Musicians and What Instruments You Play

Do you play an Instrument?

Hello, I have not seen any thread like this. If there were any I don't see any active so I try make this thread. Well, is there any musicians here? I play Rachmaninov on piano. That's my main instrument and I compose trance on the computer with Fruit Loops. Currently working on a new synth I got.

At the piano I play Chopin Minute Waltz and now workign on Alla Marcia G Minor. Hard stuff... Well what about you guys?
I play guitar mostly. I've been teaching myself how to play drums and piano though. Fun stuff! But guitar is my main instrument. I've been meaning to pick up violin sometime, but I really haven't had the chance, soon though.
It's an old thread, and I had to dig for it, but I figured such a thread existed that talked about what instruments are played, so I merged the threads. And because it's a broad topic that could result in a lot of discussion, I'm going to sticky it as well. :ryan:

*Threads merged and stickied*
Yes, of course. I hated it at the time but now i appreciate all those piano lessons. Cause i can play some awesome FF scores. I also play acoustic guitar. Love country so that's what i use it for.
I am a musician of nearly 22 years now. I play piano, guitar, drums, bass, sax, clarinet, tuba, trombone, trumpet, organ, some keyboards, violin, viola, and cello. I am working on learning flute right now. I know roughly 500 songs, but am currently working on Martha My Dear from the Beatles, Places I Remember by the Beatles, Locomotive Breath by Jethro Tull, and all songs from Spamalot. I do know how to play most of the parts to One-Winged Angel. I definitely know how to play it on piano, working on it on guitar as well as drums. I could help you with the drums part, but it would take me awhile. If you want to hear me on piano, just go to youtube, type in NDK piano guy (that's the anime convention here in CO), and I should be the top three videos. Also, type in Mark Sagel and you can see me playing guitar a little. If anyone needs help learning any songs or instruments, I could help. I have been playing a long time and I definitely know what I am talking about. Music is about the only place where I have extreme confidence in myself, so I can actually help you with this.
I can play the trumpet, though I really dislike that instrument since my last teacher made it so un-fun that I never wanted to touch it ever again.

And I can play a little guitar, I used to be able to read music fully but not so much now and I can only really play what I remember, but occasionally I can remember a note or two, but I am far from being on a professional level or even on an intermediate level.
I started playing the alto clarinet in 5th or 6th grade. I played that for several years, despite growing to hate it. I didn't hate the instrument itself, though. I hated the very specific instrument I was playing. We were renting it from the school, and it had to have been old or something. The mouthpiece broke right before a concert one year, so I ended up just faking it because I couldn't play. =/ I hated having to do that, and ended up switching instruments later on.

I switched to percussion, which I loved. I loved it... but had no way of practicing at home or staying at school to practice, so I eventually quit that as well, but I had a ton of fun doing it. I was the only percussion player who COULDN'T play the snare drum to save their life. :wacky: I hated that part of it, and stuck with bass drum, timpani, or other random instruments that would only be used in one or two pieces but were insanely fun. *pats maracas* I'd go back to it now if I could, but I really can't... oh well. XD
I play the violin and the clarinet but I really want to play Moment of Courtesy but I need the sheet music and learn HOW TO PLAY 2 VIOLINS AT THE SAME TIME! because Final Fantasy is partly known for the many different parts playing at the same time.
I play the drums, I have a set of Roland V-drums (classic now as they are 10yrs old). Lately, I have been playing the first few tracks from Rush's Counterparts album and some stuff off of Satriani's Super Colossal album.

Some of my fall back stuff is Spock's Beard's album Snow- that is always great to play.
I've been playing both electric and acoustic guitar since I was 15, keyboards since I was probably 10 or 11, flute in middle school (though I still have it), and drum machine (though I mostly do step recording ^_^). I also sing quite a lot, actually lately I've been doing that the most and neglecting my songwriting and recording :ness: But I enjoy all of them, and hopefully when I get some time soon will start recording again and get some stuff ready for other people to listen to. The only one I ever took lessons for though (aside from the flute in school) was guitar, and so I'm not particularly good with the keyboards or drum machine, just enough to get by XD
I used to take piano lessons, but I've stopped about 4 years ago.
I still play the piano though, but I play really familiar pieces, like Minuet by Bach.
I've also tried to learn how to play the guitar by myself. I couldn't pursue it though since I discovered our guitar broke a long time ago and we're not planning to buy a new one soon. =/
i play guitar, learned how to play:
1. don't hold me up (rise against)
2. dani california (red hot chili peppers)
3. in pieces (linkin park)
4.valentine's day (linkin park)
5.crazy for you (nfg) bloody valentine (good charlotte)
7.her father's song (fm static)
8. hold on (good charlotte)
9.breaking the habit (linkin park)
10. the catalyst (linkin park)

i am also in a band. but we play in a basement.
I played guitar for a couple of years (when I was about 14 - 16) but took a large hiatus when my girlfriend got pregnant with our first kid (we didn't live together then, so it was kind of hectic).
She's about to give birth to give to our second son any day now and for some reason I've decided to take it back up again. :gasp:
I have no clue why lol.