Never Ending Rp

"huh whered he go" Crane yelled, "that bastard was going to pay for humilating me".
But looking round he colud see Zotok in trouble so snatching up his sword he sprinted at the blonde figure attacking him.
Crane reached Zotoks side and asked "Do you need any help here"
Nimble blinked. She was frozen in place, trying to make sense out of what happened. She knew one thing: she nearly died. In a blink of an eye, that knight had two swords at her throat. That knight, for those few moments, had her life in his hands. For those moments, she was nothing. She was no more significant than a ball of clay or a child's toy. Then, somehow she was saved. Nimble broke out in a cold sweat. Never had she been so near to death. She understood clearly her own mortality in those few moments. Those moments seemed like hours suspended in time. She had even had flashbacks to her past: The day Nimble and Jack escaped from their country, their travels and the small community that took care of them for a while, Jack giving her a newly plucked apple as a gift, Jack running from a vendor he had stolen from when he still was learning, Jack hugging her when she told him her most deepest fears and frustrations... Jack.

Jack! She rushed over to where he lay. He was still unconscious. Damned monkey, she thought. She picked him up. She had to treat him. She looked around carefully to see if she could see the knight. Perhaps he was simply playing a game and he would spring out and kill her at any moment. Since she had not seen him, she took the opportunity to walk towards the gates. She had to find some ointment for Jack's wounds. Damnit, she needed to learn more about healing. Maybe she should learn spells from a healer. She glanced at Jack. Jack's face looked peaceful. Nimble entered the city while still holding Jack tenderly in her arms.
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Lufes was in shocked how the little girl was almost vanquish. but for some reasons Didn't

"probably that NO spooked him" he said thinking out loud.

His eyes glance one more at the little girl heading towards the gate with the monkey bearly moving in her arms. he thought how funny it was when he saw poo flying across the battle feild

" HA ClASSIC!!" he said lauging

Lufes see that the little girl is sad notice the reason is because her friend is not moving in here arms

" Hes hurt" lufes told himself, his attitude completly shifted to sorrow. not knowing what happened to them, where they came from or who they are he decided to catch up with the girl

Looking back at the girl with the black eyes he told her:

" thanks so much your a life saver"

he turn back to the direction on the little girl

"Hey!!" he calls out to get her attention. he remebers that he has some potions and medicinal herbs he can probablly offer her and aid her fury friend

Lufes speed walk towards her "Hey" smiling trying to lighten up the mood

" lovely morning isnt it, i know its so clear. Lufes said looking up to the sky
hoping the girl dosent turn around and blast him with a weird ability

"Im lufes by the way, Listen i have a potion here and some herbs, maybe you can use it for you friend, its the least i can do" he said in a calm soothing voice.

Lufes walk behind her waiting her response
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Nimble felt the approach of a stranger and turned around. It was the elf-like creature that was nearly cut in two earlier. The elf was saying something to her. Since the stranger had not yet attacked her, she figured he probably had no intention of attacking.

Nimble had not caught the majority of what he said to her. Nimble, not wanting to be rude, placed Jack down carefully. She then pulled out her book and quill and wrote "I am Deaf. Please say that again." She held the book up for the stranger to see.
Lufes sees that the little girl stops and place her friend down she turns around. he stops not scared but wondering what shes doing.

The girl gets a book and quill and writes something, he is intrigued by what shes doing so he kneels on one knee So she wouldnt have to strain her neck to look up at a gaint

" What do you wanna show me" he said to the girl, his eyes shift to the helpless monkey lying on the ground thinking to himself " what hapen to him"

The girl turns the book around and he read to him self "I am Deaf. Please say that again."

Lufes felt dumbstruck "no wonder you didnt turn stop sooner" he said smiling friendly

" My name is Lufes" he told the girl pointing to himself

He reaches his bag slowly so the little girl wouldnt think hes going to attack and takes out a potion in a blue vile and some herbs wrapped in green vine

" I was thinking you can use this for you friend" Lufes said offering his items to the girl
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Zotok did not answer his companion. Instead, he looked towards the man that knocked him over then end.

"I have been hasted" He thought to himself.
And smiled..

In a supernatural speed, he had covered the distance between himself, and the attacker. His sword horizontal, en route to the mans throat.
"I was thinking you can use this for you friend."

Nimble watched the stranger's face to see what he was saying to her, then he offered her some herbs. The herbs were among the kind she was looking for. Nimble curtsied in gratitude and accepted the herbs.

Nimble went to work immediately. She mixed some herbs together and crushed them into a salve. Then she began to apply the salve to Jack's wounds. As she was applying the salve, Jack stirred. He opened his eyes. He smiled at Nimble. Nimble saw that Jack was awake. She finished applying the salve. Then, she cuffed Jack in the arm. Jack screeched.

"You... DUMBASS!" Nimble signed furiously to Jack.

"That hurt, woman! Geez, you're like a dragon!"

"What... the HELL were you thinking? What am I supposed to do if you die?" Jack stood up. Nimble's expression faded from anger into concern. "I told you not to do anything stupid."

Jack looked at her reassuringly. "I'm fine, though." Jack thought of the traveler they nearly killed. That's right... he remembered seeing him get up and run at the red knight before he lost consciousness. He wondered what was the fate of the woman traveler who was so unceremoniously tossed at him. He glanced around. The traveler who was formerly unconscious was glowing orange and running in an orange blur toward a blonde haired man. Looks like that little nap gave him some energy, he quipped to himself. He looked around for the priestess. He didn't see her immediately... the wall was blocking his view. He hoped she was alive...

Nimble wrote "Thank you!" and showed it to the kind elven stranger.
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"What type of elven is he?"she chuckled as she saw is comedic landing.
"Is he ok?" she asked herself as a small smile appeared on her face, but that was quickly forgotten.

She turns her head to face the knight.He was ingulfed in a flash of light and dissapeared.
"What in gods named?" she wondered. Her eyes started to dim
back into its blue hue.

She was confused. "He just vanished" she wondered. By the corner of her eyes she noticing the on going battle . Her eyes then fastened at Zotok and his attacker. She straps her daggers onto her belt, and pulls out her sword.

As she begins to head towards Zotok ...But then notices Zotok's companion coming to his aid.

" thanks so much your a life saver" the elven exclaimed.
She turns herself in the elven's direction. She nods. The elven swiftly runs back to the battlefield. Not to fight, but to help the little girl and her monkey.

She sees the priestess still chanting.The blond hair attacker and Zotok in battle. And the bi-colored man ready to help his fellow companion.

She decided not to interfere. "Three against one is enough" she mumbled.
As she returns her sword back to its resting place. In a way she felt pity for the attacker. She smiles and looks upon the loose ribbons wrapped around her right arm, she begins to tighten them.

"do you know what the tri-colors mean" an heavy masculine voice asked the young girl. The girl shakes her head.The man chuckles."How do you expect to become a warrior without knowledge"
The girl bows her head in shame.
He chuckles once more" My dear Kelis, do not be ashamed, I will teach you"
Little Kelis lifts up her head and smiles.
"The black represents the sorrow and pain when a warrior dies, tis ally or enemy."He explains"A warrior is a warrior, no matter his intentions"
Kelis nods."The red" he continues as he shows her these three ribbons"represents the blood you have spilled and the blood of your fallen comrades"
She nods again. Her eyes are wide open.
"And lastly" he pulls out the white ribbon"this color represents the loyalty to your people and to oneself" He tells her with a look of concern in his face.

"Kelis my dear child I know you will become a grand opponent one day, never forget these colors" he then continues as he untangle the three long ribbons." A warrior is not all strength and muscles, but also wisdom and heart" He tells as he tries to make a bow to hold her long hair.

"Father let me do it" She grabs the ribbons from her fathers hand.She giggles. "You might be a knight but you're no women" she continues to giggle and successfully makes a bow.
"Can we go......"
He smiles and picks her up in his arms.

Her memories fade. These recent events have unlocked a lot of hidden memories she did not want to be remembered. Her eyes are blue and tears begin to form. She shakes her head and walks towards the city gates.

She passes the elven and the little then notices her monkey
"He is well" she thought.
She smiles at the reunited pair and the elven and continues her passage towards the gate.


OOC: Uhmmm she didnt want to interfere with the battle btwn Zotok and the blond dude. Its three agaisnst one... hes going to get pwned.:( so shes heading back to gondon, to check on the damage the knight left

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The effects of the orange glow revealed themselves abruptly, the man that would be his target suddenly rose to his feet, readied his sword and charged Sol all in one surreally fast motion. The quickness at which his opponent moved was unparralleled, but did remind him of a band of ninja's he trained with once. It was part of his rebelious stage, contemplating becoming a ninja to piss off his dad. At the time he couldn't grasp their movements and react accourdingly and was often sent home beaten to a pulp. He remembered the look on his dad's face when he told him what happened, and the words his dad said that jarred him to his youthful core.

'Tomorrow you will meet them as usual, but not as a misguided boy clutching a scimitar. You will greet them as a Dark Knight!'

'Watch the feet as they fall, quickness of movement won't defy gravity, three feet in front and leading with the dominant foot will result in a horizontal slash!' He thought, refusing to break his own concentration. The enemy's sword started its swoop through the air, confirming Solber's expectation and somehow managed to appear slow. Solber comfortably spun his own sword in a 360 degree angle guiding the opponents sword wide and far to the left like a stream guiding a branch in its rapids. The dusk stone shook vigorously in Sol's gauntlet. 'Heh, perfect timing..' he mused thankful for the hand he'd been delt.

The chanting stopped as Sol stood staring wildly at the now exposed shoulder of his opponent. The shaking in his right hand continued as the dusk stone began sucking in light. Suddenly, a High pitched scream eminated from the stone and Solber responded by thrusting his glove towards his opponents exposed side. The scream of a tormented and captured soul bellowed through the air sending a subtle change in the surrounding area, the wind blowing from the east suddenly died down in an area of 2 feet spanning all directions around the screaming stone.

"Too late for excuses, here comes Dark Fire!" Solber exclaimed thrusting his fist forward jerkily as if trying to push the air itself. A ring of dark flames sparked in mid air and began spinning counterclockwise as the flames picked up. For those bold enough to stare at the flames center they would have seen the life force of a spirit extinguishing itself and feeding its remains to the dark fire.

The flames reached their peak and suddenly spiralled out towards their intended target, who was not Zotok but would attempt to pass through him to get to the chanting priestess behind him.

(OOC : Is it clear what happened here? Solber parried the attack thanks to training in the past and launched his Dark Fire spell hopefully through Zotok towards Cali. I will be editing my profile a bit the explain the effects of Dark Fire which will be : Burns hotter than a normal fire and can only be quenched with blessed (holy) water or blessed earth. So if you managed to catch fire from the Dark flames you'd have to act quick, because stop drop and roll doesn't work against it.)
Lufes felt relived that The little girls fury companion is all better
The little girl bagan to write again on her book. "Thank you!" she wrote

Lufes felt as he really help someone in need

"Your welcome Sugar cookie" he said smile as he gets up

He quickly shift his attention to the other fight thats happening

"What?" he said out loud

"If this is how the peole outside the city act i would LOVE to see how the interact with each other inside" He said crossing his arms infront of his chest.
Jack turned to Nimble. "What happened to the woman who was thrown at me? Did she have any burns? Did that knight kill her?" Nimble shrugged. "I don't know, honestly." Jack walked off toward the gate. Nimble ran after him.

"What are you doing?" Nimble asked.
"I'm curious to see what happened," Jack replied. He turned to walk off, but Nimble grabbed his arm.
"Did your brain get damaged somehow?" she signed one-handedly. "There's a fight going on." Jack shrugged off her hand.
"I know... I'm not going to fight. I'm just going to check on that priestess. That's all."

Nimble rolled her eyes knowingly. She had a feeling that the priestess was involved in the fight. Sure enough the priestess was in the fight, after all. She was chanting. The blonde was preparing an ominous black circle of flames. He thrust his fist toward the chanting priestess and the flames went spiraling toward both the glowing traveler and the priestess. "We have to do something!" Jack signed hastily to Nimble. There was no time...
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(OOC: Wow, this thing is moving fast as always! Sorry about replying late. I was working REALLY late last night on an assignment and I was tired. Anyways for Zotok, "Haste" only lasts 5 minutes, so it will wear off soon enough.)

Cali let out a sigh in relief when the man with the red bandanna started moving in a near orange blur; her spell had worked.

"Let's just hope he can handle it" she murmured, vaguely recalling the hour-glass symbol on his forehead she had uncovered

Feeling eyes on her, Cali turned and saw the young woman in the red tunic from the inn staring at her with an unreadable expression.

Before she could ask about the gaze, the woman looked down and yelled.

"Why isn't the fool moving?!" and quickly started sprinting towards the elf-ling that had apparently lost his mobility.

Cali felt the air charge with magic and when the woman shot her arm up into the air in mid-run, the earth beneath the elf and her self shot out and whisked them away.

So she was the one who made that earth wall the Ryndian mused, impressed by the magic skill. The woman wasn't near the area anymore, and Cali assumed she went in to check out the damage done to the village.

Cali scanned the area, surveying who was still in the vicinity. Looking around she spotted the bi-colored haired man that she had healed twice now rushing to the aid of the now hasted young man. The blond haired male with armor was now facing against two opponents.

Heh, serves him right she thought smugly

The monkey appeared to be knocked out and his companion, the little girl, wasn't in immediate sight. Cali considered heading to the monkey and healing him but a sudden burst of energy diverted her attention.

Cali looked around again and saw the dark knight, his aura as malicious as ever, but before he could do anything, a barrage of blades struck at him.

The monkey's companion was the source of the attack. Even without seeing the girl's expression, Cali could sense the girls emotions: revenge.

The knight appeared to be as fazed as ever, which was not at all, despite the blood spilling down his face. Just as he did before, he vanished.

Cali stared in horror as the Dark Knight materialized behind the ragged looking girl and drew his blade close to her neck. He leaned in close and said something to the girl with a wicked smile.

But in that same instant the dark aura vanished and was replaced by something infinitely more purer.

"No!!!" a voice screamed

There was a bright flash that blinded the ex-priestess, and when she was able to look again, the young girl still stood and the knight was gone.

"What the hell..?" Cali murmured

Why were so many strange things happening? And why did Cali know that some how more was to come?

The ragged looking girl appeared to have come out of her understandable shock and rushed over to her monkey friend. Scooping the animal up into her arms, she began to head through the gates.

Cali returned to the sight of the men fighting against the main foe but was shocked to see the armored man conjuring up his own spell.

The Ryndian let out a small tremor when the sounds of tortured souls wailing reached to her ears.

My god...To use souls as a base for a spell...she thought feeling sick. Bitterly, she knew the soul was the ultimate power source, but a user needed to be skilled to handle the mental strain and not just the physical.

The wailing ended and a black flames began to form around the blond's fist, before he shot them towards Cali's direction.

The black fire hurled towards her and Cali looked around trying to find a way out, only seeing the ground below.

If she jumped, the fall wouldn't kill her, but the injuries she would sustain would make that fact moot point. Despite her natural healing abilities, she wouldn't heal fast enough to defend herself.

"No choice, then" she muttered and threw her hands forward and began conjuring another spell.

She closed her eyes once more, glad she was wearing her gloves.

The only way to fight with fire!

"Ash, cinders, embers! Roar to life and go with my will!" she yelled, throwing as much power as she could handle into the attack

A large ball of red energy quickly materialized into a fiery inferno, the heat making Cali cringe, but she launched the large fireball towards the black fire.

The two flames collided and another bright flash assaulted Gondon yet again.

(OOC: And there you go. Question, though. I know Solber is the bad guy, so does that mean he's gonna vanish too if/when we beat him until the next encounter, or what?)
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As Kelis walks towards the city's gate she is surrounded by the sensation of heat.

She turns around and lays her eyes upon the priestess and the blond attacker. They were engulfed in each others magical flames.
Though she knew not much of others' magic or spells, she did realize that his flames were from an unnatural source.
The flames grew larger as the battle continued. Soon enough the city was in danger once again.

"No" Kelis yelled as she saw the untamed fire burst through the cities doors.
She could here the people scream as they relive their recent nightmare.

She looks upon the blue haired girl "Keep him busy" She yells"Control his flames, i will deal with the city" She hurries towards the doors.

She looks around and finds the second party gazing upon the battle.

"We need to help them" she tells the little girl holding her monkey and the elven that accompanied them.She could tell that they were worried about the young priestess and the others.

"They will be fine" she exclaims she kneels down and lightens her tone "They know how to defend themselves, the people behind those walls don't" . She gazes at the monkey and couldn't help but smile, thanking the gods that he was doing well.

She stands and heads towards the doors. But they where covered in black and crimson flames. The screams and cries of the villagers got louder and louder. This vaguely familiar sensation begins to run through her body. Her eyes turned black.

OOC: Uhhmmmm....... so lets see we gatta find a way over that wall any bright ideas.. lol ill let nami of augie decide
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Lufes see that that the black hair girl with the hypnotic black eyes is comming toward him and the little girl

"We need to help them" She cried out to us urging to get pass the wall of thick concreate

"What about her" Lufes yelled back poinying at the blue hair girl

"They will be fine" she replies, she kneels down and softens her tone "They know how to defend themselves, the people behind those walls don't"

Lufes do agree with her. he looks back at the girl with the blue hair

"She does look like she can handle it on her own" he said to himself but still worried about her. He dosent know why though.

"I dont know her or any of these people yet i feel there pain." Lufes remembers his masters advices for inner strenth "you dont need to know someone to know what there feeling inside"

Lufes turns around to the black hair girl "Im game" he said he changes his eyes from the girl to the massive wall.

"........So what can we do" he said in a up beat tone.
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Edit: I missed the fact that we're going back into the city.

"We need to help them," said the now black-eyed female traveler. Jack translated the dialogue between her and the elf for Nimble's sake, adding in "See? They think we should help, too." Nimble waited for Jack to finish, then glanced over at the burning gates. How could she get the travelers over the wall? They could go underneath the wall, but she had neither the tools nor the magic to burrow the hole quickly. Nimble and Jack were capable of climbing the wall... but that was mainly because Jack was a monkey and Nimble had trained herself to keep up with Jack (with the help of a few tools, of course). Nimble thought of that obelisk-thing she saw the male traveler use when he stepped into her sleep cloud. The black flame of the gates were different than the knight's black flames... Her smoke bombs weren't going to do a single thing against it. The only thing she could do was offer the rope that was still hanging from the top of the wall.

Nimble turned to Jack. "Jack... your weakness is going to get us killed. Remember how we almost died... just a few minutes ago?" Nimble then wrote on her book. "The wall is slick, so you can't use it for footing. We can drop you a line, but you have to climb the rope with no help from the wall. I'll show you." Nimble showed the travelers what she had written, then Nimble and Jack took off toward the wall. Jack pulled out his rope and makeshift grappling hook. Nimble picked Jack up. With all of her might, Nimble tossed Jack upward as far as she could. At the peak of his airborne ascent, Jack tossed the grappling hook toward the top of the wall. It grabbed anchor. Instead of falling down again, Jack was now dangling from the rope. He began climbing it with ease. Jack reached the top. It was Nimble's turn.

Nimble tucked away her book and quill in the tattered folds of her clothes. She climbed the rope so that her legs would be just a bit higher than the eye level of the travelers. She then wrapped the rope around one leg and used her feet to pinch the rope. Holding onto the rope with her legs alone, she took out her book and quill once again. She wrote "Try to use your legs and your feet like me. It will help you to not get tired and fall." Nimble showed the travelers what she had written. Then she tucked the book and quill back into her clothes and scaled the rope like an expert. I hope they're quick learners... Most people can't get it on the first try, Nimble thought. There were now two lines running down the side of the wall.
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Lufes saw that the little girl put her book and quill back in her clothes and grabed the rope.

"this girl is goning to kill her self" he said to the black hair girl with such confidance as if lufes known her for ages

She quickly wrapped the rope around one leg and used her other foot to pinch the rope. Holding onto the rope with her legs alone.

" Whoah" Lufes said amazed on how balance the little girl while writting again in here book telling us to do the same as her

Lufes grabs the rope and try to imitate the acrobatic girl

" how do you do this" he said looking at the girl

Lufes looks at her feet and tries to study it. after a couple tries he got the handle of it.

" your turn" he said smiling friendly back down to the girl who saved his life

Lufes turns back to the little gurl

"Lead the way" Pointing to where her friends was
OOC @MasterClould. I was never attacking you, I was attacking fair game.
and he already deflected the attack.
so. Your post is more or less useless.
Unless I'm completly off.
So. I will act like that post isn't there.

sorry, a friend invaded me for the weekend.
He left now, so I can post ^^

Zotok's blade was deflected, and the enemy had sent off a fire attack. there weren't much he could do about that.
Instead, Zotok decided to take offensive action.
As he was to attack once again, he suddenly felt a drop of speed. the spell had worn off.

this left his confused for a second. But since the 'master monster' was gone, he changed his idea, away from the offensive. Onto a peaceful one.
He sheathed his sword, and turned away, starting to walk towards the city gates.
hopefully, his opponent would not see any reason to continue, and stop the attack.
If he did not, Zotok had to response in like.

OOC: Hope I did not miss anything important.
I'm just trying to stop the battle, hopefully "he" will join ^^
"Tsk. Can't fight an unarmed guy..." Solber Antilienius muttered. His head tilted to the sky and he allowed himself to stare vacantly at the rolling clouds overhead. An abundant warmth eminated from the burning village so he replaced his sword on his back and held his hands out to warm them by the fire.

The mind-boggling orders had seemed a bit more sure-fire when he had merely awoken from his sleep and found all the prophesized elements abounding. The red knight had quickly disappeared, the town had burned and his target did show up but everyone was acting so nonchalant about the whole thing. 'Like I stepped right into a funhouse, only I'm the only one not having fun,' he thought sheepishly pursing his lips.

"Ah screw this!" He exclaimed running his fingers through his messy blonde hair, "I'm gonna go have fun too! Doing all these stupid missions are pointless anyway." Solber slapped his hands to his face a couple times for good measure then started running towards the wall at full speed. A quick hop and a few sure footed steps got him up to the top of the wall in no time.

"Hey," he called over to the elf standing beside the little girl and her monkey, "since I helped start the fire, mind if I help put it out? Normally I wouldn't ask this but that guy just walked out of town and I don't feel like following him."

(ooc: I thought about it and this seems MORE like something Solber would do, completely ignore the fact that he probably hurt lots of people and offer to help on a whim. Think it fits? Thank god this is a test RP lol, they'd have booted me by now.)
Nimble watched the elven man scale the rope. He actually got it, she thought to herself. Maybe elves are meant for climbing, like Jack. Very rarely had she met anyone who could scale nearly 20 feet (7 meters) of rope like Nimble and Jack could. He still had a lot of room for improvement, but it was quite an impressive start. Nimble and Jack helped the man when he reached the top. Nimble wondered if the lady traveler could also make it up the tall expanse of smooth wall. Jack began gathering up his rope. He left Nimble's rope for the lady traveler. Nimble turned back to the battle. It was apparently over. In fact, the blonde-haired man then ran full speed toward the wall... toward them. Nimble swore to herself. There wasn't enough time for her to escape. The man jumped, ran up a wall too smooth for even expert Jack to find a grip, and alighted atop the wall. The blonde man walked up to the three of them and asked the elven male, "Hey, since I helped start the fire, mind if I help put it out? Normally I wouldn't ask this but that guy just walked out of town and I don't feel like following him."

Nimble had neither heard nor seen what the blonde-haired man said. Nor was there any time for Jack to interpret what was being said. Nimble had underestimated the blonde-haired man. He had even greater might than the Blood Knight if he was able to effortlessly scale a twenty-foot (seven meter) wall. There was barely any time for thought. "Jack!" Nimble signaled to him. "Right!" Jack replied. Quickly the duo defended themselves. The duo commenced a defensive attack called "Jack and Nimble, Need Be Quick". The attack was designed to disarm an opponent and to throw the opponent off balance.
OOC: Sorry im a lil behind ..... FFXI owns me lol. I made it short

Kelis watched the girl and elven climb the wall.
"impressive" she thought as she wondered how a young girl like her could manage such a complicated arrangement.

She grabbed the rope and started scaling the wall. Suddenly she felt some sort of aura heading its way towards her. She turned to face it and noticed the blond haired man run up the wall.

She lost her grip and fell back onto the ground landing on her feet.
"Excuse you" she mumbled as she stares up the wall and sees the man speak to the girl and the elven.

She grabs the rope and examines it. "I hate ropes she thought" she smiled as she remembered her earlier problem with a rope very similar to the one she was holding.

She decides not to climb it. She looks to the side and sees a couple of carts and barrels a couple feet away.And also a sturdy tree with a branch leveling the wall's edge.

She looks back up the wall but couldn't see the girl or anyone else. She starts to run towards the cart , she leaps on the barrel then another jump on the cart the another making her land on the tree branch. She stops and looks at the wall's edge and leaps and lands on the ledge.

She was pretty far away from the elven and others. So she makes her way towards them.

As she walks along the ledge she watched the city's firefighters work hard at controling the flaming doors.They have distinguished most of the flames.The city's medic and extra guards from the inner parts finally arrived.
Kelis smiles. "No need to worry" she let out a sigh of relief.

She looks over the the girl but a pillar was blocking her view. She slides down the wall and makes her way deeper into the city.
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