Never Ending Rp

(OOC: Ah, I'm gonna have to fix my last post since the characters are not all where they were originally, but I'll do that later and just keep the story going for now. And I just looked at that last attack and I realized it's was almost exactly like Edea's icicle attack from FFVIII :O)

Cali's arms tremble from the force of her spell and took a few breaths. As a Ryndian, cold was not a bother for her, and was even an asset in some cases, but the amount of energy she had thrown into the spell was more than usual.

Her head jerked up when harsh laughter assaulted her ears and saw that tri-souled being stand up, despite the heavy shards of ice embedded in his arms and legs. Stunned Cali wondered if the being had no sensation, or maybe he was masochistic.

Cali blinked and he disappeared.

Startled, Cali didn't have anytime to react before he suddenly appeared right next to her.

"What do you fear?" he said in a low voice

His hand wrapped around Cali's throat and she gasped. He wasn't even squeezing, just the touch of that flesh left a horrible sensation like being burned without the heat.

(OOC: @Sylar: is it okay to use that description, or would you prefer something else?)

His face closed in and she struggled, kicking at his legs, but it was no use. Suddenly his face was right in front of her own, but the eyes stared right into her own...

Cali's eyes suddenly widened in horror and her mouth was gaped. She couldn't hear or see anything in front or around her, just quick flashes...

...a long blade covered in blood....

...staring up into cold eyes...

...the retreating back, leaving her behind...

And just as quickly her eyes refocused and she sneered at the man.

"What I fear...I have already lived through" she said in a hiss before looking over the broad shoulder and she smirked

(OOC: I'll reveal later about what she "lived through", but for now, someone do something!)
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Crane slowly regained conciousness and sat up at the same time being flodded with pain, he looked around and saw that Cali was about to be choked by Sceler, he saw Kelis trying to wake Zotok and couldnt see Jack or Nimble, but saw a newcomer to this battle standing far behind the battle with what looked like a bow at the ready.

Crane couldnt focus properly and nearly blacked out again due to the pain, Crane slowly but surely got to his feet and dragged him self over to where Kelis and Zotok where,"Is he ok, Miss" Crane asks softly.
The kind deep voice soothed her fears" Is he ok, miss" Zotok's companion has awaken. She smiles at him.

"I have no clue." she claims as she looks down upon Zotok's face.

"Sir, though i do not know your name, I do know that you are a kind mind" She pauses as her eyes lands on the pale blue haired girl.
She gasps.As she sees the knight grasp her in his hands.
She looks back at the dark man

"you must help her, I shall stay with your friend." She tries to catch her breath.

The sky starts to brighten. Her eyes mends to its original blue.
And she looks upon Zotok once more.Fearing the worse.
Nimble watched in mute horror as the black flames made a barrier between herself and Jack. She fervently tried to think of a way to extinguish them to no avail. Jack watched tersely as he waited for the traveler to wake up. He looked up as the red knight shrugged off attack after attack as if it were nothing. Jack felt a pang of guilt. He hadn't been able to protect this man from being kicked by the knight. It was the duo's fault that he wound up in this condition. Perhaps his condition was worse than he thought... Jack checked the traveler for internal bleeding. Then a woman traveler approached him and shook him. "Wake up, you fool!" she yells to him. Still, he had not awakened. Something was seriously wrong. He should have awakened long ago.

Nimble and Jack felt to be at a loss. They had never been separated before. Nimble had no idea what to do about the unnatural black flames. Worst of all, they may have caused the death of an innocent person. Nimble sank down and struck her ground in frustration. She cursed inwardly. The red knight had another female traveler by the neck... a priestess? In desperation, Jack flung monkey poo at the red knight.
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OOC: That is fine Fusionist.

The young womanwas in his grasp. Her fear meant nothing to him for she had already learned to face it. Her smirked angered him. His black aura grew even darker in his rage. He wanted her to suffer. He began to squeeze harder and harder, until something hit the back of his neck. A slimy sensation slid down his back into his armor. He jerked his head to see Jack.

"You will pay for that insult," Sceler yelled in anger.

He threw Cali straight at the monkey with great force.
Jack tensed as the woman's body flew full speed toward him. Jack had no place to run, since he was still surrounded by the flames. The body landed full force into Jack and the two bodies slid across the ground. Jack was momentarily immobile due to the wind being knocked out of him.

Nimble nearly broke. She screamed a wordless cry, a call to Jack. Her scream belied her fear. Nimble looked at the circle of fire Jack had formerly been in. It didn't seem to spread. Neither Jack nor the woman priestess were on fire. However, Nimble could not see if they had sustained any burns. This fire was strange indeed. She cleared her mind. She had an idea. She may not be able to extinguish the flame, but she may be able to defeat it. Nimble pulled out some of her weaker smoke bombs and threw it toward the fire. If everything went well, the smoke would help to choke the fire. At the very least, it could provide some visual cover for the travelers, the priestess, ... and Jack. The smoke bombs exploded and the smoke engulfed the circle of flames.

Nimble watched. Depending on the effects of the smoke, she would implement one of two plans of escape. She hoped that this freakish fire hadn't seriously burned Jack and the girl. Jack began to stir, though still trying to catch his breath. Still, Nimble could not see well enough. Nimble cursed inwardly. She had no choice but to observe for now.
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OOC: HAHAH. usign a character as a weapon, against a money. ^^

Also, Im gonan assume hat jack is close to Zotok, thus, Fusionist is thrown towards Zotok. slightly off.

Varuious things happened. A monkey blew some dust in his face.
and a blueh iared voman did something.
Also, the shakings of a familiar voice.
Whatever happened, he was clearing up for now.

After a minute, his focus returned, and he saw the 'monster' throw the blue haired woman.

He grabbed his sword, and ran towards the 'monster'.
His grip strenghtened. And he attacked.
He spun clockwize (seen from above)
USing hte momentum to attack, from the lower left, diagonally otthe upper right.
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((OOC: thnx guys for ur advices and tips))

Lufes sees how the red knight is enraged with so much fury in his eyes.
he gets is bow and arrow ready for another strike. he comes closer to the battle but aware that the stench of poo is too stong to get any closer.

".....and ill stop right here" he said sniffling his nose

The red Knight thrust the girl toward the monkey as if a child was through playing with a rag doll when and quickly the wounded man that was on the ground got up and charges towards the so-call enemy

"HEY!! let me help you" he said to the young man

Lufes kneels on one knee to get better aiming and shots five arrows at the red knight Lufes aims and shoots 5 more arrow toward the furious Knight
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Jack looked on in immense relief to see the traveler rise again. He feared the traveler had died. Content that he had not caused the death of the traveler, Jack succumbed to unconsciousness.

Nimble wasted no more time. It was time to go to Jack, no matter the cost. Nimble gave herself as much room as the flames would allow. Theoretically, she could run through the flames, given enough momentum. She had to take care that her clothes didn't catch on fire. Otherwise, her tattered clothing would most likely catch on fire and she would sustain serious burns. Determined, she jumped, did a roundhouse, then flipped so to keep the momentum. She came out on the other side of the flame. However, she was still on the wall. She patted herself quickly to ensure that she didn't catch on fire. This fire seemed to have most of the properties of a normal fire. She did not stop to see if she sustained injuries. She pulled out a rope and a makeshift grappling hook. Using her combination of fear, adrenaline, and willpower Nimble used the rope to bound down the wall. She left the rope behind as she ran to Jack and scooped him up. She proceeded to see if he was burned.
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"Theres no use" she thought while she looks upon Zotok's body. He begins to nudge."He's waking" She smiles.

Kelis looks away and sees the small monkey, he was sounded by flames.He picks up and throws rubbish at the knight.

"You will pay for that insult," the knight yelled in anger.

Hearing his voice Kelis shivered.

With every strength he had he tossed the blue haired girl towards the monkey.

Zotok awoke and ran towards the knight, sword in hand. Seeing him prepare to fight made her heart pound.

"Ill take care of the girl" She thought. She lifts herself from the earth, and begins to run to the aid of the blue haired girl.

She catches a glimpse of a elven male holding a bow and arrow, aiming towards the knight.
She halts and slides across the dirt pathway.

A young girl appeared .She was dumbfounded as she saw this little girl run to her friends side.
The two embraced.

Kelis was kneeling beside the pale young woman. " are you okay" she asked.
OOC:What will happen next, DUN DUN DUUUUUUNNNNNNNN
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'Removal of one loose end dead set on unravelling the commonwealth', was all the scruffy parchment had read. And he would have chucked the whole idea right back at the masked informant had he not been warned about the rural towns customs. A deep flourishing bow and a note of coin into the blackheart's greasy palm was all he was allowed, so Sol hit the road. The reassuring burden of lopsided weight pressed him onward, something about the almost 'prophetic' informant had irked him, but duty bound and full of intent he allowed himself to be pulled by the tides of fate.

Upon arrival and dressed the part, Solber Antilienious, a recently exalted Dark Knight, applied for work with the 'Resting Place' inn as a stable boy. The owner almost did a backflip, after several double takes and a grieving glance towards his coinpurse, that is. Recently strange travellers had been taking up residence and the owner was keen to have an extra hand keeping an eye on things. He pushed a pithy amount into Sol's grubby hands and shoed him off to work in the stables, something Sol had little trouble getting into the task. He need only wait.


The morning of the impromptu attack on the village, Sol woke in a start covered in hay and what he hoped was cold barren earth stuck to his boots. A bellowing laugh filled the air ominously and a heavy dark presense wafted into Sol's scope. Peering cautiously from his place in the stables he witnessed a gruesome scene much to his dismay. Several armored guards lay helplessly at the feet of one towering Red Knight, a small commotion between a few wanderers over a fallen comrade had caused several members of the party to fall back or be thrown back.

On this day a man in red will tear the town to pieces, be sharp boy and seek the heir, he must fall this day or forever boon our country-side.

The prophetic words of his family informant rung true in the mid-morning heat, Sol could only stare on unbelieving. Suddenly, a fallen man wearing a red bandanna stood up and charged the red knight, the urge to join in the fray was daunting. A heavy pull surged through Solber's scrawny frame and he answered the culling wind of change by placing a firm grasp on his sword and bounding foot over foot towards the red knight. His fingers cut deep against the protective leather hilt of his sword and brought the dormant sword in a wide arc from the ground. The clash of steel rung familiarly through his ears and he peered listlessly into the eyes of the man with the red bandana.

'Loose end,' Solber began, feeling his voice grow heavy with the weight of the persisting darkness surrounding him, 'lets make this a tie!'

The young boy, clad in a laborors uniform and weilding a large bastard sword stated firmly his challenge. Then planted his boots in the screaching earth and pushed hard against his adversaries blade hoping to knock him off balance.

(OOC : uh yeah hope its cool for me to just jump in...and I hope its obvious Solber is a bad guy! You wanted one right? Hope its shocking enough!)
(OOC: You'll notice that I haven't been referring to anyone by name because technically no one has told Cali their names or titles yet, so I'm going to be referring to people by their appearances and relevance to Cali until then)

Cali allowed herself to smirk when she saw the monkey throw it's excrements, and widened it even more when it hit the dark haired man. The angry growl emitted amused her to no end.

Until she was flung into the air.

Shit the ex-priestess thought before landing roughly on the monkey, and hoped none if it was on her.

She sat up, letting the monkey escape beneath her to reunite with the ragged looking girl that appeared from no where in a clumsy embrace.

The woman from the inn ran to her side, her short black hair swishing with the movement, and asked with worry in her light blue eyes "Are you okay?"

Cali nodded "Considering I was just tossed and landed without breaking anything, I'm pretty damn good" she said, the adrenaline still flooding her system and letting out her inner thoughts without trying to act as stoic as she usually was.

She looked at the woman's red tunic to focus her mind before looking around once more.

The new being she had noticed was some form of elven blood and was holding a bow and arrow and the bi-colored haired man appeared to be awake once more.

A feeling of another life form caught Cali's attention and a clash of swords drew Cali's attention down towards where the tri-souled being was standing.

There was the man with the red bandanna, but it wasn't the dark being's sword he was engaged in, it was someone else's.

Cali vaguely made out the blond hair, but the man was covered in armor and wielding a large sword.

It was two against one.

She stood up and saw the man with the bandanna struggle before she focused on his form and began chanting a spell.

I hope this works she thought before pointing an arm out in his direction. She shut her eyes briefly out of habit before snapping them open again.

"Then, now, later! Time will obey me!" she shouted as the spell to increase speed was cast and the man with the bandanna was covered in an orange light

"I hope this works..." she said again

(OOC: So is that 9 characters in the story so far?)
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OOC: Yeah, I have 11 registered. ^^
BTW, Sylar have already decided how to end this. And it won't be by my blade,

His sword was just about to make contract. But alas, he was tacked into the ground from the side.
he rolled a few meters along the ground, getting rather muddy.

"This sucks" Zotok muttered to himself.
Suddenly, he felt really light on the feet, and the world seemed to slow down lust a tad.
He looked at his hands, they, and his whole being, was covered in a light orange glow.

"heh, this can be fun" he stated, as he picked up his sword.

OOC, yes, I know nimble will be the winner, but Zotok got hasted, however, I am for now, not making him do anything.
"Ah I see we have a deciple of fear here." Sceler's dark smile returned to his twisted face. He normally would not have accepted the aid of another, but this place was just giving him much more trouble than he had anticipated.
He turned to face his other attackers only to find a stream of arrows coming his way. He swung his blade deflecting the first set that was shot. He was not fast enough to stop the rest. Two of the arrows bounced harmlessly off of his armor and another two shot right past him. The last hit true, piercing his side.
He reached down and took hold of its shaft. With one quick pull the arrow was out. a stream of blood came out for just a moment then suddenly stopped. His grip tightened and the arrow snapped in twain. Both halves dropped to the ground but before they landed Sceler already stood beside his elven attacker.
He raised his sword and brought it down upon him.
Lufes quickly thoughr about running toward the blue hair girl but before his body reacts to move The red knight appeared beside him

"gasp" he said, Lufes frezes in shock feeling the Knights angry vapor through his skin

The armored knight grabs his sword and swings towards Lufes.

For lufes, time seems slow waiting in horror for the strike against him. He quickly thinks if leaving his town of Trif was a good idea.

He looks up at the knight and the only thing that Lufes could say to him was:

"WHY?" Lufes closes his eyes and pray to every saint, god, priest, he can think of
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OOC: Since I don't currently know the effects of Sceler's black flames, I'll just assume the worst.
Edit: I found out the black flame's effects, so I edited my post accordingly. The attack still remains the same.

Oblivious to the fighting around her, Nimble inspected Jack’s unconscious body. She was relieved to find that he had sustained only minor injuries. The black flame was similar to regular fire, after all. Nimble breathed a sigh of relief. She looked over at the cloud of smoke. It reduced the size of the fire. That was a very good sign indeed. Nimble laid Jack carefully down. She would tend to him later. For now, something had to be done about that knight.

Nimble took Jack’s bag. She had a resolve. She had to fight the knight for Jack’s sake. All her fears passed and she had great clarity of mind. She glanced into Jack’s bag. Good, there were enough provisions for her to attack. The knight was bringing his sword down upon a newcomer... an elf? Nimble had to distract the knight and stop him. Nimble commenced her steel barrage attack once again. This time, she aimed for the knight’s face. She hoped that it would at least provide some diversion until she began her next attack.
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OOC: Wow its getting huge hehe...... and i too am just reffering to the characters by appearances. I only know the name of Zotok.
Kelis looks again upon the blue haired girl.
"Considering I was just tossed and landed without breaking anything, I'm pretty damn good" she replied.
"She has wit" Kelis thought as she smiles.

She stands and glances at the little girl holding her unconcious friend. She saw her swallow her tears and transform them into revenge. Kelis recognizes her eyes. The eyes of hate of sarrow. She couldn't do a thing.

The clash of steel iverted her attention to Zotok. He was engaged in battle with a blond young man. "Is he aiding the knight"she thought.

Through Kelis eyes time seemed to have halt. Distruction was at her feet. Her eyes began to darken as she glares at the knight. But she is brought back by the sensation of a cold breeze. She turns her head only to find
the blue haired girl standing beside her. To her amazement she began to recite a prayer.

Kelis listened to her words which caused a memory to enter her mind.The stories of ryndians and mystlin. Were always told in the old mystlin village. She remebers the elders explaining how ryndians were the healers of the earth thus making the mystlins the protectors."shield and sword" is how the elders would describe our ties.

"She's a priestess"Kelis whrispered"A Ryndian priestess"
There were so many questions she wanted to ask the priestess. But she knew this wasn't the time.

Kelis looks over to her side only to notice the elven shadowed by the knight himself. The knight raises his sword to attack him. "Why isn't this fool moving" She yelled as her hands grip the daggers tighter. She starts to sprint towards the elven. She lifts up her right arm towards the air.
The ground begins to shake. The smal patch of earth beneath the paralized elven and herself raises and sends them flying towards the field. Leaving the knight vulnable to attack.
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Lufes was running out of people to pray to. he slowly opened his left eye and see the girl that galanace at him earlier was running towards him

he saw the girl rises her hand and qickly felt the earth shifting.

Lufes felt the girl grasping as if she was doing it to protect him, He quickly looks up to scan his heroin and notices her un-natural black eyes.

The chunk of earth rose from the ground and a catepults them back where he the feild cart.

The black haired girl lands gracefully on her feet as Lufes lands on his butt.

"well, I'm back to sqaure one" he mumbled to himself.

" So is this the welcoming comittee" he said to the girl who just saved
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(OOC : Augie I love your character!)

The remarkable ease at forcing his target (Zotok) off balance took Solber by completely by surprize. His right foot skid across the gravel and wobbled to a stop. Shit! he chastised himself, Maybe I overdid the entrance... well at least I didn't f... Before he could finish the trail of thought the earth shook menacingly as if a heafty chunk of solid rock filed for temporary leave from gravity. Somewhere behind him an elf was saved.

"Ah ha... " Solber murmured to himself painstakingly surveying the surroundings, "perhaps I should have inventoried the situation a bit before just charging in like that. Heck if I didn't know any better I'd wager I just stepped knee deep in the thick of it!" His eyes passed over the crowd; a recently saved elven archer, a majestically acrobatic mage rescuer, an enraged girl and her wounded monkey, a priestess chanting and lastly the now orange target...

"Wait a second, orange?!" Solber stammered and adeptly made the connection that whatever the glow was had three very bad traits : 1) it wasn't something Zotok had planned, 2) it wasn't causing him any visible pain and 3) it was the freakiest color you'd ever expect someone to glow. Which all added up to a terrible day for Sol unless he managed to get his rear in gear.

Sol passed his sword from his offensive right hand to his defensive left and lowered his free fist with three fingers outstretched to the ground. The steel blade whooshed through the air as he assumed a defensive possition and lowered his stance to brace for impact. Pursing his lips briefly he began to sputter a low chanting of his own. Words pooled endlessly from his lips, none of which recognizable to his own ears. The words themselves belonging to an ancient martial art of words. Muttering the incantation set in motion one of the stones embedded in his right glove to begin a steady transformation, changing from its stable purple glow to an irrationally dim black.

'Now lets just pray we don't have an interruption,' he thought to himself 'don't want things getting any worse out of hand than they already are!'
OOC:eek:k so this will be where Sceler leaves the battle.

They were becoming more organized. Defending and supporting each other. The witch stopped him from killing yet again. He was ready to go after her when they came. They blades headed straight at his head and hit before he could react. None made complete contact, but they cut deep. The gashed would leave a scar on a normal person, but He was not normal. His blood once again stopped flowing from his wounds.
Sceler turned to see the little girl staring at him with a look of rage.He let out the most terrible laugh anyone has ever heard. He pulled his second sword and once again used his great speed and appeared behind her. He reached around her and held both blades against her throat.

"Now you shall die little one," he whispered into her ear.


That single word could be heard throughout the entire city of Gondon. The blood knight removed his weapons from the girls throat. A moment later there was a blinding flash and he was gone.