed to advance the plot to defeating Sin. Yuna's job was to defeat Sin, Tidus needed to come to terms with his childhood. Tidus' story is the focus, but it ultimately ties into the grande scheme

Thus, I still stand by the fact that for this reason, FFX is told through first person minor narrative. Tidus is "the little guy" who gets caught up in far out events that he'd never fathomed facing. As he gets caught up in all this, he matures and learns things that ultimately lead to resolving his personal problems. Yes, he is the primary focus of the story/narrative, but the plot of the game escalates to a much bigger picture.
Not really. To the player, it is the entire premise of the game that Yuna, as a summoner, is going to defeat Sin by summoning the Final Aeon. Through that premise, the player learns about the world and its struggles as they travel to Yunalesca. But if that weren't the premise, Auron still would have known the truth behind Yunalesca. Instead of the truth slowly unfolding throughout the course of the game, as Auron lets Tidus learn the truth for himself, he would have just told him. When it comes down to it, all you really learn through Yuna is that the role you thought she'd play isn't necessary.
I'd have to say that Tidus is more important to the plot. It has already been stated that without him, Yuna probably would have summoned the final Aeon and died. Which would mean the cycle of Sin would continue the way it had been.

Now without Yuna, Tidus would have washed up on the shores of Besaid and met Wakka. Now in the game it is Yuna who suggests for Tidus to go to Luca because he may recognise someone there, but Wakka also convinces Tidus to go to Luca to play for the Aurochs. So if Tidus didn't meet Yuna he still would have gone to Luca, where he would have met Auron.

Auron would've told Tidus that Jecht is Sin, which would motivate Tidus to put an end to Sin. He could've met any summoner and joined them on thier pilgrimage. The fact that another summoner wouldn't believe his story about playing for the Zanarkand Abes is irrelevant as it has already been demonstrated through Rikku and Wakka that 'Sins toxin' is a fair excuse for Tidus' ignorance to the fact that Zanarkand was destroyed. Plus Aurons status as one of Braskas guadians probably would have been enough to convine any summoner to accept Auron and Tidus as guardians.

So at this point we have Tidus, some random summoner, the summoners guardian(s) and Auron. They would have reached Zanarkand and since Auron knows the truth behind Yunalesca and the false hope, Tidus and the others most likely would have decided to go against the teachings of Yevon. Thus choosing to defeat Sin the same way as they do in the actual game.

So in my opinion Auron, Wakka and Tidus are the only characters who really were important to the game.
Saying Wakka/Auron have more importance than Yuna is a little illogical when looking at methods of storytelling. They are minor characters, Yuna is a secondary lead. Minor characters often are harbringers of critical information to advance and/or deepen the plot, but this is no means grants them greater significance than lead characters.
Adressing specifics: Auron's knowledge is central to the journey, but if it really came down to it, he could have accomplished these goals without Tidus and Yuna. By elevating Auron's importance to such a degree, it comes to the point where Auron acts as the lead, rounding up a bunch of people to beat Sin. It just doesn't work like that. He was the catalyst to bring the two (Tidus/Yuna) together and provide necessary information. That makes him quite a vital part to the story, but that does not change him from being a supporting character.

Now, there are two basic stories going on in FFX: Tidus' "self discovery" story and Yuna's pilgrimedge. They are the two leads of the story, though Tidus has primay focus. It has to be Yuna's pilgrimedge because if it were "Random Summoner X" there would be no connection to the former story. This would leave an awkward disconnection. It would also have to be Yuna (not Summoner X) because one of the key developments of Tidus through the game is through his relationship with Yuna. Through her, he starts to reassess his father (because of her knowledge of him+constant probing about Zanarkand), reassess himself (Yuna's personality compared to his+her belief in Zanarkand) and ultimately he matures. The story in its entirety depends on them happening concurrently. If I really wanted to get into it, I could argue that the creators intended for the Tidus/Yuna dynamic to be two halves of a whole (Ying-Yang symbolism, Sun and Moon symbolism, appearance etc.), but that's an issue for a different thread.

Not really. To the player, it is the entire premise of the game that Yuna, as a summoner, is going to defeat Sin by summoning the Final Aeon. Through that premise, the player learns about the world and its struggles as they travel to Yunalesca. But if that weren't the premise, Auron still would have known the truth behind Yunalesca. Instead of the truth slowly unfolding throughout the course of the game, as Auron lets Tidus learn the truth for himself, he would have just told him. When it comes down to it, all you really learn through Yuna is that the role you thought she'd play isn't necessary.

But the problem here is that the section discussed here is still Yuna's part in the story, no matter what. Ultimately, she does not play the sacraficial role as she was supposed to, but the whole conquest of defeating sin still relates back to her pilgrimedge. The defeat of Sin is the conclusion to Yuna's side of the game, even if it didn't quite follow the premise. In the end, she is still heralded as the hero summoner that ultimately put and end to Sin. Sure it wasn't as linear as we expected it to be, and she didn't do it alone but doesn't change the fact that that was how her story concluded.