Nintendo NDS Friend Codes

The only thing i didn't like bout this, whole thing is cause i only had my gf added to my friends XD.. but i got Onion Knight and all that pretty easily cause we sent each other messages ever other hour

my friend code is: 506891548020
i added everyones friend codes, i really want the onion knight too, i dont have wifi but the mcdonalds down the road from me does so will post it when i get it...

hi, my friend code is 017269736214, please add me, cos i also added all fo the ppl who posted here


also, if i dont appear as friend, please mailme [], cos i maybe written wrong someones, lolz

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Mognet Stupid

The worst part is once you add someone elses friendcode, they have to be online the same time as you. That's just stupid. I'm thinking about selling this DS and getting a PSP. I've been really disapointed with the games on the DS.
BY the way here's my friend code

I need a person to be my friend so I can get the Onion Knight job. Please reply with friend code if you have WFC so we can be friends.:)