More Important to Plot: Yuna or Tidus

Yuna is a "B" Character... Play the game again people, you will find that the whole story revolves around Tidus. Wether you like it or not, that moron with the annoying voice, and the outfit that looks like 15 different clothing items stitched together is our main character.

Yuna is important sure, but she was just thrown in there to create a love story.
Tidus may be the character around which the plot revolves but let's take another game, say FFXII (I'm not going off-topic). Can anyone honestly say Vaan was the most important character? It was clearly Ashe.

Here, we have the same case. Say you were warped to Spira somehow and you'd never played FFX. Would Tidus not seem to have like no role? He does a lot but it's a little more behind the scenes if you viewed it from that perspective.

The thing about Yuna's summon was, as I've said before, she probably wouldn't have done it since it meant the sacrifice of one of her friends and it's not in her character to allow one of her friends to die like that. Therefore, it is my belief that she wouldn't have cast the final aeon.
It could be that Yuna is more important in the middle and Tidus is more importaant at the beginning and end.
With this "Tidus could've ran into any summoner" thing, there's one key element you are missing.


Do you really think Seymour would pick Dona or Isaaru to use so he could become Sin? I doubt it. And without Seymour, the betrayal of Yevon's would diminish. You would not know of Maester Mika being an unsent. Seymour killing Jyscal and so on. In which case the temples would still be on the character's side, they wouldn't be considered traitors.

That plays a key part in meeting Yunalesca, ofcourse meeting her and finding out the Final Aeon was called by using a guardian to become a Fayth would be a bit of a kick in the teeth, but how much would the summoner/Tidus/other guardians question Yunalesca?

It probably would've ended up the same as Braska's pilgrimage, as when you see the pyreflies reacting and seeing Braska, Auron and Jecht, the summoner would probably think the same as Braska, Tidus would probably think the same as Jecht.

Without Yuna, Seymour wouldn't have the antagnonist role, you wouldn't murder him and become traitors.

It's like I said before:

Yuna vs Seymour
Tidus vs Jecht
Bigger picture = Removal of Sin.
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Tidus is obviously the big character n the bginning, seeing as you start off as him. But the focus goes onto Yuna's pilgrimage, her quest, her betrayals, her marriage to Seymour and as a character, she devlops more than Tidus, starting off shy, then becoming confident as she aquires more aeons. You control her in the Via Purifico, and then the final scene in the game is centered n her.

Then again, while Yuna is missing, attention focuses to Tidus, and his feelings towards Yuna being missing. Also, when he tries to stop Yuna from completing her pilgrimage and when he fights his father at the end.

However, I think Yuna, as the timid high summoner with so much pressure, is more important to the plot.
Looneymoon, you're right that Yuna is a secondary lead while Auron and Wakka are support characters but they're good support characters are crucial to lead characters. Yuna had motivation but you didn't know a lot about her family and Spira, so the support characters help define her in those places. Tidus had a defined family and Zanarkand, so he took motivation from his support characters.

Yuna is a means to an end in storytelling. She's a summoner and it was an easy way to explain the world. Still though, they could have discovered Spira any number of ways that still lead to the same conclusion. That's just a matter of creative writing. HOwever, to tell the story of Yu Yevon, Sin, and Jecht... Tidus was needed. He could not have been deleted because he was the fuse for the powder keg, while Yuna was only a part of the building powder keg.
With this "Tidus could've ran into any summoner" thing, there's one key element you are missing.


Do you really think Seymour would pick Dona or Isaaru to use so he could become Sin? I doubt it. And without Seymour, the betrayal of Yevon's would diminish. You would not know of Maester Mika being an unsent. Seymour killing Jyscal and so on. In which case the temples would still be on the character's side, they wouldn't be considered traitors.

That plays a key part in meeting Yunalesca, ofcourse meeting her and finding out the Final Aeon was called by using a guardian to become a Fayth would be a bit of a kick in the teeth, but how much would the summoner/Tidus/other guardians question Yunalesca?

It probably would've ended up the same as Braska's pilgrimage, as when you see the pyreflies reacting and seeing Braska, Auron and Jecht, the summoner would probably think the same as Braska, Tidus would probably think the same as Jecht.

Without Yuna, Seymour wouldn't have the antagnonist role, you wouldn't murder him and become traitors.

It's like I said before:

Yuna vs Seymour
Tidus vs Jecht
Bigger picture = Removal of Sin.
Seymour only picks Yuna so that he can become sin. It's a means to an end, he couldn't have pick Isaaru, but he could have picked Dona or female Summoner X. Seymore never says why he chooses Yuna, perhaps his sense of humour, but it is never stated.
I don't believe he actually cares for Yuna at all, which would mean he probably made an arbitrary decision, not one based upon Yuna's qualities or personality.
Tidus is definately what X is revolved around. He is by far the main char. Yuna makes the story more dramatic and romantic. But Tidus is definately more important to the plot. If there was no Yuna, there would still be a story.
See, this is where I disagree...
Alright, there may be a story without Yuna but WTH would it be?

People say that some other summoner would have defeated sin but Yuna was always kinda destined to do it, being Braska's daughter. She also had the kind of heart that she wouldn't do the final aeon because one of her friends would die.

If FFX were a reaction, Yuna and Sin are the chemicals and Tidus is the catalyst, if you know what I mean.
Seymour only picks Yuna so that he can become sin. It's a means to an end, he couldn't have pick Isaaru, but he could have picked Dona or female Summoner X. Seymore never says why he chooses Yuna, perhaps his sense of humour, but it is never stated.
I don't believe he actually cares for Yuna at all, which would mean he probably made an arbitrary decision, not one based upon Yuna's qualities or personality.

The point I was making is because Seymour picked Yiuna, that's how the party learn of the corruption within Yevon.

If Tidus had run into another summoner, say Isaaru, who Seymour has no interest in, the teachings of Yevon would not be opposed during the story. They would never have killed Seymour and become traitors, never learning of Jyscal's murder, Mika being unsent, and the general lies behind the religion.

So when it's time to get to Yunalesca, how much would Tidus and company question her? You saw what happened with Braska, "there's always a chance Sin might not come back" and then with Jecht "There is no way for me to get home, let me be the Fayth"

The cycle would undoubtedly continue.

Yuna and the revelations about Yevon generally revolve around Seymour. Yuna was willing to die, Wakka and Lulu were willing to die to become the Fayth. Tidus was the only one to not accept that (apart from Rikku, but being an Al Bhed it was natural to her anyway, plus Rikku probably wouldn't have joined the party without Yuna, family connection and all that)
But Seymour's choice was arbitrary. So it could have been anyone else. It could have been any other summoner who Seymour chose, which makes Yuna less important.
In saying that, the scene at Luca says it all.

The first time Seymour lays on Yuna, he has a "this is the one" look on his face.

In any case, because Seymour would've chosen someone else if Yuna was never there does not make her less important. If anything it shows that she'll always be first choice, as there's no obvious other summoner we can name that he'd go for.