Most annoying celebrity

Most annoying celebrity

  • Hillary Duff

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Paris Hilton

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • Tom Cruise

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • Brad Pit

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Nichole Richie

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • The Olsen Twins

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Lindsay Lohan

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Britney Spears

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Rosie O'Donnell

    Votes: 2 5.3%
  • other: please specify

    Votes: 7 18.4%

  • Total voters
For me it's Rosie O'Donnell, but Paris Hilton is not too far behind.

Rosie O'Donnell is just plain 'ole f'ed up. Her political views are more screwed up than a Pamela ANderson and Tommy Lee fight, and her best career accomplishment so far has been her role as Betty Rubble in the Flinstones movie years ago. Other than that, she blows.
All paris hilton is famous for is 3 things.

1: Her name
2: Her gross lack of talent
3: Sex vids

That's about all there is to her. ><
Angel Valentine said:
Now he's crazier than all of them put together.

Crazier than a coconut!

Jessica Simpson and Tom Cruise. I shouldn't need a reason...

They're both twats.
I still think Nicole Richie is more of a loser.
Paris hilton may be a skank, but Nicole Richie has that horrible attempt at a skinny bag of organs body figure. I bet she smells like cheese.
I dunno if this is fair to say since she's dead, but Anna Nicole Smith, and the fact that they were trying to pass her off as this terrific woman after she died was a joke! They couldn't find ONE picture where she wasn't strung out on weed.

(Hilary Duff is misspelled.)
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Anna Nicole Smith isn't even worth mentioning.
We're all better off just forgetting that she ever existed. lol.
Every time I see her on TV, I think I lose more and more of my intelligence.
After the controversy surrounding the South Park episode 'Trapped in the Closet', Tom Cruise managed to get the episode banned in the UK refusing to promote MI:3 since Viacom owned both Paramount and Comedy Central. Forget free speech, if it offences the most 'important' people on Earth (Celebrities) then it must be banned!
Well, it is hard to choose between Hilary Duff and Paris Hilton. Duff's music is awful and she is so annoying.... Wait.... Paris is the same... Except, Paris makes sex tapes and claims that police officers pull her over to hit on her. Okay, Paris is worse. <.< I really have to choose?

Paris Hilton has got to be the biggest waste of space this generation will ever produce.

Tom Cruise needs to remember he's an actor and isn't being paid to force his opinions down everyone's throat. When I want his opinion (God help me), I'll ask. It's okay to use one's fame to get one's message out there but, really, who is going to listen to a guy who can't refrain from jumping on couchs rant about mental health?

Brad Pitt...never found him that attractive, actually. Just wait until he gets tired of Angelina (as I believe the majority of celebrities are incapable of having normal, long-lasting relationships for one reason or another) and is saddled with about 7 different kids and has to fly half-way across the world just to see them.

Britney Spears, the biggest butt a joke has ever seen.
I picked Paris Hilton..........and who ever picked Hillary Duff..IM GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN......LoL Jk......I just think she one of the hottest girls EVER..........(well to taylor swift of Course)
That girl... Hannah Montanna or how even you spell her name.. She realy gets up my nose Grrr
I can't decide between Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise, or Angelina Jolie. Anna Nicole Smith was high ranked in this, but she's dead ^^ Oh yeah, Hillary Duff, Hannah Montana..Lindsey Lohan...>.<
Too bad Orlando Bloom isnt on this one here

That guy sucks at acting seriously.

I went for britney spears after all the stupid things she has done.
Noooo! Hands down, Lindsey Lohan! Ugh she's a walking disease. If you touch her you'll probably get AIDS, chlamydia, syphilis and so on. I despise her. No one wants to work with her anymore.

Okay, Pairs Hilton 2nd worst. Ohhh thank god for that episode of South park making fun of Hilton. ;p I also despise Britney Spears....and most of them on that poll.

I don't mind Hillary Duff though. She's not like: "LOOK AT ME I'M DRUNK! I'M A STUPID SPOILED WHORE!"
You guys fail to realize that Paris Hilton isn't as mentally handicapped as most people seem to think. She's actually rather talented. She plays three instruments; the guitar, piano, and voilin I think...she sings...
If you'll notice...there are some *mistaken* clips of her on t.v. where her voice fluctuates from squeaky and annoying to deep and "Cher-like".

She's smart I tell you. Everything that she's ever done, though it may be haughty and gaudy in the eyes of the public, has gained her nothing but more fame and fortune.

I still vote for Nicole Richie for being such a copycat at everything she does...

If Paris was an idiot, she would have starved herself halfway to death like NR did...