most epic final ff battle of all!!!


Mad Prince
Jan 15, 2007
Australia SA
srry if this has been done be4, i couldnt see it in the last few pages....

so people??? most epic final battle in the history of ff?? ever.....

personally i found the series of battles with ultimecia at the end of 8 to be epic as hell... on problem was, as the player we didnt feel much connection to Ultimecia and it was lacking in the personal department. but the soundtrack, 4 boss forms, the appearance of Greiver (who i was convinced i would eventually get, and was shellshocked when he was in the final battle) the multiple new Renzokuken animaitons, and the eerie as hell crazy time conpresison final battle with the appearance of the games ultimate magic was epiiiiiccccc.

what are peoples opinions?
I think I have to agree with you on that one, it could be pretty hairy if you went in unprepared & underlevelled as I did first time round, she tok me an absolute AGE to beat. The music is brilliant I love it, especially with her final fom the black background and her dialogue, it's just a shame you don't really get the chane to ge tattached to her as a villain really

The lead up to/and Yu Yevon probably may have got my vote if it wasn't for that dam auto life making it feel like a cheap victory -_-

I still think Ultimecias boss music was the best though
Since I have not beaten FFVIII, I cannot I'm gonna say the fight with Jecht in FFX. One reason is because it's a fight between father and son. Another reason is because I love the song 'Otherworld', which they played during the battle. Plus, it always felt to me that Jecht was the true Final Boss instead of Yu Yevon.

That being said, I did find the last fight with Kefka in FFVI pretty epic...only because I FINALLY beat the damn game afterwards :wacky:
Definitely the ending battles of VIII. I mean, truly epic stuff, well worth it.
I'm gonna have to go with FFVIII as well. Ultemecia's castle just added that superb environment and the way you have to go through that place just made it more refreshing as you finally fight the bosses without saving...just wow, it really made it more challenging and worthwhile.
If found FFVII Final battle epic but it was quite easy :/ so I would go with FFVIII where Griever shows up which is something I didn't expect '_' it was an epic final battle but still I never liked the Character links :/
personally i think that the final fight between Zack and Genesis in FFVII:CC was the most epic battle in which you control your character, although the final fights of FFVIII are good i thought CC's final fights were better, also another Epic fight (although you don't control the characters) was the Fight Between Genesis, Angael and Sephiroth in the training room
Wow, I'm impressed so many people liked FFVIII's final battle. For me, yeah you could say I considered it epic, but I wouldn't classify it as the most epic. For two simple reasons: I didn't care about Ultimecia as a character and because I could beat her easily with just Squall properly junctioned (I just didn't use Squall only but he was the only one who had powerful magic junctioned, the others didn't even had GF's). In my book, if you can beat a final boss without all your strength then it loses epic points. The battle can be considered epic because in the surface, Ultimecia can seem menacing and in a sense she is (she was in the process of achieving time compression) but her character was so skewed that I just didn't care. It loses some of the urgency a final battle should have.
For me the most epic battle is the one with Vayne. In my opinion it is vastly underrated. From a character point of view Vayne is a hands-on villain. He's not a vague entity hidden somewhere plotting world domination. He has a goal and he'll do anything to achieve it, even if it means war or murder. He doesn't hide or complain like Ultimecia did. He's not manipulated by an evil being like Sephiroth. What better setting for a final battle than in the middle of a war for freedom? That's truly epic! From a battle perspective even though Vayne is not difficult (at least in the level I was) he looked even more menacing than Ulti in his final form. The music also contributed to the epic feeling of the battle. In my opinion, Vayne has the best final boss music in all of the FF's I've played.
Well, enough ranting, lol. So in short, Vayne gets kudos for being the most epic final boss battle.
I'm gonna have to go ahead and agree with VIII.
It drove me nuts but in a fun way, after each fight I kept thinking I finally beat the game, then another form would appear and over and over again. Really kept me on edge and made the victory all the sweeter.
The path to get to her was great as well, very memorable.
wow, im pretty stoked everyone rekons VIII aswell :) another thing that made that battle better for me, was i read the ultimecia plot FAQ on gamefaqs a while ago and it inspired me to run through the game again. by the time i fought Ultimecia i actually knew alot more about her than you can really find out by just playing the game with no attention to detail (perhaps a mistake on Squares part) but it really added to that final epic battle... enough to make running through the game (yet again) worth it anyways.

i rekon VI was also really epic, scaling that huge tower, then scaling that 'tree of bosses' and fighting Kefka in a truely unexpected form.... that was really really cool.

@summoner Yuna. i know what your saying, but seriously, name one ff final battle that if your chararcters are very well developed it isnt easy as pee pee.

6, easy at high lvls,
7, cough cough knights of the round.
8, fair enough, a well junctioned squall.
9.... come on, this guy was pie!!!! pour crystal into status defence and youve already won.
10.... one hit KO.
12, lvl 60+ cake walk.
the only ff final battle that i found difficult was ff4 :S
but hey thats just IMO
FFIV is a pain in the arse - still haven't been able to defeat Zeromus, and everyone is like level 60+...
lol for me its got to be seven ( i was allways to lazy to get double cut and kotr ) so the boss battle for me the first couple of times was allways chalanging (especially for an eight year old)

but eight was ok i wont diss it i do love eight but it was annoying

nine bored me after a while

ten was a dissapoint ment

dodged 11 like the plague

12 was far too simple for me

and ive never played four i couldnt find it :(
I think most final battles have an important emotional significance to the respective game story, but as far the actual game play of the final battles, that's more debatable.

Automatically, I'm gonna say FFVIII like others have already. You fight 4-5 forms of Ultimecia in the battle, and each can be rather difficult, and it's possible to end up with only one character left to fight if you don't revive a KOed party member fast enough and they become unavailable to battle for the rest of the battle series.

In my first playthrough of FFVIII, I ended up with only Squall at the end, and when he was KOed, Phoenix was auto summoned and revived him and attacked Ultimecia, which incidentally gave the final blow to her anyways :P

Next I'm gonna say FFX, because Jeckt as Braska's Final Aeon is incredibly strong, and the Dark Aeons can be difficult too, especially if you got all 10 in the play through; Yu Yevon them self isn't as hard, but the pain to get to him makes it somewhat moot point.

Then I'm gonna say FFVII because the last possible save option in the game is if you choose to use your save crystal just before jumping into the pit where the Jenova battle theme starts to play. You almost always fight a monster after descending one step, then you face Jenova's final form, go through a tiring battle against Bizzaro Sephiroth, and have to deal with Safer Sephiroth's Ultimate attack that can screw you over easily if you don't have a ribbon equipped, and only if you survive the initial attack. The "staged" battle at the end definitely earns emotional points too.

For FFIX, Necron kind of came out of no where, so I was more confused emotionally, although the battle was difficult too.

...And I can't remember when I beat FFV and FFVI >_<
To me, it's easily FFIII DS. You're in a completely different world, the music is pretty cool sounding, and you're up against the Cloud of Darkness, who is a total bitch to kill (if you only try with one healer like I do). What makes this battle epic for me is that it's so hard to complete, and it makes me feel pretty on-edge, and I feel damn brilliant when I put her down (a grand total of once ...)
I will say FFIX because it contained the only final boss that gave me trouble, not to mention the fact that he is the embodiment of life and death. The fight before that has one of my favorite themes (dark messenger).
Doesn't FFVIII's final battles technically take place in another world?
Doesn't FFVIII's final battles technically take place in another world?

if by that u mean in the time compression world then yes.

its a bit hard to follow but i think what is basically happening in the final battle is that it starts in the future, (where uve been in the castle etc.) Ultimecia blows away her surroundings and stuff, and/or the characters are transported to another area during the greiver/ultimecia junction battle. as for the final final form, ultimecias true form, while you are fighting her she is trying to initiate time compression....

so in actual fact when u fight her when time compression is taking place, she is absorbing all time so she can do what she wants with it etc, a world that she can recreate with god styles power. you kill her just be4 she absorbs it and becomes god.

btw that is soooo epic, fighting a boss while the pivotal plot point in the game is taking place..... its the equivalent of fighting Sephy when metoer was actually striking and he would be trying to absorb all the power as you fight him!!!

also another thing that makes this ending so epic is the revelation with the time travel after the game; seeing Ultimecia actually go back in time and begin the whole time loop is mind boggling!!!!!!

yep... that settles it, after discussing this, this battle is def 100% the most epic final battle in FF for me :) woohoo. to me this is the only ff that actually has its best moment right at the end