Nintendo NDS Friend Codes

need friends

i need friends!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend code is 0 4 3 0 4 1 4 9 6 1 9 8. Please let me know if you add me so I can make sure I add you as well.
Hey everyone! I am in need for some friends. My id is 360 869 333 190. PM me with your id if you added me.
Hey Nine and Goatishfiend...I just recently got FFIII for the Nintendo DS and was wondering if I could register your friend codes. I am the only one of my friends that got into the Final Fantasy handheld games, my friends are into the big console games. So, it's hard to reach the full potential of FFIII without those codes. Feel free to use mine as well.

FFIII Friend Code: 330797716984

add my fc i added u mine is 283557999306
Friends Code

Hi everyone, hope everyone is enjoying the game, I love it, but like most people I hate the fact that I have to find others peoples friends codes of the net so i can complete the extra stages.

536 963 148 737 is my friend code. Anyone can add me to there FC list, all you got to do is tell me that you doing so .. either on this site or my msn so i can add you back as well and 100 % complete the game .. best of luck to everyone with the game, I just finished the story line on level 80, it was great, Hope to hear from some one soon .....
heres my friend code csu i really want legendary smith adn oinion knight


high i added some ppl but plz pm if u get on so i can get on and send email
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I can't send mail on mognet

Hi everyone .. I add Arch to my friends list and I can't not send any mail to him? .... Anyone have any ideas .. my wi fi works great with every other game i have .. why can't i send mail on mogent ..
Hey everybody!!!My code is 0688 1249 3793.....Add me!!Thanks!!

Hi everyone .. I add Arch to my friends list and I can't not send any mail to him? .... Anyone have any ideas .. my wi fi works great with every other game i have .. why can't i send mail on mogent ..

Have you mailed the other characters in the game under where it gives you the option of close or nearby friends?I believe you must mail them first before you can mail friends?
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mogent not working

yes i have mailed all the friends in the game? any more ideas

I love this Game .. if anyone wants to add me on msn, go right a head .. ... this is driving me nuts, i have two friends on my list and i can not send them any mail .. does anyone know whats going on .. i just want to ge the oinion kight and the rest of the extra stuff .. so pls add me is you like to help, this is driving me tucking futs
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FFIII Friend Code

Err I'm the only one that has FFIII that I know of and I'm almost done with the game and still no Onion Knight. Please add me as a friend so I can get him already. Thanks

:blink: FC: 0774-0216-0091
I'm almost done but before I enter the World of Darkness I would like to have the Onion Knight as one of the my party members; preferably Refia cuz she has been my white mage. PM me if anyone wants to finish the sidequest.. my friend code is on the bottom
My friend code

I have added the most recent friend codes here, also please feel free to add me my friend code is.

