Most annoying celebrity

Most annoying celebrity

  • Hillary Duff

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Paris Hilton

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • Tom Cruise

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Brad Pit

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Nichole Richie

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • The Olsen Twins

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Lindsay Lohan

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Britney Spears

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Rosie O'Donnell

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • other: please specify

    Votes: 7 18.4%

  • Total voters


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
So who is it for you? For me, it's a tie between Paris Hilton and Tom Cruise. I just can't stand them. I even have to turn the TV off anytime they're on.

Paris doesn't even really have any reason to be popular other than that she's famous.
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Nicole Richie and Angelina Jolie.

Nicole Richie - famous for following in the footsteps of a loser.
Nicole Richie has done everything to the last detail that Paris Hilton did. PH wrote a book, so NR wrote a book...PH made a perfume line, so NR is making a perfume line...PH was a skinny skank, so NR became an even skinnier anorexic skank.
Nicole Richie is the biggest loser in hollywood. She's never achieved anything worth being famous for, and she doesn't deserve a spot in the limelight.

Angelina Jolie - became old news fast
All I have to say about AJ is that after the 18th baby adoption, I grew bored of her arranged paparazzi antics...
Rosie Odonnel is one of the reasons why I chose "blind" over "deaf" in the deaf or blind thread.
if i was the last person on earth with her, but i couldnt die, id be blind and deaf

^ hahaha! there should be a Rosie Odonnell haters thread... lol
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Kate Moss - she just drives me mad. Nowhere near as pretty as people say she is, drinks smokes and snorts cocaine (and how on earth was that any sort of a surprise story when that scandal erupted) at a rate of knots. That's all she does! And she dates/dated the equally annoying Pete Doherty.
Paris Hilton!
She is famous for being a stupid rich snob and guys think she is 'hot' and 'sexy' when she is the total opposite and she seems to be doing more and more stupid things just to keep her fame!
Paris hilton - for the simple reason that shes never done anything worthy of recognition in her life ever - and if she wasnt a millionaire she'd so be a prostitute mom by now :rolleyes:
paris hilton, i cant stand the way shes always pouting for the cameras. She's a dumb twat with shit for brains
Ashlee Simpson. She's a wannabe and she irks me. Her singing's terrible and she tries too desperately to be different from her sister, and yet be like her at the same time.

Paris Hilton annoys me too. I don't understand why so many guys think she's so hot. My friend Jeck rants about her to me all the freakin' time we talk on yahoo, and I itch to strangle both him and her.
OMG........How am I suppose to pick from that list? You've listed my most of my most hated celebrities ever xD

Hilary Duff, Tom Cruise, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears? How am I suppose to pick from that? xDD

Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan can't sing or act any better than anyone else. They spew generic emo or bubble gum pop, thanks to computers and what not, making their voices not sound like complete shit. Same thing with Britney Spears, except now she's lost her mind.

And I used to like Tom Cruise. I especially liked him in 'The Last Samurai' but he went and fucked that all up. Now he's crazier than all of them put together.

...................if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to choose one...I guess I'd go with Hilary Duff, with the above reasons, and the fact that she's sickeningly 'sweet'.
Paris Hilton, bar none. She's easily the most annoying person ever to grace the face of planet earth. And the bad part is I think she's a victim of circumstance. I knew a girl just like her who went through a LOT of rough shit and now is a fantastic person... but when she was a spoiled rich kid, there's no one that liked her.
Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears, but Brad Pitt takes the cake for being a freakin idiot. I have no idea why everyone thinks he's so hot. He's a dog!
Paris Hilton. WTF IS SHE F***ING FAMOUS?!?!!? AND SHE'S NOT EVEN HOT!!! THAT TAPE WAS GARBAGE! Gawd she annoys the hell out of me... And now she's singing to boot? If I didn't have a mouth to feed (my own) I swear to god I'd either put a bullet through that hollow head of hers or the thick skull of mine own.

Warm regards,
~The Legendary Wullfe

I couldn't agree more with you on Paris Hilton. In my opinion, she's nothing to look at and truthfully, I've yet to see that video, nor do I care to. :sick:

Tom Cruise, here's an actor I used to like who was half way decent at acting, but now I think he's just Bat Sh*ts!

Rosie O'Donnell - What a pig.

And let's not forget my all-time favorite: DONALD TRUMP! :rolleyes:

You know, I think Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell share something in common. Their both terrified of waking up one day and finding out that the rest of the world could really give a Sh*t about them.
Anyone who is "famous" by being on a reality TV show, in fact anyone who is ever connected by Big Brother alone should be labeled as annoying and like a blunt pencil. Jade Goody, Davina McCall and Russell Brand instantly spring to mind.

Jade Goody is only known for being a complete and utter idiot, we're talking someone who thought Portugal was in Spain and was astounded that Aberdeen was in Scotland as well as not knowing what language Americans speak. She's now a millionaire.

McCall and Brand are mentioned for being the very worst at what they do (presenter and comedian) but believe that they are great and watching them feels like having your eyes gouged out with a spoon.