Most anoying Final Fantasy character

Most annoying from these is??

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Tifa, hands down. She just annoys me.

Also, Rinoa. Having to save her all those times made me want her to go away forever -__-
her voice annoys me, and she talks to "yunie" like she knows her forever?
uh, like, you just met XD
Aeris was the most annoying for me. All she basically knew was to heal. Yea well I can use potions and crap for that. Also what was the point on using her and wasting time to level her up when she died at the end of disk 1? I was extremely irritated when that happened. :mad:
I actually think most of the truly annoying Final Fantasy characters are missing from that list. What about Quina? Amarant? Kimhari? My gawd, why isn't Cait Sith on that list?! Cait Sith is probably the most annoying character ever, not just including Final Fantasy characters. Anyway, some of those choices I can't really say I understand, either. For example, Cloud. I'm not saying that it's impossible to dislike his character. On the contrary, you could make a solid argument that he's a very unlikable character. However, I really don't see how anyone could find Cloud "annoying", unless they're an FF7 Hater who's inherently biased against the entire cast of the game and everything even vaguely related to it. He doesn't exactly do anything that could be considered particularly irritating over the course of the game. The same can be said for Auron, actually, and, to a lesser extent, Squall. But anyway, I'm not here to criticize the list, even if I wish Cait Sith were on there...

But yeah. My vote goes to Rinoa. I hate it when Contra beats me to the punch in this sort of thread...She pretty much summed up exactly why I hate Rinoa. Oh, well. I suppose I might as well rephrase it myself, at risk of sounding like I'm ripping Contra off. Anyway, Rinoa...Where do I begin? Her brilliant plan to sneak out of her father's house and disable the sorceress despite having no prior military training or any idea how to handle herself in that sort of situation would probably be a nice place to begin. Thanks to her, Squall and Irvine had to risk blowing their cover in the middle of an assassionation mission. I really don't know what part of "we have to use stealth" Rinoa didn't understand when she casually approached the sorceress without making any attempt to hide herself. I mean, I know she wanted to feel as though she were contributing something, but this was a matter of international importance they were dealing with. Not exactly a good time to deviate from the plan. Then again...on second thought, the initial assassination plan was pretty damn stupid to begin with, so...

Moving on. The whole "protect me, Squall!" thing got really annoying after the first four rescues. Don't get me wrong, I understand that Rinoa wasn't the first damsel in distress to star in a video-game. Even so, she gets captured/incapacitated so very often and by so many different people that it really makes you wonder why they let her fight alongside highly trained special ops mercineries in the first place. The typical damsel in distress gets captured once by the main villain and has to be rescued by the hero. That's fine. Rinoa gets captured, if Contra and I remember correctly, seven times over the course of the game. That's just ridiculous. It certainly doesn't help that I, the player, have to take time out of saving the world to rescue a character that I would rather just leave captured.

Just...her personality. I can forgive a lot of stupidity in a character if they have a likable personality and significant development. However, Rinoa is pretty much the antithesis of "likable". She's whiny, clingy, melodramatic, immature, basically every negative quality found in the average teenage girl condensed into a singular nexus of irritation. If she had any redeeming qualities, maybe I'd be more forgiving, but there really aren't any that I can see. It certainly doesn't help that everyone seems to be on her side in spite of these incriminating flaws. For example, during the Garden War, I believe, when Rinoa was in danger. Squall had to choose between helping Rinoa and helping everyone else in the Garden. Obviously, the smart choice would be to save all those other lives. But no. Everyone makes Squall out to be the bad guy until the poor introvert is forced to give in to their demands and risk the deaths of hundreds for the sake of one whiny little girl.

...Her ridiculous weapon doesn't help, either, but I think Contra covered that nicely.