Musicians and What Instruments You Play

Lassic, thats pretty awesome with DCI.. i play the trumpet too and played DCI with the Hawthrone Caballeros. i also play the sax. ive been playing music for 11 years and am going to school for it...
every once and i while i mess around on guitar and keyboard too bc i mean, every musician has to play around on soemhting
I play bass as my main instrument, guitar comes second and classical guitar comes third. Had been playing guitar for 5 years, started out classical musics and self learning. After 3 years i got my Yamaha acoustic guitar and played strums for 2 years. Played bass for 2 years now as well.

Likes doing solo works, like slapping my bass. but still lack of recording stuffs. Loves classical piece as well, but concentrating more on playing my bass, love it very much.

Bass: SX SJB75C ( 4-string Jazz bass )
Acoustic Guitar: YAMAHA FX310 (semi-acoustic)
Classical Guitar: Santa Cruz ??????????
I am a guitarist.

I've been playing now for about 2 1/2 to 3 years now. I was hoping to be better than I am by now but oh well guess that's just how I am.

Last night I learned the rythm guitar intro to Layla by Eric Clapton but for some reason I screw up everytime I play it.

So yeah I'm currently working on Layla.

I own 2 guitars a
Peavey Raptor Plus EXP (my first guitar I play it occasionally.)
And a B.C. Rich Warlock, Platinum series.

Also I own a Harmony bass that I don't play all that much cause I suck at bass.

Oh and I own a eukelelei (sp?) a harmonica and an acordian none of which I ever play.
i ama vocalist and i am hoping to get a bass in 2 months or less. i am gonna practice tons and hopefully be abel to play decent, i am already a decent singer, or at least i've been told.
Grade 6 Bassist. - Currently Learning U Can't Hold No Groove/Classical Thump/Victor Wooten
Classical/Blues Piano - Learning to improvise in blues.
Guitar (Acoustic)
I play Acoustic, Electric and Bass Guitar, I own 4 Guitars in all and I've been playing for around 4 years
I bought myself a guitar a long while back, but never was able to learn how to play. I'm retarded musically. I got a decent voice though...
Any FFF musicians out there?

Any musicians out here in these forums?

Would be great to see what you play and all the details

Me, I've been playing Guitar for at least 7-8 years, bought this baby about 3 years ago and have been delicately caring for her ever since! Havn't named her yet though...


Meh *shrugs*

I played the flute for three-years in band when I was in middle school, but that was almost 7 years ago.
I made this exact thread some time ago ... it appears to be gone. ¬_¬

I'm a budding young drummer and keyboard player, currently self-teaching myself guitar (and failing miserably). I've only just recently left a band to which I was strongly committed as the drummer and, to be honest, I've regretted every moment since then. Oh well. ¬_¬

I've only played music for the last four years, only seriously for the last two so I'd say I've achieved quite a bit. I'm also a percussionist for regional orchestras and whathaveyou.
See, I would love to be able to play the piano but my mind doesn't allow it. Some kind of piano mind-block.

I'm not, though I'd like to learn the ocarina =D

I do have a Franciscan guitar, but I haven't taught myself to play. I rarely even take it out. I think I might start though!
Ah, here it is.

-Threads Merged-

I play the piano/keyboard, but I'm not really good at it. The last time I practiced was a year ago. >.> I can read the notes and all that, but I usually have to label them in order to get by.
Well I play piano and cello and's pretty much it.
Not to brag (I swear I'm not lying, as soon as I get a video of me playing, I posting it on youtube), but I'm Grade 7 Piano. I don't really like playing piano, but I practice Aeris' Theme and FFVII Theme. FFVII Main Theme is especially hard for me to play, because there are so many chords in the first 2 pages and that the key has 4 sharps ([F]ather [C]harles [G]oes [D]own).
I'll write more later. :)
*but I'm Grade 7 Piano.

FFVII Main Theme is especially hard for me to play, because there are so many chords in the first 2 pages and that the key has 4 sharps ([F]ather [C]harles [G]oes [D]own).
This is always a possibility but, in the UK, Grade 7 is really high. Is it low in the US?

I can play VII's main theme myself and I don't even play Piano, I'm technically Grade 1. It's only crotchets and the odd quaver, there's nothing hard about it. :wacky:
I play bass guitar, though I no longer practice my instrument as much as I should. I've got an old Fender Precision and a couple of Crate amps.
I've played cello since I was seven... and I'd like to think that over the years I've gotten rather good at it. :wacky: I gave up my lessons a couple of years ago though, generally because I hated going to them and it was compulsory for me to go to orchestra rehearsal at lunches, which I hated. Although I really miss it now and am going to start going back to orchestra after the summer, but I don't want to get lessons again though...

I also taught myself guitar, and have been playing since I was about 9 or 10. I'm alright I guess, I can play chords and read music fine, but I'm nothing special. I can play a few other instruments too like violin, keyboard, bass and some others... although one instrument I cannot play no matter how hard I try is piano, which is really annoying because I really like it. =/
This is always a possibility but, in the UK, Grade 7 is really high. Is it low in the US?
It's not low in the US, but I don't really know (Since I'm in Canada). Grade 7 in Canada is pretty high. I've been playing piano since I was 4, and it wasn't quite difficult to get up to grade 7.
Grade 7 piano music is quite hard to play, unless you're really experienced in it. In the Celebration Series - Piano Odessey (or however you spell that word, I don't give a shit about hard grammar>_<) I play few pieces for the exam. Here I will list them :
1. Rondo Toccata
2. Solo in F Major
3. Fur Elise (I mastered it XD )
4. Grief
5. Etude in E Major (or minor...?)
That's all of them.
But for my school's talent show, I will be playing Aeris' Theme *squee* and I'll be videotaping it. =D
Anyway, I'll be getting a bass guitar for a birthday present. =) Do both cello and bass guitar have the same notes? Because if they do, I'm DEFINATELY getting a bass guitar.
I'd be an expert already on the first time playing it. :neomon:
Well, I have had experience playing the trumpet (one of the first instruments I've played, though not a very popular choice, but eh...) And also the piano (a favorite...), violin (but am trying to be faster at it), keyboards (tried it shortly after playing piano), bass/electric guitars and I also want to try moog synthesizers really badly.