Most famous FF character?

I may be a bit biased here but i would have to say Cloud is most likely the most famous final fantasy character as is he the main character of the first final fantasy which was mainstream in the west, also how can you get cooler then him lol x
I am basically a newbie to Final Fantasy XD, but these are the seven characters I knew of before I started gettting into the series (they are in order of who I found out first to who I discovered just before playing FFX):

1. Sephiroth - My friend Rowan explained his character to me and gave me a half hour session on "SEPHIROTH IS SO AWESOME"
2. Yuffie - I think I saw her on some website and ended up googling her, eventually she got me around to buying a FF, to bad it was X not VII.
3. Moogle - My friend has a plushi moogle that I accidentally broke in half
4. Yuna - Was watching my friends play FFX recently and saw Yuna summon an Aeon and immediatly made her my fave character :)
5. Chocobo - when I saw this plushie one in the shop I bought it and gave it to my friend to replace his half-of-a-moogle
6. Auron/Vincent - originally I thought this was the same character :P So I asked my friend Rowan about him and I got a 15 min session on "They are TOTAL BADASSES"
7. All the FF characters in Kingdom hearts I and II

If you tweak that list it is probably right for top 7 most famous.
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Well, here's the characters who I think are the most famous.

1. Cloud-He stars in the best selling Final Fantasy title of all time. Even people unfamiliar with the series have some idea who he is.

2. Sephiroth-He's the main villain of the best selling Final Fantasy title of all time. Also, he stars in one of the most iconic scenes in the series.

3. Tifa-Once again, she's a character in the best selling Final Fantasy game. And the only major female character after Aeries dies.

4. Aeris-Same reasons as Tifa. She is also the other star in one of the most iconic scenes in the series.

5. Kefka-He's the second most popular villain in the series after Sephroith.

6. Squall-Stars in the second best selling Final Fantasy game of all time. Also appears in the Kingdom Hearts games.

7. Tidus-Love or hate him, he's probably the best known main character that's not named Cloud or Squall.

8. Yuna-Like Tidus, she stars in one of the best-selling Final Fantasy games of all time. Her unquie nature as a summoner has helped her garner a considerable following.

9. Gilgamesh-Since his appearance in Final Fantasy V, he as appeared in VIII, IX, XII, the remake of FF I, and the advance port of VI. He's earned a legacy for strange one-liners, and his attempts to fight with counterfeit swords.

10. Vivi-Since his appearance in Final Fantasy IX, he as become the iconic Black Mage of the series. Hell, even the Black Wizard in Final Fantasy I remakes was redesigned to look like him.
My list...

01 - Cloud: Character has made numerous appearances in other games, as well as being the leading protagonist of the most discussed Final Fantasy. Easily recognizable and carries a very large, heavy looking sword.

02 - Sephiroth: Famous antagonist from said game. The ultimate challenge in the Kingdom Hearts series and wields the Masamune, a name synonymous with Sephiroth. Also known for famous video game scene featuring the Masamune.

03 - Squall: Heavily featured in the Kingdom Hearts II and known for his gunblade, scar and last name. Oh, and the cause of some bad cosplay.

04 - Auron: Known as the local Final Fantasy bad ass. Has one of the most interesting stories to be told, looks cool and extremely wise. Loved for his calm and calculating demeanor.

05 - Gabranth: Scene stealing character, looks bad ass and is bad ass.

06 - Vincent: Very sexy and sleek character. Known for his great design and wardrobe. Very mysterious and a great limit break. Attained his own game.

07 - Beatrix: The rich mans Steiner. Beautiful character and very powerful. Known as the boss to kick your ass three times and for one of my personal favorite sections of the game when you're fighting off Mistodons(sp?) in Alexandria along Steiner.

08 - Tifa: Known for her over the top breasts and a crowd favorite in battles.

09 - Kefka: Mastermind and a very important character to this genre of gaming. Very well done villain and still leaves you with a bit of secrecy after his death. Very fun character to discuss and theorize about. Also known for his famous face paintings and narcissism.

10 - Tidus: Leading character in the first Final Fantasy to have spoken words. Features in a very famous blitzball scene at the beginning of the game and also known for his very sad tale. Very well known for his famous aquatic like blade as well.
I think the most famous would be Cloud... My impression is that generally, if you were to raise that name, the chances are, most people would know it immediately. That, and Sephiroth. Comes quite close, but since Cloud's a significantly easier name to remember, I suppose I'll put my guess on Cloud.

Other reasons include the fact the game is possibly the most famous in the series, with a movie of it, a sequel featuring Vincent, and now, a remake. With the remake, I think Cloud will be re-introduced to the newer generation, so, he should be, arguably, the most famous character now- or at least, later.
My List

1 - Noctis : He will be the most Famous Character in FF when FF XIII VERSUS is released
2 - Cloud : Ultimate hero.!
3 - Tidus
4 - Auron
5 - Sephiroth
6 - Yuna : Best Summoner (For me)
7 - Tifa : ( . Y . )
Well if we aren't going to count the Kingdom Hearts series then its a tie betwix Sora, Cloud and Tidus, they seem to rank most popular here in the United States.

I personally believe it to be Cloud Strife, but it really couldn't be avoided, now could it?
1) Cloud Strife - Why? He made his first appearance in Final Fantasy VII. He was highly popular and the game was a huge success, and most important people were tied to Cloud, he was such an Important role in the game (Protagonist duh) and you could feel yourself tied in.
2) Sephiroth - Sephiroth is the antagonist in Final Fantasy VII, he also in which played a big role within the game and was a mysterious character, including himself when he burnt Nibelheim, etc etc. He didn't care for others, he was a cool evil lead.
(Although, Lightning is actually the best character in my opinion but this could change since I haven't played the game yet.)
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Eh, among veteran and non-FF players, it has to be Seph. This has little to do with profound criteria or anything; for those of the "in-crowd" who understand to some extent his feats and motives, Sephiroth tends alternately to be "the badass with the ridiculous sword" or "the failed, effeminate answer to the American badass". For those parties ignorant of his existence, whose first and only experience with the man is on passing a copy of Advent Children Complete, I figure that the reponse would be pretty much the same. Logically, Seph is known to his widest audience by his character design, not his personality.

It is all in the sword; is it a mark of his inimitable badassery, or is it compensating for something? <_< I happen to like Sephiroth, by the way, as, even in spite of his shallow fan following, he is "one of those personalities" that embodies an undiluted spirit so rare in "real people", but we are discussing fame at the moment, and that is a ruthless judge.
It would have to be Cloud he has crossed over into games more than anyone else excluding summons like odin shiva bahamut ifrit ect. I believe he crossed over three times all ready Tactis, Kingdom Hearts, and Enhergiz.
Also Sephiroth he's almost ranked #1 villian in the world..........what you still have the Devil. Could sephiroth out rank the Devil oh $hit i think he might have.
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Cloud by far.

He has been in more games than anyone is the series. He is most known out of all the other protagonists. Call it spoiling him or whatever, he is definitely the guy that the FF creators want you to know. He has the biggest fanbase and is the easiest to recognize, having come from one of the most revolutionary games in the series, FFVII.
Despite the fact I will never play FFVII, I'd say a tie between Cloud and Sephiroth. If I ask an FF fan who they like more, I'm probably going to get either of these two as my answer.
Cloud of course. He's crossed in so many games it's silly. He even got his own movie. Even people who hasn't played FFVII still know who Cloud is. So yeah, he's super famous. Sephy is also pretty famous because he crosssed over as much as Cloud did. How can a guy with a sword that long not be famous?XD

I guess Yuna could a third for me. Same with Cloud, most of my friends have never played Final Fantasy X, yet they know who she is. So I guess that makes her popular too.
It all really varies but, IMO I think it's Cloud
he's been the one character that's been in several games other then VII such as KH CC etc its easy to see that he has a pretty strong solid fan-base and I'm sure he'll appear in games to come. He just seems like the most talked about FF character in my eyes anyways and it's pretty easy to establish that.
Might as well just say 7 :)

Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Sephiroth, Zack and Vincent. People are obsessed with them :)
1,cloud 2,sephiroph 3,zack 4,areith 5,tidus 6,auron 7,vincent 8,tifa 9,cid this is a list of the most top ff people i fink if u agree or not it is the best group of people 2 av as a m8t lol
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