My Yojimbo is too powerful...


ShinRa Guard
Aug 19, 2007
FFX isn't a challenge with the use of Yojimbo. When I needed to get Anima I had to re visit Besaid, encountered Dark Valefor, and at the time I had terrible stats. Yuna went to over drive, I summoned Yojimbo and he Zanmatoe'd for the price of 1 gil. I thought I'd go after the other Dark Aeons, Dark Ifrit, Dark Shiva, Dark Ixion, and every time I summon Yojimbo with Yuna in Overdrive and pay him 1 gil, he Zanmatos for me. I'm getting bored now, so I refused to use Yojimbo and just beat Dark Ixion when you have to fight him again. Does anyone else think Yojimbo sort of ruins the whole challenging feel to the game when it's an easy solution to every fight?
Yojimbo actually is based on a lot of luck and systematic functions. The fact that you've been granted with Zanmato everytime you've come up against the major optional bosses is purely luck.
Yojimbo actually is based on a lot of luck and systematic functions. The fact that you've been granted with Zanmato everytime you've come up against the major optional bosses is purely luck.
Well I only have 18 luck... but I just find it weird that about 3/4 times Yojimbo does a Zanmato for 1 gil for me, when on some websites or youtube videos I see people having to pay Yojimbo 200000 gil or something to get a Zanmato.
Yeah, it's not majorly based on gil at all :P

It goes more on percentages and whatnot and, when you actually get Zanmato, those percentages go skee-whiff and ... oh, I don't know. In short, there's a massive random-factor to Yojimbo, but you can vaguely control it.
At least you can't use him in every fight if you want do do 100%, as Yuna can't swim in that dress :)

Zanmato is a good way to fast get spheres for maxing out stats in the monster rena, but it would be boring to use him in the game constantly. But nobody is forcing you. You'll choose if you are a hardcore gamer, and don't use Yojimbo, or if you are a beginner and then Yojimbo could be that extra touch to help those finish a greater part of the game.

But all games have had this possibility, but it is maybe to easy to lower the chances for Zanmato in this game?

FFIX - Odin
FFVIII - Quitis - Degenerator and Selphie - The End
FFVII - Cait Sith - The End

And since I see this is a discussion:

You can raise the chances of Zanmato by never let Yojimbo get KOed, and let him do good attacks when he's summoned, (The dog attack is the only bad one) and let his overdrive bar stay high. Just give him 1000 gil every time and you should get hidden poitive score on every attack.

That hidden score will eventually raise enough to that statistically you wil probably get a Zanmato every time, but it's impossible to say (since it's hidden) how many fights you have to fight and so forth.
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At least you can't use him in every fight if you want do do 100%, as Yuna can't swim in that dress :)

Zanmato is a good way to fast get spheres for maxing out stats in the monster rena, but it would be boring to use him in the game constantly. But nobody is forcing you. You'll choose if you are a hardcore gamer, and don't use Yojimbo, or if you are a beginner and then Yojimbo could be that extra touch to help those finish a greater part of the game.

But all games have had this possibility, but it is maybe to easy to lower the chances for Zanmato in this game?

FFIX - Odin
FFVIII - Quitis - Degenerator and Selphie - The End
FFVII - Caith SIth - The End

And since I see this is a discussion:

You can raise the chances of Zanmato by never let Yojimbo get KOed, and let him do good attacks when he's summoned, (The dog attack is the only bad one) and let his overdrive bar stay high. Just give him 1000 gil every time and you should get hidden poitive score on every attack.

That hidden score will eventually raise enough to that statistically you wil probably get a Zanmato every time, but it's impossible to say (since it's hidden) how many fights you have to fight and so forth.
Well I never managed to use Odin (I had him but couldn't use him for some reason) and I never used Cait Sith and I don't even have FFVIII so this is my first encounter of a way to beat the game easily.
The best way to keep Yojimbo weak is to always give him alot of money from the moment you start playing with him! Cause then he kinda gets greedy and he hardly EVER uses Zenmato! But if you give him summit like 10 gil every time you summon him then he will get used to little money and use Zanmato. My cousin and I found this out together, she spent less money while I spent more on him and her Yojimbo always used Zanmato while mine rarely ever.
i tryed not to use him unless i definately had to and that was only when i was getting absolutely slayed when i first fought Braska's final Aeon
i found yojimbo to be more of a cheat in my opinion he made the game way too easy its alot more fun fighting the dark aeons and penance without him but its all down to how people feel about using him some people just suck the fun out of the game for themselves by always using him others get much more from FFX without him there are some people whove beaten the dark aeons and penance with and NSG by raising their other aeons stats and abilities.
The best way to keep Yojimbo weak is to always give him alot of money from the moment you start playing with him! Cause then he kinda gets greedy and he hardly EVER uses Zenmato! But if you give him summit like 10 gil every time you summon him then he will get used to little money and use Zanmato. My cousin and I found this out together, she spent less money while I spent more on him and her Yojimbo always used Zanmato while mine rarely ever.

How strange is that, you pay for worse quality service, sounds like BA :P
i found yojimbo to be more of a cheat in my opinion he made the game way too easy its alot more fun fighting the dark aeons and penance without him but its all down to how people feel about using him some people just suck the fun out of the game for themselves by always using him others get much more from FFX without him there are some people whove beaten the dark aeons and penance with and NSG by raising their other aeons stats and abilities.
Ye, that's why I've stopped using Yojimbo. I trained for ages to fight the Dark Aeons and Yojimbo has killed most of them for me. The only time I really needed him was Dark Valefor.
Ye, that's why I've stopped using Yojimbo. I trained for ages to fight the Dark Aeons and Yojimbo has killed most of them for me. The only time I really needed him was Dark Valefor.

you shouldve used attack reels then blitz ace then let anima finish it off with oblivion dark yojimbo is the only dark aeon i need to kill though hes really hard.
My yojimbo sucks....mainly because i refuse to pay for the privelidge, i think i used him once after i was getting really effed off with Dark Bahamut, paid him 1mil gil - and he did a piss poor attack. I was not amused. So I fired him. Or I would if you could discard the damn things
See hence my post before. The more you pay him, the less he does. The secret is in the pay, so if you want a rubbish Yojimbo who dosnt make your success easy then pay him bundles if you want easy success then pay him small amounts
Please read my post. It's not what you pay him, but how lucky you are in what attacks he uses after he's paid. Every Zanmato raises the chances for another, and thereby you can after time pay him less and less.
Meh i still refuse to pay him, why should I? what use could a fayth possibly have with gil? I just don't ever intend on using him again....I got much more satisfaction out of beating dark bahamut myself than relying on something like zanmato. I did a little victory dance round my living room. Zanmato beating him would be like an empty victory
I personally hardly ever use Yojimbo since I dislike the fact that you have to pay him to use him. Screw that for a lark. I use the other summons instead.

Also how the fact that they replaced the cool Odin from the previous games with this money grubbing git.

Odin > Yojimbo anytime in looks, coolness and usefulness XP