Musicians and What Instruments You Play

I play guitar, and I'm self-taught. I've been playing around five and a half years now, and I got a new guitar a few months ago, an Ibanez RG 1570 ;) I'm a left-handed player, so finding the right guitar for me took time, but this is it!

Earlier today I played through Iron Maiden's "Powerslave" and "Seventh son of a seventh son" albums, and I've been practising some new lead patterns and generally cleaning up my playing.

Wow, when I get a new guitar, possibly a jackson warrior im gonna learn some maiden songs, possibly some megadeth too.
Im also a guitar player. Ive been playing close to 10 years now but I havent had time to play properly for a long time now due to schoolwork as well as work. Kind of annoying but hopefully ill find the time soon...
If i do ever get another keyboard, I might start experimenting. But i suppose years of not touching one has already rusted my skills... No chance to play some Final Fantasy tunes either, since i didn't know of Final Fantasy at the time i had my keyboard.
I just got my flute at Christmas and am really enjoying learning it, I think I've made quite good progress in 2 days. =P I'm so impatient though, I can't wait to get better at it so that I can start learning more songs like Bouree by Jethro Tull, which was partly the reason I decided to get one. :wacky:
I've been playing guitar for 3 years, after taking lessons for 1 and a half years and quitting because I was tired of watching my instructor jam for 30 minutes a week while im sitting now I teach myself. I don't practice many types of styles, especially since I only have an acoustic guitar.

I can't really say I play the piano, but I'm currently teaching myself. I'm playing Speed of Sound and Trouble by Coldplay, Dearly Beloved from KH2, and Hikari from KH, and Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell. :)
I play an acoustic guitar and I've been playing for 5 years already. Right now, I'm working my butt off just to earn money to buy an electric guitar because my old own was broken and I also need some effects with it. I also play the violin but I'm still a noob playing it.

Using the guitar, I've finished practicing the song Drive by Incubus and Decode by Paramore and I'm trying to practice the song No Such Thing by John Mayer. Using the violin, I'm practicing Minuet.
I'm an utter dilettante when it comes to music. I took drum lessons for about four years, guitar for two-ish, dabbled in bass, and have been on and off screwing around with clawhammer banjo.

I've been playing saxophone for almost ten years, and was at one point quite serious about it. It's more of a hobby now, though, because my college's music program is utter shit.

As for pieces, I dabble in a Charlie Parker real book, and am continuing to work on Fantasia by Claude T. Smith, which I played in highschool but has fallen apart since. It's an insanely gorgeous piece, with a huge range from low C# all the way to altissimo E. Blisteringly fast and flashy and fun and hard as hell. Aside from that, I've been trying to improve my improvisation. I'm not really into jazz, and never took this into consideration when choosing an instrument , but whether I like it or not it's sort of a necessary thing when one plays saxophone.
Ha, reppin' the drums.
I pretty much play every percussion instrument from here to Kingdom Come.
I was in a high school concert, marching, and symphonic band, so I got around with that stuff. I was also 3rd snare on our high school drumline.
Other than that, I've been playing drumset for about 7 or so years. Had to leave my drumset behind when I went to college, though. =/

Ha, on the up side, I still stay in shape with my percussion skills by playing djembe (a small African drum, sort of like a Conga drum.)
It's the only thing I brought to college drum wise, so I take it down to Venice and play with the drum circles once in awhile.

Tis good fun.
I don't play an instruments, btu i have had some epic ideas for some.

The sphere- Petty much what the name says. The sphere has multiple buttons on it surrounding the sphere. You have to 2 gloves, each sends a signal to the sphere, which allows you to play it. The finaly you have the base. The base is laid on the foor and allows the sphere to hover in mid-air.

I haven't decide on a name for this one yet -Your sitting in a chair. Surrounding you is an enclosed sphere (see the pattern). Along the inside of the sphere are millions of buttons. The chair you sit in, straps you in so as for you to not fall. As you begin to play the chair starts to spin, in 360 degrees. A viser you have on starts to play a randomization of color patterns like the 360 does.

Would like feedback. Just wanna get a feeling of what people think of what could possibly be the future of music.
I've been playing Guitar since I was 14. so about 7 years of playing, and I still suck.

well maybe I'm being a tad modest, I hate complimenting myself.

Right now I'm just playing Acoustic, because I just moved into a new house with really thin walls. Can't be busting out any guitar solos into my amps here. It kind of sucks, but I can easily settle for gently playing soft songs, and trying to sing (trying harder for people to not over hear me).

I differ between playing punk rock, to indie. I'm musically confused.
I just bought a new 80 watt amp for my guitar yesterday; The Roland Cube 80x. Before I bought it I was just using my friends 10 watt amp, so it's a big difference in power. It has been good fun and I haven't gotten any complaints so far :D
im a pianist and im on grade 4. (hilarious, isn't it? im 14)

i have a piano at home and i take pieces generally slowly, very, very, slowly!
I'm somewhat of a saxophone player and well beyond my grade level on the instrument, but I simply can't practice. I prefer playing fast pieces on it which require lots of dexterity.
I've played guitar for 3 years and mostly play Children of Bodom (since we were talking about covering a song and they have good sweep exercises) or just noodle around on other random riffs. I'm really lazy nowadays and don't play or write as much but once the craziness of the end of the school year gets over I should be back in a steady rhythm.
I'm a guitarist. Been playing a few years now.
I pretty much play electric exclusively, I'm not very good at acoustic, or chords. Much more of a lead player, than rhythm. :)

I own a quite a few guitars.
A Monterey Stage Series, SG (Gibson Sg copy, like Angus Young's)
Ibanez GAX30. Again, similar to the Gibson SG in style.
Epiphone Les Paul.
Monterey Stage Series Stratocaster. My wammy is broken though. =(
A vintage (like 40 years old) Mandolin, that was made in Japan by a now obsolete company - it's also hand signed by Kizo Suzuki - the designer. It's quite stunning and I've never seen one like it.

I write some of my own songs - metal songs of course - but most defenitely an amatuer. >_> Last thing I was learning to play was Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls.
I'm a self-taught singer/songwriter/guitarist.

Before I started playing guitar, which was when I was 16.. I played bass for 3 years, but I just messed around and never took making music myself too seriously. I always was into singing alot though. After the bass guitar I decided I wanted something to back up my vocals ( I Hate Karaoke tracks ) So I started learning myself how to play guitar. Everything worked out nicely seeing I'm getting decent comments on YouTube. ^^

I own a cheap Stagg Lefty Handed Acoustic guitar, and my own set of vocals.

I'm a punk rock lover, and most covers I made are from a band called You Me At Six, but I also love some good Indie Rock, and pop punk.

Blink 182, The Cure, You Me At Six, The Maine, Lost Prophets... And so on! <33 :wacky:

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I personally am affiliated/part of several bands and projects.

Vocalist for my hardcore punk band Mickey On Tuneoil, (
Vocalist and Guitarist for my noisecore project Screaming Gorilla:

I'm affiliated with another Noisecore band, Bondage Insurance (

AND I'm a co-founder of Successful Records, an informal record label for noisecore, punk, and experimental musicians.
Guitarist - started at a very young age and have now been playing for 18 years. Played in several bands throughout HS and early college.

I've been so put off by music over the last decade or so that I really have very few current influences. After getting away from playing for a while, I'm going back to the roots and picking up a lot of Hendrix, Page, Gilmore, etc as the '90's retarted my abilities. I also have developed an unhealthy indulgence in 80's hair metal.:)

My 2 main guitars are a Fender custom shop strat with lace sensor pickups and a Les Paul standard. I had the strat made about 8 years ago when I was on a big Smashing Pumpkins kick, circa-Machina. Still love it but may swap out the pick-ups. Les Paul is just straight forward, off the shelf.

Amp-wise I have an Egnater Rebel 20 into an Avatar 2x12 cab with Celestion Vintage 30's. I use a variety of Visual OD/Fuzz boxes (Open Road, Son of Hyde, Angry Fuzz) as well as a Fulltone Deja2 and a Vox wah. In the market for a delay/reverb rig and leaning toward the TC Electronics GMajor.

It's killing e that I haven't been able to play in almost a month. I'm in the middle of moving and my stuff is locked up in storage.
Monkey avatar = :ness: smiley.

I've been playing drums for 4 years now, and I have a band that doesn't currently have a name. I don't like their choice of covers. At least not a lot of them. The musical taste my singer has is similar to mine, but our bassist and guitarist have completely different tastes. We want new rock/alternative/metal/progressive, etc, and they want 80s hair metal crapulence. :ness: But we're getting along just fine, despite our differences.

I used to be in a band called Wake that won a BotB my town's YMCA threw in 3rd place. We all did originals, and the other bands did nothing but covers. The winners were a Blink 182 cover band, and the rules stated you have to do at least 1 original, which they did not, but they still ended up with 1st place, and $500. No fair. :angry: But oh well. Since then, my brother, the guitarist has joined the Air Force, and my friend, Billy our bassist has sold his instruments and is starting his own acoustic project with an acoustic guitar and just him.

Myself, I'm going to be TRYING to obtain a thin-bodied acoustic/electric and start a youtube once I get a decent job and a webcam. That will be the day... I put pictures up. Yay.

Well that's me. Stagename, Dustinsanity. Harhar. :wacky:

My brother's youtube: