Most famous FF character?

I would probably say that the most famous are mostly from FF VII:

Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith

however, Kefka is also quite well known.
1. Cloud: he's got the big yellow hair, duh! (Even tho I can't stand him)
2. Sephiroth: (If I spelled his name wrong too bad) Well, he killed Aeris, which I thought the only reason he really is popular. Plus, what nerdy, geeky adolescent doesn't want to be an evil twisted mysterious villain? (If you find this offensive, sorry, I just simply HATE him)
3.Yuna: She's the face of all summoners (Modern ff)
4. Tifa: Classic female fighter, plus she was in the game which Square first cged. Oh and, I really don't see the big boobs, maybe i'm blind.
5. Aeris: She died, thats it. I think she's as over rated as Whitney Houston. (I am an Aeris fan tho xD)
6. Squall: Even tho critics thought he was emo and un leader like, that sparked alot of attention which made him popular.
7. Zack: Clouds older, dead counter part who is more likeable.
8. Zidane: First protagonist with a tail xD
9. Vivi: Face of all black mages..even tho I think Lulu is better >.<
10. Auron: Can't think of a reason, people just seem to like him.
1. Cloud
2. Sephiroth

(they are, ask anyone here :P)

3. Yuna; because of the cosplay-popularity she enjoyed for a long time, many people who aren't gamers know her.
4. Lightning (for everybody who is following gaming news now)
5 Squall, used to be more famous, but FFVIII is old now (and doesn't have the sequel/prequel thing FFVII does)
6. Vincent- a lot of attention in the FFVII compilation
7. Tifa, FFVII, fanboys
8. Aeris, FFVII, died
9. Vivi
10. Tidus, FFX was very popular back then.
1. Cloud - He's appeared in a few games and a film.
2. Sephiroth - When people think of Cloud he's always there.
3. Zack - Same a Sephiroth really.
4. Vincent - Got his own game and all that.
5. Aerith - Rembered along with Cloud, Sephiroth and the film.
6. Jenova - She's a pretty popular gal.
7. Tifa - Once again Cloud dragged her up there with his fame.
8. (it's starting to get difficult now) Tidus - He's the hero of a pretty good game he's gotta have some reknown in this world.
9. Moogle's? - Is that one allowed cause they are kinda like a character.
10. Chocobo's? - Same as Moogle's really.

And there you go thats my top ten. :)
Most Popular FF character? Mamma's Boy...

-Er... I mean, Sephiroth...
I think Cloud would be more famous than Sephiroth. Those two are a hell-of-a-lot more famous than any other FF character thanks to FFVII: AC, Crisis Core, their appearances in other games, etc. Main reason Sephiroth is so well known is due to him being Cloud's nemesis, and having killed Aerith (Well, that and he's one of the best villains the video game genre has ever known). Tifa would likely be really popular within the FF fanbase, but not so much in general.

Just Because I didn't want to name a FF7 character.

WELL there are plenty of people making lists of characters and not saying WHY
But here we go.

It was in spite of all the FF7 characters. I think it is pretty well established that Cloud or Sephiroth are probably the most Famous Characters. Exposure on a New system, first 3D characters in a Final Fantasy game, and a hell of a game at that. Due to the ability to set up a longer story (since CDs hold more and they used several) and adding Cut scenes with CG helped give a depth to the characters and story that games on the 16 bit or 8 bit could not achive. This along with the massive amount of people who got started on Final Fantasy 7 because the Playstation was thier first console or first attempt at a Final Fantasy game.
I think Kefka is very popular. But of course no where neer as popular as those two. And for a character with a 16bit consol laugh, he was pretty recognisable and a fun character and great bad guy.

I appologise for the Spammyness
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Please say WHY Kefka is the most famous character in your opinion, this post is considered spammy, Thank you
Red 13 due the fact he only one of the few animal types you see or interact with and that makes him rare.
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Please say WHY Kefka is the most famous character in your opinion, this post is considered spammy, Thank you

Haruwolf, please take note of my above post, this applies to everyone, thankyou
to me these are the most famous final fantasy characters
1- Cloud = ff VII was a big game for Playstation, then Advent children came out sooo
2- Sephiroth = anyone whos anyone knows that if you have a dab guys thats going to kick but it will be sephiroth
3- Tidus = the first "hero" on playstation 2 so hes quite big in that region
4- Vaan = possibly the last "hero" for playstation 2 which will put him in the books tbh
5- Vincent = the ultimate badass "i dont care" look. forst appeared in FFVII the in AC then he got his own game Dirge of Ceberus (what a legend)
6- Vivi = in my eyes, all who think of black mages think of Vivi due to the fact that IX copied in a way the plder games on terms of look but put a character into the look making black mages that little bit better
7- Tifa = big boobs in VII and AC (what more can i say)
8- Zidane = ah Zidane you and your tale went well with Vivi, you were the hero of IX
9- Squall = didnt like him but hes was a hero in VIII so yeh hes pretty famous
10- Aeris = well i dont really like her but she did play a big part in VII so i gues ill give it to her
For most famous, I'd probably list:

1. Cloud - he's just a popular image of Final Fantasy games. He's instantly recognisable.
2. Sephiroth - The evil lord that obviously everyone knows. You can't NOT know him.
3. Tifa - Cloud's girlfriend, probably why she's recognisable.
4. Squall - I think everyone knows the Squall & Rinoa couple. I think Squall is a cool character, and is one of my personal favourites - though I've never played FFVIII.
5. Yuna - Everyone knows who Yuna is, even if they've never played FFX or FFX-2. I think her FFX-2 image is more known than her FFX image, just like with Rikku.
6. Rinoa - I think everyone knows the Squall & Rinoa couple.
7. Vincent - I don't know much about Vincent, but I know he's somewhat mysterious and that a lot of people know him.
8. Rikku - She's a very attractive lady. People would most likely know her by her FFX-2 image, rather than FFX.
9. Auron - I think more people recognise Auron than Tidus. For obvious reasons - he appears cool and hardcore.
10. Tidus - Not really that well known. If you show an FF noob a picture of Tidus, they'll most likely not know who it is, or be all like "Why are you showing me a picture of Cloud?"
1/2 - I think that both Cloud and Sephiroth are equally as famous and the most famous. Really, they are the main hero and main villain in the most popular Final Fantasy series. And both of their swords are huge.

3 - Vincent Valentine. Even Square realized that Vincent, despite the fact that he is an optional character in the original FF7, is an amazing character and is really popular amongst FF fans. He's like the Final Fantasy version of a vampire, and besides, he's my favorite. ^^

4 - Aerith/Aeris. I'm not a huge fan of her, but she is the romantic interest of Cloud and Zack, and her death was epic. /cheer-for-Sephiroth!*

5 - Yuna. Forget Tidus. Nobody likes Tidus. Everybody likes Yuna. Sure Tidus was technically the main character in FFX, but I think the story more centered around Yuna's pilgrimage/destiny, so much so that he had to keep reminding you that it was his story.

6 - Squall. Edea magically launched a huge shard of ice thru his chest, and he miraculously is unharmed. I think that kicks Cloud's death-defying fall into the church's flower bed my a mile. And he's the serious, silent, mean-type. He's got some famous quotes, too!! Like: "..." and: "...Whatever."

7 - Kadaj. After Final Fanasy Advent Children came out, there has been a huge fangirl base for Kadaj. He's like Sephiroth's mini-me - with some girlish attitude. He does have some nice fighting styles, though.

8 - Genesis. He's getting more popular though. He is most known for his constant Loveless quotes/ranting. But he was also modeled after Gackt (Squall's costume was modeled after Gackt, too) - entirely, and Gackt even did his voice in the Japanese versions. So Genesis has some die-hard Gackt fangirls after him. And he was also in Dirge as well as Crisis Core. And I think he's awesome.

9 - Rikku. She is popular amonst the guys, I know. She wears a bikini top and super-short shorts. Why not?

10 - Tidus. They had to put him in Kingdom Hearts with Squall and Sephiroth just so he seemed more popular. He does have a fanbase, but it's definately not as big as Yuna's or Rikku's. Though, I wish Auron was more popular, he's my favorite of FFX, and not whimpy like Tidus. Tidus I think is only kinda famous only because he was the official main character of FFX. He's like a whimpy, whiny, not so cool, entirely self-centered, and not-so-epically-huge sword-wielding Cloud.

*Apologies, Aerith <3ers, I was happy when he got rid of her. More time for Tifa and Cloud to beat around the bush some more.
I think it's Cloud followed by Auron. It's not which characters are most popular among us. It's "which characters from FF games do people who don't even know FF recognize?"

People who don't know anything about the Final Fantasy franchise will recognize the guy with the big rectangular sword, and the guy in red with the big sword.

I recognized Cloud long before I got a game console. No idea who he was, but I knew the image.

Auron was fairly memorable in Kingdom Hearts II, to judge by a friend of mine who knows nothing about FF but thinks Auron is The Stuff because of his (disconcerting!) role in KH2. The fact that he has such a major character role for part of KH2, as if Square was confident he could hold his own as a plot-advancing character along with Mulan, Herc and the various Disney regulars, suggests that Squeenix knew he had appeal / recognition beyond their core fanbase (for which they built Hollow Bastion).

After that, to judge by avatars in various fandom forums for things from MYST to LOTR, it's Yuna. I didn't know who she was when her face first started popping up everywhere. That's died down, I'm sure, but the dancing-on-water image stuck in people's minds even after X-2 rather, er, altered her image.
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Here is my favorite list:

Cloud Strife: Cause of his role in the FFVII series, i think next to Yuna he is the far most famous person of all the FF games.
Aeris: Most famous girl character of the FFVII series next Tifa i think. i know a lot og people who fell in love with character espacially since she such a sweet personallity
Tifa: After Aeris one of the most famous FF VII girl characters.
Reno: Though he is one of the Turks and doesnt play a big role in FFVII, his personality is great and his role in Advent Children gave him his famous status.
Squall: Most famous FFVIII character next to Rinoa his non-caring but strong character changing thourghout the game made him famous i think.
Rinoa: Most famous girl character in FFVIII and i dont have to explain why, she is just great!
Garnet: I think she is the only character in FFIX that has the right to be famous since Zidane's character isnt really an outspoken character.
Tidus: Do i need to say more? Yuna and Tidus just belong together tho Yuna is far more famous then Tidus, thanks to FFX-2
Yuna:Ok now i dont need to say anmore... just obvious why she is so famous our Lady Summoner
Ashe: I think she is the only famous character in FFXII, tho Vaan is the main character, Ashe is just the one and only character with a little attitude and thats what makes her famous

So after finishing this list i have to conclude there are just really 2 famous characters in the whole FF series Cloud and Yuna for sure
(i know my english isnt perfect but o well i think you guys get it lol)
1. Cloud- My best Final Fantasy Character
2. Squall- He is calm and mysterious and I like his style
3. Kuja- One of the best antagonists
4. Vivi- The most famous black mage
5. Tidus- Funny and intresting character
6. Yuna- Has really great cutscenes with Tidus
7. Auron- One of the best characters
8. Zidane- Funny character that is different from Cloud and Squall
9. Steiner- Royal knight that is very against Zidane
10. Wakka- Blitzball player and very strong character