Nintendo Mystic Quest


Tauren Hunter
Jun 29, 2007
Ysondre-Horde, U.S.
I wanna know why nobody liked this game. This was the first Final Fantasy game that I had ever played and it got me hooked on the series. It even got me hooked on the whole line of Square games. I thought this game was pretty good. I've tried to post threads on other forums as well and they just don't seem to do any good. I wanna know why.
this game also got me liking the final fantasy series, even though at the time i didnt know there was a final fantasy series i just thought it was the title of the game and it was the only game with that title. but when i saw final fantasy VII had come out, i had to have it. and what a good buy that was ^_^
Same for me. I had never heard of Final Fantasy before playing this game. Once I beat it I started looking at the publisher on each case of the game I was looking to buy. It wasn't until some time later that a friend brought over FF4 (it was called 2 back then on the SNES). I was watching him play it and I was awe-struck. I had to own it and every other FF game known to man.
Well I was fan since the NES days but really I thought Mystic Quest was nice quaint little game, easy enough, but being a seasoned veteran of RPGs it didnt offer much challenge, but the storyline was interesting enough. Would give anyone who is new to RPGs a solid foot in the door...
I agree with that part. It lacked the traditional challenge of an RPG, but it was a great way to get someone started in the genre and series.
i thought it was ok, but for the RPG veterans i think the game was a bit simple for them and they didnt like that fact. Since Mystic Quest was released for an american audience back a long time ago there werent that many RPG fans in america at the time, so square were trying to bring the genre to america and to start off they made it quite simple and easy to get into. Yet certain people didnt like that simplicity.
Whenever I try to get someone into RPG's, namely Final Fantasy, I usually try to get them started out on FF: Mystic Quest. Either that or FF1. They are both relatively simple, but fun enough to get someone liking the RPG genre.
It seems this game worked as intended. Square released this to try and draw more North American gamers into the RPG setting. Dragon Warrior for the NES got me hooked on RPG games. I was laid up for about a week and my buddy lent me his SNES. I hit the video store and rented Mystic quest and FF2(4 US). I spent the whole week playing and replaying these two games.

I loved it personally. You could beat the whole game in about 8 hours, probably less. So it was a bit short, but very enjoyable.
Compared to other FF titles, I can see why most folks who played them before this one would be disappointed. Its gameplay is repetitive, and the story lacks the impact that most stories in the other FF games offer-which is, initially, why people enjoy the FF titles I would believe.
Wait, this had a story? Something about walking trees and the King of Darkness. And Windia, wait what the hell?


I suppose it can do its work as training wheels, as I've played much worse. I still enjoyed the ''deteriorating monsters'' though, that was neat.

Still, I can't believe I had traded Earthbound for this crap.
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Compared to other FF titles, I can see why most folks who played them before this one would be disappointed. Its gameplay is repetitive, and the story lacks the impact that most stories in the other FF games offer-which is, initially, why people enjoy the FF titles I would believe.
Wait, this had a story? Something about walking trees and the King of Darkness. And Windia, wait what the hell?


I suppose it can do its work as training wheels, as I've played much worse. I still enjoyed the ''deteriorating monsters'' though, that was neat.

Still, I can't believe I had traded Earthbound for this crap.

I can't beleive you would trade off Earthbound to begin with.:mad: Earthbound is one of those games that shouldn't be traded away or sold. But at least you did get a FF game out of it.
Look, I know. I didn't know that then though. I finished Earthbound, and wanted to play something else, so my father took me to some store. I saw Mystic Quest there, and seeing as it said Final Fantasy I was all like, I want that.

Then you know what, the stupid lady at the store said, that's not a game for little girls, it's really complex and hard. I got pissed off, seeing as I always played role playing games, as my father had pointed out to dare this bitch?! So yeah, not knowing how much it sucked, I got that...I even had to pay the DIFFERENCE. LIKE AS IF EARTHBOUND ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH BY ITSELF. So I might not have known anything about the value of both games, but she sure as hell didn't either...eeh anyways.

But never fear, my metal listening friend, I got Earthbound back, years later. I traded a broken PlayStation for it, too. XD I still have it now, and am NOT letting it go.
IMO, this was a really good game. I got close to beating it but then I took a break and well... never played it again. I'm gonna go finish it sometime though:)
I'm not even kidding, when I was a kid I used to stay up all night on Christmas Eve, get right to the final boss (the king who turns into a gross spider/hentai rape monster), save it, then beat it on Christmas morning while opening presents.

By itself, the game is a gem. The characters are shallow but somewhat likeable (oh, she has an axe, oh, he has ninja stars, sweet).

The plot was so simple it couldn't really have been called a plot. An old man appears on a mountain while it's like, collapsing, trying to get you to save the world? What kind of shit is that?

One thing that REALLY struck me was the music. Classic shit, that was. Even the battle music was catchy, in that old-school SNES way.

Anyways... I lost it ages ago and I can't quite forgive myself. Maybe one day SquarEnix will re-do it, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
I vaguely remember Mystic Quest. It's been so long since I've played it though, I doubt I could recall a single thing. I'm going to go google it now, just so my brain can stop hurting. :) Thanks for the walk down memory lane though! :)
I loved this game very much, I think it was the second FF I ever owned. Many good memories of that one. Comparing it to actuall FF's The stroy is somewhat lacking, maybe too straight forward? It had many good elements that the main FF's did not have tho, such as the battle fields and the deteriorating monster.
this was the first rpg i ever played so yeah i liked it. i loved the character tristam. i thought he was sorta funny, but most of the other characters were sorta blah.
I can vaguely remember this game. I think it is the one where you have to beat the last guy with cure?

It did not do so well though. Most people I have talked to did not like this game. I think it had a very simplified gameplay and that is why many people did not like it.
I think the intention of Mystic Quest was to introduce newbies to the Final Fantasy name by having a decent storyline, simple battle system and easier gameplay. I myself liked it for it's simplicity. Pazuzu's Tower was a little irritating but that's only because it's a Tower :P.
This game is cute and fun. Period. It's clearly not meant to be serious and thoughtful or whatever you want to think the main FF games are.

My friend got it when we were little, and I only recently got it myself... since it's an FF title, game stores generally slap a high price on it :/