Nintendo NDS Friend Codes

I'm all new to this but here's my code:494021269083 (BTW I have a USA copy of the game - I heard its region locked or something)

Please write to me and help me figure this out so I can get me some Onions :D

If you want to add me email me your friend code or just MSN me - I'm on most nites
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I'm all new to this but here's my code:494021269083 (BTW I have a USA copy of the game - I heard its region locked or something)

Please write to me and help me figure this out so I can get me some Onions :D

If you want to add me email me your friend code or just MSN me - I'm on most nites

tried adding you, but again apparently there was an error in the code i put in.

if it's region loked, does that mean i can only use mognet with other UK users?
Hi, I have't had the game long and i thought i'd start adding friends. If interested in sharing your codes, msg me for i wont be online too much.

My fc is 455366433954
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tried adding you, but again apparently there was an error in the code i put in.

if it's region loked, does that mean i can only use mognet with other UK users?

Yeah its silly =/

But if you have a EUR cartridge you can only connect to other ppl who have a EUR cartridge. The same goes for AUS and USA.

On a side note - I tried to add you FFMoMo but it said there was an your code correct and what kinda of cartridge do you have?

From what i've noticed so far is all USA Friend Codes seem to start with a 4 but I could be wrong - thats just what I have noticed so far.
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I have a EUR cartridge and this has happened before, but i though the whole reson for being able to communicate wirelessly over the net was to connect to other people over seas?
I've got an EUR cartridge. Anyone wanna swap friendcodes? snd us yur friend code as a quote or pm.
My FC is: 425301803204
i have a eur cartridge, so we'll see where i can go with that.

Connor, will add you asap, will also add devious jordz and ffmomo when i get a chance, feel free to add me back!
Friend added

Ok, i've added Devious Jordz, Connor and Oojit if thats alright with you all.
I'll add more people, but my code is 0688 1854 2357 and it is US code. I added flutch, spongebob, shinjuku joe, halfdemon girl and one other whose user name I can't remember. I'll add a couple more when I get the chance. Please add me so I can send some mail! Everyone is still gray! Thanks.

Ok.. I have been trying to add friends to my FFIII and it's like not happening... my FC is 120344134008... Try try and try again.. hehehe
My codes changed coz I got me a DS LITE now ^_^ oooohhhhh....pretty lawl

neways my new code is 2406 1868 5488

so yeah add me guys

USA cartridge if your curious =D

On a further note I have just recently added these ppl so please add me kthnxbai.

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Umm..I've got an AUS cartridge but it seems I can add guys from Europe so here's mine:
Thanks! And don't forget to tell me that u've added me :P
I am new here, and would love to add some people to my friend's roster (only people who send "real" messages please)
My FC = 506 906 778 548
Send me a PM and I'll add your friend code as well.
If I am feeling lazy, I'll probably type with no spaces, but caps:
EDIT: USA Cartridge, ftr
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Hi I'm from Australia too, using European version cartridge.

I've added kat and ippius.

Please add me: 2191 4473 8622

Thanks in advance!
ffiii code

please all who want my ffiii code, come and then go to the link to ffiii there you can write yours and i have written mine. if you write your e-mail adress that would've been even better;)