Most famous FF character?

Cloud by far, FFVII in general was just a whored compilation so Cloud was always going to be the most famous. Zack is making a name for himself though, and he's more likable than Cloud so hopefully Zack will be up there someday :monster:
I would say that sephiroth is first with cloud in a close second......from then on it is anybody's guess. Since most people relate to the first FF they played I guess it all depends on what most people's first FF game was.
Hmmm... Toughy... Nah just kidding

1. Cloud: He's basically the figure head for most characters.

2. Sephy - Simple, army of fangirls AND boys. That and he killed Aerith in the most infamous scene ever

3. Aerith: She'll be forever known as Cloud's true love. *waits to be pelted by Cloti fans*

4. Vincent: Mainly because of his side-story and DoC.

5. Reno: He's just too coooooool :D

6. Tifa. Fanboys and big boobs 'nuff said :P

7. Yuffie: Gravity defying ninja, need I say more?

8. Squall: Bit of an emo, which is why he's 8th but has a great story.

9. Zidane: He's too happy! All main characters are meant to be grumpy and down!

10: Rinoa: Found her annoying, but she's a good character
1 Sephiroth
2 Cloud
3 Zidane
4 Genesis
5 Zack
6 Squall
7 Vincent
8 Cecil
9 Tifa
10 Auron

LOL I don't know about some of those.

Zidane? FFIX is hardly known. Genesis? Only know by those that have played CC or have heard of CC.

Zack? Most people that only played VII probably wouldn't remember him. My boyfriend infact, thinks his name is Derek. (Yeah I know, Derek?)

Squall, yes, because VIII is known and Squall is the main character.

Tifa? Only by those who are big FFVII fans.

Cecil? Mostly among the older gamers. Kain would probably be a better choice.

Auron? Maybe, but I would think Yuna would be much more well known.
1 Aerith because well umm just because
2 Aerith Starts day dreaming
3 Yuna aaaaahhhh oooohhhh im done
4 Cloud because he tottaly cool
5 Vincent Wicked awesome dude and like some people say has his own game
6 ummm barrett cause hes so stubborn
7 ummm yuffie she funny
8 leon(Squall) cause he stuck upp he belongs here and well i hate to have my friend bash me for not putting him on
9 Sepheroth i hate him for killing Aerith(dreams hits head on desk wakes up) yes so i hate him
10 Tifa i hate her me and my friend are arguing about who is better Tifa or Aerith hehehe im winning we also argued about Cloud and Squall(loser)

..... This list is too confusing and I can't even read it. Aerith is in there 2x, and theres an arguement with you and a friend? Don't include that in this I can't even understand it.
But back to the topic at hand
The Top 10 Most Famous IMO are:
1-Cloud: You either love him or you hate him.
2-Sephiroth: Most well known for killing one of the most important characters in the storyline, Aeris.
3-Vincent: His mysterious character and background appeal to many people and they find him to be their favorite.
4-Tifa: Again as everyone has touched on the whole Boob issue with many. And she helps Cloud find his inner self.
5-Yuna: She stars in 2 games and is the center face in one of them. That pretty much speaks for her.
6-Tidus: Granted his voice acting is very annoying, but being the main character in the first game of the FF series for the PS2 and having voices instead of just captions speak for him and earns him a spot.
7-Red XIII aka Nanaki: Now this may be going out on a limb here, but come on how many dogs/wolves do you know that have firey tails and can talk like a human?
8-Barrett: He is the Mr.T of the video game
9-Zidane: The dude has a tail, and steals a pretty smokin Princess btw
10-Beatrix: This may be a huge huge stretch to some. But I feel she's known for being one of the strongest people you not only face in battle, but experience her being on your team.
Cloud by far, FFVII in general was just a whored compilation so Cloud was always going to be the most famous. Zack is making a name for himself though, and he's more likable than Cloud so hopefully Zack will be up there someday :monster:
Yup couldn't agree more. I like Zack wayy more than Cloud. Who knows maybe if they have a remake maybe Zack will be in that?:wink:

j/k but it'd be cool
The obvious answer is Cloud and Sephiroth but I'm also going to say that Kefka is a distant third. The reason: any debate about final fantasy eventually becomes a Sephiroth vs Kefka flame war.
you see i don't think that Sephy or cloud are as famous as Bahamut, thinking about it logically Bahamut has a mention in most games, (i say most because i haven't played them all) he has certainly been in all of the games i have played
Tbqh I don't think that Bahamut it the most famous Majin. Most of the time when people that have played FF quite a lot think of it they either think of Rydia, Kain or Cloud.
In response to somebody mentioning Bahamut, Bahamut has been around long before FF so I wouldn't exactly call that as being FF's famous character.
Unfortunatly, I'd say the most famous character's from FF are all from VII, Sep, Cloud, Aerith. Really i just believe it to be a tie between those three because you can't think of one without thinking of the other. Like ying and yang.
There are in my opinion the most famous but in no way my favorite.

Only because his one of my most famous characters, Also because i had a dp of Vincent and he was like "Wow who's that?" and yeah the conversation leads onwards till' he now wonts to borror my FFVII :).
1. Most popular: Cloud - People know him as that one guy with the hair, or big sword. And most gamers know him as the most overrated hero in any FF game. xD

2. Sephiroth - He's that one guy with the huge sword and he killed Aerith. Plus his battle music is somewhat famous.

3. Chocobo - The lovable yellow bird seems to be known too. It's like the Pikachu of the FF world.

4. Aerith - She's the one that died. =(

5. Black Mage/ White Mage - It's that hat they have. SO cute. =) And the little blue vest. White mages have their red/white cloak . They've been around since the original FF. :P

6. Vincent - Tons of fanart/fiction = massive fangirls/boys. Must be his red cloak.

7. Squall - Known by many as the guy in KH. And his scar+ fluffy jacket.

8.Celes - Never played that FF but I have heard enough of her.

9. and 10. cant think of any at the moment. >.<
TBH, I'm shocked to see so many people mention Vincent...I mean fact is, he's not even a main character in FFVII...not only optional, but fairly hidden. I personally can't place him on the top 10 cause I didn't even use him first time through.
1) Cloud - Has a good background an awesome look.
2) Sephiroth - The powerful Villain of all
3) Kefka - He destroyed the world, didn't he? ;)
4) Tifa - I just like her =D
5) Yuna - A great Summoner and she was the beginning of FFX story.
6) Cecil - an awesome character, and I liked the Dark Knight thing.
7) Rydia - well ain't she a cute summoner when she grew up. :wacky:
8) Auron - He kicked ass actually
9) Celes - I liked her very much, but I don't think she fit with the opera.
10) Vincent - He had his own game