Musicians and What Instruments You Play

The Sephiroth Gene said:
Hey, I think female drummers are sexy ;)

I'll give you a quick crash-course: see the treble clef(the squigly line thing at the left hand side of the score)? Well, where the squigly line stops - that lines is a G. You know, the second line from the bottom, not the space, the line.

If you know where G is, you can find any note. Find a C by counting 3 notes up from G. See what I mean?

That isn't very detailed, but meh :P

Thank you very much :lol: It's nice to know that there are some nice males out there who appreciate the fact that anyone, no matter what sex they are, can play whatever instrument they want. Thank you for the crash course in music, it's helpful. I always know where a C is, but that's about it. I know some cords, but goddamn it when black notes start getting involved. :lol:

Vegnya said:
That's cool!

My first band teacher taught me this thought:

Spaces between the lines are from notes F, A, C, E. (FACE)

On the lines: E, G, B, D, F. (Every Good Boy Does Fine)

Don't ask me about bass clef. I completely forgot that

That's exactly what I got taught :P
Vegnya said:
That's cool!

My first band teacher taught me this thought:

Spaces between the lines are from notes F, A, C, E. (FACE)

On the lines: E, G, B, D, F. (Every Good Boy Does Fine)

Don't ask me about bass clef. I completely forgot that.

Treble clef? Find an F by looking to where the squiggle finishes - the second top line :P
I play drums, have done for the last 3 years... I'd say i'm ok i have had a year of lessons and two years of teaching myself. If you want to know what i sound like go to and download two free tracks. I'm currently trying to start a new band in leeds called astronaughts and crosses we just need a place to practise.... lol...

I wanna learn guitar now.... any one know any good sites where i can teach myself.... ( or should i learn bass)

I'm a drum teacher, i've been a drum teacher for 3 years. I passed all my drum qualification with Guildhall School of Music, Grades 1 - 8, Intermediate performance Examination and Expert Performance Examination. At a whole i've been playing the drums for 10 years.
cool, i can imagen how good you'll be jimmy.... I got to grade two with in 3 months of starting my lessons..... which isn't hard... i wish i stuck at them i'd be on about 5 or 6 now... i'd say (not sounding big headed) but couldnt afford the lessons... I was asked to teach drums at a music school near where i live but it was to close to moving to uni that there would have been no point.... would have been good to put on my CV though.....

Lot of percussionists here... I like that.

I grew up in a musical family and both my brothers are music majors. I pretty much play everything from marching snare drum to bassoon. I played marching snare for my high school and for a division 2 drum corps. Did not make snare in division 1 so I tried out the next day on trumpet and made it. That year we won the DCI world championships...and I was done with music.

I still love all kinds of music but I have not touched an instrument in 2 years. I turned down many music scholarships because I wanted to focus on my other goal...
Thank you very much :lol: It's nice to know that there are some nice males out there who appreciate the fact that anyone, no matter what sex they are, can play whatever instrument they want. Thank you for the crash course in music, it's helpful. I always know where a C is, but that's about it. I know some cords, but goddamn it when black notes start getting involved. :lol:

That's exactly what I got taught :P

I don't see why some people think that some people can't play instruments because they're girls =/ Ah well, they lose.

As for me, I play:
Bass Guitar
(used to) Violin

I got given an SG and a Telecaster for my birthday. Very Nice indeed
Guys, I think we should petition for a Musicians' board. I'm a crappy keys player (learning) but I use a midi-editor, unfortunately, but I decent knowledge of theory. I really think we should try to analyze some of the FF music, mostly OWA.

Anyway, I said too much, but I'd like to know if there is any support, since it's difficult to manage one really large thread.
Not bad. I think I'm gonna post a topic about Advent Children's OWA. Since it sucked so much. Am I the only one who dislikes the guitar-infested dull rock of the Black Mages?

By the way, my favorite section of OWA is the "dreamy" section played by the strings. Almost like a waltz, but not in 3/4, heh. Also, that same section is my favorite in the AC version, since it was well played and the guitars did their part amazingly.
I dont realy play an instrument but i sometimes play keyboard and ive been using FL Studio for 4 years so i use to make great music untill i quit for now.
I've played piano for about 12 years, not really learning anything in particular right now, but I play a lot of Ben Folds. Also play a little drums and guitar.
I've been playing guitar for about 5 years.
I still have yet to get an electric. I guess you can say I'm pretty beastly with an acoustic. :D

I play guitar Ive been playing acoustic and electric for about 2 years now not too good i really need to pratice more :P
I've been playing guitar for almost three years. I mostly play accoustic, I do have an electric but I rarely touch it

Oh! and I sing! I consider my vocals and instrument. Maybe I'll post some links to covers I recorded.
I play electric guitar. Been playing for about 2 and a half years. Been trying to work on my sweeping, but it's tough. I've currently been delving into more technical metal, and the diminished scale.

I poke at my keyboard every once in a while. Trying to teach myself how to read, I just need to get a begining piano book, so I'll know how to read chords. Haha.

I love the drums, but theres no room in my apartment for a set.
I play bass, acoustic guitar, keyboard(prefer over piano), and drums. Also write songs, play in a band. I hope to do something in the musical industry when im older