Most tear shedding scene in final fantasy

Rorolina Frixell

Alchemist of Arland
Apr 27, 2007
my most tear shedding scene would have to be the scene where aeris dies i dont know why but it always brings a tear to my eye :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

what about everyone else? what is your most tear shedding scene?

could a mod change the title to: most tear shedding scene in ff and kh?
I have to agree its the same with me when aries dies and then you see cloud letting her go into the water. The first time i saw it it made me nearly cry
once aeris died i was like you bastard sephiroth how could you do that to my best character (she had great gospel need i say more) and then when i battled jenova i just went berserk and slaughtered its ass but i still cried for aeris
I haven't got to that part.. mine would be Galuf's death.. his 1 on 1 fight with Exdeath(0 HP and yet still alive.) up to when Cara found them and exit the forest. and then the ending when she gives flowers to her grandfather's grave........................................................................................................... Y_Y
Aeris' Death is probly the most tear shedding moment in al the FF game or the scene when cloud lays Aeris to rest in the lake
I laughed when I saw Aeris die. Wasn't that much of a shock really.

I loved the scene in the Ragnarok when Rinoa and Squall were cuddling, I mean, coupled with Eyes on Me playing it became a really moving scene.
aeris dying didnt really affect me at all, there was no shock value!

The ending of FFX when tidus dissapears has got my vote, very emotional scene when yuna fades through him.

Also FFIX when u find out vivi has stopped and the little speech he says during the end scenes is very sad
Well I have few "touching" endings...

FFVII-Aeris' death:

Mostly because you went through the game thinking that both Cloud and Aeris would end up together and then Sephiroth murders her ruthlessly. Then Cloud places Aeris' body on the water and she fades away while he holds his tears trying not to burst in sorrow....

I can't imagine me doing that with someone I care....*hey that gives me an idea*

FFVIII- Ending

When Squall fainted and Rinoa held him within her arms thinking that he was dead and then she cried and all


When Tidus fights his father and Jecht has this so attitude and the same old "do what you have to do...."

Killing your own father and on top of that not being able to fall in love....God...that's hard...
I also agree Aeris death was very emotional.I used to always think they would end up together sometimes I still think they should have end up together.
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I don't know why I dont see a forum for the best final fantasy ever but I would have to say the most tear shedding part of final fantasy is in Tactics When they say Ramza and Alma die then they say how by olan reporting the whole adventure he got burned at the stake
aeris' death was a preety tear jerking moment but the most heart shredding moment for me is in FFXII when Reddas dies, it's just the concept of a man sacraficing his own life jus for the sake of his fellow comerads that he barley even knows. oh and when Fran and Balthier dies trying to stop the bahamut from crashing into rabanaster.
aeris' death was a preety tear jerking moment but the most heart shredding moment for me is in FFXII when Reddas dies, it's just the concept of a man sacraficing his own life jus for the sake of his fellow comerads that he barley even knows. oh and when Fran and Balthier dies trying to stop the bahamut from crashing into rabanaster.

I forgot all about that one, that was a really powerful scene.

One thing, tho, Fran and Balthier didn't actually die, they got out on an Ahriman or something. They contact Vaan later on in the video.
I actually laughed at Aeris' death. It was just so funny to me, I couldn't help but laugh. Oh, right, tear-shedding scene.
Yeah, I got nothing. -_-

Although maybe I' would've shed tears if I hadn't known about it before I played FF7.
Nope, I'd still laugh. ^_^
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