Most tear shedding scene in final fantasy

for me it was Aeris's death, and for some reason the part of FF8's ending with Laguna and Raine.
laguna and raine made me cry the second time i saw it as i didnt understand how they got together if she died before he confessed his love to her
Out of aaaaal the final fantasies I've played. The game that made me cry the most was FFIX, and the scene that was the saddest was the one where Zidane woke up while him and his crew were in trouble. But he wouldn't help them cause he was all boken up inside. So he just walked by everyone and eventually Garnet came and slapped some sense into him.
That with the "You are not alone" music just killed me!

Seriously I get all teary thinking about that. And that's on top Vivi's story, which is pathetically saddening as well. So yeah, there ya go.

I know a lot of people thought the death scene in FFVII was sad. But I just laughed it off. She was my most useless character anyway. Of course I can totally see how others would take it if you spent all that time leveling her up. My friend spent sooo much time getting her strong for nothing. THAT made her cry.
I never really shed a tear for any scene in any of the Final Fantasies. However there were two moments when I had some emotion. The first was when Sephiroth came out of nowhere to stab Aeris in the back to kill her. I was all like, "Damn, that's ****ed up." The second time was when Zidane came to rescue Garnet from Alexandria Castle right after Kuja destroys it. She gives him the most grateful hug I had ever seen. I was all like, "AAAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!" Then you see Eiko just as mad as hell that Zidane got Garnet. I was lmfao.
Aerith's death scene is very tragic, but they didn't pull it off as well as it could have been. Given that the game was made with polygonal graphics, it would have been more difficult to configure a dramatic scene.

Even though FFX isn't my favorite Final Fantasy...I still loved the ending scene where Tidus fades away. They aren't my favorite pairing, not at all...the scene was just touching.
God i got so many moments but for me i was too young to really be that effected (or affected? :S) by aeris's death.

my worse bit was probaly FFX when tidus finds out yuna's gona die from trying to kill sin i dont no how with that terrible voice acting. Also in FF9 when vivi cos goes loony cos he realises hes gona stop like the other felllas and that bit when zidane has the "you're not alone music".

In an related incident to FFX i was fucking holding back the tears as my mate played "to zanakand" on the piano really well on our last day ever school as we talked over our memorys even though i didn't think i miss school at all..
I cheered for Sephiroth when he killed Aeris, i hated her, not only was she utterly useless, but i just found her character extremely annoying.

In IX, i cried at the scene where the black waltz slaughters all the black mages and poor Vivi has to watch, i found that really sad. Also i cried at the end of IX. It wasnt particularly sad (except for Vivi's part...), but IX did such an excellent job on character development that when the game ended i was so sad that it was over.

Also the ending scene of X nearly got to me even though i dont like Tidus.
When Yuna shook her head as he started to fade. And she ran through him and fell. OH GOD, I cried so hard. My cousin kept calling me a punk cuz i was crying like someone in the family died. I got to into that game.
There's a few for me.

Final Fantasy VII.
It doesn't "always" bring a tear to my eye, but when I was five, playing it for the first time, aye, I was upset by the death of Aerith. Now, however, I get more upset when Tifa learns that Cloud has been masquerading as Zack his entire life.

Final Fantasy VIII.
I can't remember too much about the ending right now; but that'll be sorted once I've finished it again, as I'm in the process of doing. I do know, however, that the scene where Edea pierces Squall's heart was a bit distressing, as was the scene, "Eyes on Me," on the Ragnarok.

Final Fantasy IX.
It's got to be Brahne's death, where we see Garnet hurting after her mother returns to her normal self, but only too late. The scene where Zidane fights through Terra on his own, when, "You're Not Alone!" begins to play, is also quite emotional.

Final Fantasy X.
As always, it's the ending, where Tidus disappears. Two other scenes I find difficult to watch are in Bikanel Island, when Tidus learns of the true outcome of the Pilgrimage, and also in Macalania Lake, where they ... disappear into the water. Of course, there's also the point, where Tidus finally meets with Jecht.

Final Fantasy XII.
I'll begin at the end here, and mention how attached I was to the characters. When the end of the game came, I couldn't stand it. Drace should never have died, either - nor should Gabranth have been made to kill her. Reddas' death isn't exactly happy and neither is the death of Reks :P

Kingdom Hearts.
Sora's sacrifice, Riku's sacrifice and seeing the three friends being ripped apart.

Kingdom Hearts II.
The (alleged) death of Goofy, the reunion with Riku and Kairi and the death of Axel, too. I think we've all got to feel bad for Beast, too :P

ff8:when squall saves rinoa (again) from the sorceresses cemetary

ff9:when zidane fights several monsters in terra and when dagger is crying when her mum dies

ff10: when tidus is reunited with his father (not when he dies, when he beats jecht)

ff12:when ghis angers ashe, that gets me going every time

kh1:when sora gives his heart

kh2:when goofy 'dies' and when you battle the mcp and the 1000 heartless war
I didnt know we were doing kingdom hearts too ^^

KH1: at the end, where Sora and Kairi get torn apart and Simple and Clean starts playing, that makes me cry every damn time

KH2: when Axel died, it was so sad >_<

I dont think anything else in FF or KH has made me cry, at least not that i can recall
well, i have requested a mod to change the title to something more appropriate

yeah the scene where sora and kairi gets me too, so i just leave the room til it is finished and watch deep dive instead

ninja mickey! :devil:
when Tidus started fading and Yuna said "i love you" and Tidus hugged her and stepped through her and jumped down

last time i just bursted out in tears on that scene...

PS: FFX, obviously
Unfortunately i cant just walk away from that KH scene, i just love the song too much and i cant look away ><

To elaborate on the ending of IX, i started crying when Garnet and Zidane glomped each other...and also at the narration, once i figured out who was doing it. And like i said before, just the fact that the game was over and i'd grown so attached to the characters made me cry too.
The last scene in AC, when Clous sees Aeris and Zack, brought tears to my eyes. I just had that feeling of nostalgia, remembering playing FF7 and the memories of Aeris :sad2: .
well, i have requested a mod to change the title to something more appropriate

This is the Final Fantasy Fun section, and thus has nothing to do with Kingdom Hearts. Feel free to make a similar thread to this in the Kingdom Hearts Fun section though.

As for the thread, my more... emotional scene, was during the end of FFX. Moving, but I was hardly pushed for holding back any tears. :rolleyes:
It's all about the Heart-Strings.

There's nothing wrong with displaying emotion - even to a game.

With that in mind, what were the most tearful moments for you, when playing any of the titles? Was it the death of Aeris that did it for you? Or were you more connected to Rinoa, when she was floating in space? Just how sympathetic did you feel for Garnet when her mother died? How could you not feel like breaking down when Tidus finds out about Yuna's true fate?

For myself, it's the latter. Tidus, breaking down, screaming, "Lulu! How could you? How could you? Isn't she like a sister to you? Why don't you do something, Wakka!?" actually forces me to look away from the screen and take a deep breath. The same applies to me for the very end of the game and slightly less so when we see Auron's flashbacks in Zanarkand.

You know what to do.
I believe it was towards the end of FFX when Yuna tried to hug the vanishing Tidus and fell to the ground. I think you see tears on her eyes (I'm not entirely sure), but that really got to me. I didn't cry or anything, but I did feel sympathy for all the characters.

And then of course when Aerith died. I suppose since that was my first RPG, it was unexpected for me. Again, no tears, but there was a slight emotion on my part.
ffx's ending did it for me too. when she runs to tidus and then goes straight through him, i always start crying. and when she says, i love u, that makes me go from crying to bawling. i also always get sad at the laguna and rain scene in ffviii. it sucks knowing that rain died, and they didnt get to b together very long. ffix's ending made me tear up because it waz so sweet, and i waz so happy zidane survived and made it back to garnett. FFxii's opening mad me really sad to because its like yay! a wedding! and then a little while later its wait!? did the groom just get killed? ive cried at alot of other scenes besides these too. i guess im a very emotional person :rolleyes:
I cry alot when Aeris dies, I just keep on bawling until my tears are no more.
FFX is sad, except I never played it, so I wonder why Tidus vanishes.
And I'm currently playing on FFIX, I'm on disc 3, Pandemonium. I got shocked when Zidane called Eiko and Vivi "spoiled lil' brats". :O