Musicians and What Instruments You Play

It's not low in the US, but I don't really know (Since I'm in Canada). Grade 7 in Canada is pretty high. I've been playing piano since I was 4, and it wasn't quite difficult to get up to grade 7.
Grade 7 piano music is quite hard to play, unless you're really experienced in it. In the Celebration Series - Piano Odessey (or however you spell that word, I don't give a shit about hard grammar>_<) I play few pieces for the exam. Here I will list them :
1. Rondo Toccata
2. Solo in F Major
3. Fur Elise (I mastered it XD )
4. Grief
5. Etude in E Major (or minor...?)
That's all of them.
But for my school's talent show, I will be playing Aeris' Theme *squee* and I'll be videotaping it. =D
Anyway, I'll be getting a bass guitar for a birthday present. =) Do both cello and bass guitar have the same notes? Because if they do, I'm DEFINATELY getting a bass guitar.
I'd be an expert already on the first time playing it. :neomon:
I'd rather not keep posting and make it sound like I'm trying to put you down but I'm afraid if you're finding it difficult to play VII's main theme then you're definitely not a Grade 7 pianist, when Grade 8 is the highest you can possibly go, particularly if I can play it at Grade 1. :wacky:

However, good luck with the talent show. :neomon:
I'd rather not keep posting and make it sound like I'm trying to put you down but I'm afraid if you're finding it difficult to play VII's main theme then you're definitely not a Grade 7 pianist, when Grade 8 is the highest you can possibly go, particularly if I can play it at Grade 1. :wacky:

However, good luck with the talent show. :neomon:

Nah. I play more Aeris' Theme than FFVII Main Theme. The only difficulty for me is the last two pages, since the sharps are reduced to 1 (F sharp) , so it'd be easier. But the difficulty for me is that on the bottom when you start playing with your right hand starting on E natural then G, B, C, and in that part, at the same time on playing G, I have to play the Trebel clef notes on the left hand in the bass clef, so it's quite difficult.
Since there are many chords and naturals, I find it difficult to play this piece. So I feel more comfortable playing Aeris' Theme.
Or maybe I don't have the experience to play FFVII Main Theme.>_< That makes me a total dweeb. >_<
And in Canada, I don't think grade 8 is the highest I can "possibly" go. There's grade 9 and 10, and I think 11 also.

And thanks for the luck. ;)
actually grade 8 is a concert pianist, ya know the kind that go all over the world playing piano because they are the best

anyways, on topic
I've played guitar for about 4 years
I've been playing guitar for a about 2 1/2 years, and I have an obsession with Fender guitars. For those who know what I'm talking about, I have 4 Strats and 2 Teles.
I'd rather not keep posting and make it sound like I'm trying to put you down but I'm afraid if you're finding it difficult to play VII's main theme then you're definitely not a Grade 7 pianist, when Grade 8 is the highest you can possibly go, particularly if I can play it at Grade 1. :wacky:

However, good luck with the talent show. :neomon:

Ya really? I'm grade 5/6 kinda on the border and i can play both aeriths theme and main theme. Try playing Jenova or Those who fight (piano collections)...THATS a fucking hard song.

Secondly, it doesn't go up to grade 8. it goes up to grade 8 at first, but then it goes to degree level, so you're talking more of something like grade 15 being the highest you can go
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I never learned how to play an instrument (except recorder, which I was rather good at) but my music grades have always been very good. I kinda blagged my way through performance exams with my voice. I started voice lessons officially at 12, then had them right up until I was 19, I didn't do formal grades but my teacher clocked me at roughly grade 6/7.

I did performances from being 6, then I became a Performance Arts student at Intake in Leeds. Didn't do as many performances there, because I didn't have the right "look" for the stage, but I lead the choir a good few times and even tried conducting, until I got interested in the tech side.

Last thing I did was study for a degree in Music Tech, but I dropped out during the second year because I got pregnant. Now Jonny's older, I can go back into education- I got accepted to do a part-time degree in Music at Leeds Uni. I would love to learn an instrument, even though I'm probably too old now :confused:
I play trumpet and I'm in class in 6th grade for band so I don't really got a piece but I am pretty good.I like playing jungle bells and my niece singing it lol.
Classical Pianist and Bassist.

I've become lax with Bass lately because I've been too busy with Piano; however, had I kept up bass practice, I could be a Grade 8 by now; I was learning Jaco Pastorius and Victor Wooten songs.

For Piano; the latest song I learnt was Moonlight Sonata Mvt I by Beethoven.

I've also learnt:
Solfeggietto - CPE Bach
To Zanarkand (Piano Collections) - Nobuo Uematsu
Rhapsody on A Theme Of Paginini, 18th Variation - Sergei Rachmaninoff
Questa Notte (Incomplete) - Ludovico Einaudi
Prelude in C Major - Scarlatti
Valse in A Minore - Chopin
A One-Winged Angel (Not finished....yet) - Nobuo Uematsu
Prelude in C Major - Johann Sebastian Bach
Norweigan Dance For 4 Hands - Edvard Grieg

actually grade 8 is a concert pianist, ya know the kind that go all over the world playing piano because they are the best

That's a fallacy.

A Grade 8 Pianist is nowhere near good enough to play as a Concert Pianist.

My Piano teacher who passed his Grade 8 around 20 Years ago said he'd still need to practice 10 hours a day for 3 years to become anywhere near Concert Pianist standards.
And he's a lot better than Grade 8.
A lot lot lot better.

talent show, I will be playing Aeris' Theme *squee* and I'll be videotaping it. =D
Anyway, I'll be getting a bass guitar for a birthday present. =) Do both cello and bass guitar have the same notes? Because if they do, I'm DEFINATELY getting a bass guitar.
I'd be an expert already on the first time playing it. :neomon:

No; A Bass is tuned to EADG a Cello is tuned to I don't know what; all I know is the first, lowest string is an A.

Bass has the same notes as a Double Bass.
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I play the piano and the French Horn.. I'm currently working on Horn Concerto #1 for the Horn, and I'm learning Aerith's theme for the piano in my free time.
I'm a pianist. I stopped at Piano Grade III.

I learned a lot of pieces, but the pieces I'm proud of are:

Rose Of May/Loss Of Me - Nobuo Uematsu
Angel Eyes - Jim Brickman
Heartland - Jim Brickman
Canon in D
Boston - Augustana
Swan Lake - Tchaikovsky


I does a guitar too. Infact I have done guitar for four and bit years.
I've got a strat and a Les Paul and a couple of old acoustic guitars
I play guitar. I have for about 2 years now, but mostly as a hobby. I go to an art school where I was taught how to play, write music, read music, etc. So I can write four-part counterpoint now and I usually do that with guitar, violin, vocals, and either cello, bass, or viola.

Phrygian Mode has gotta be my favorite to write in; such beautiful possibilities. Guitars are great fun.
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Please search more thoroughly next time. Thanks. ;)