Never Ending Rp

"...kind Prince"

Zotok twitched to that part, he really didn't like the fact that people knew he was a noble.
he preferred to be known as a commoner, and only used his rank of needed.

He turned, and walked back to the man.
"I stated that you may do as you wish. Thought I doubt that a single gold coin will be enough to pay for a room at most Inn's. And do NOT let anyone know I'm a prince." he completed that sentence with a more serious voice.

He thought for a few seconds.
"I guess you can be my guest for the night" he smiled
"Thank you kin... Um thank you Zotok and thankyou for letting me be your guest" squeaked Crane. who was tucking into the meal he had oredered.
as soon as they entered, Zotok's guest had ordered, and already started eating, long before he had the time to do much.

he let out a chuckle as he 'geared down' and sat down on a chair.

"So." he started. "Whats your name?"
"well real name is Crane Isikuga, but i prefer my last name to be Valentine." grumbled Crane through a mouthful of food. "would i be allowed to accompany you on your next journey"."I think i will go to bed shortly after all that has happened to me today" Crane laughs at the thought of what had happened.
"Yo, inkeep, an Ale please" he shouted, and the innkeeper nodded.

"Well then, Crane" he started. "what brings you here to Gondon" he asked while leaning back on the chair.
"Bussiness brings me here to this fair city, if you can keep a secret and not tell anyone at all, i will tell you the true meaning of my journey here. And also the hopes of earning myself some gil to have my blade resharpened". unsheathing his blade he reveals a dull blade and resheaths it. "look at it, its supposed to be supersharp as all katanas are supposed to"
"Gil?.. Oh you're from a foreign land. Here we use Gold, silver, and copper. In that order" Zotok tells him

He thinks for a second, and continues "Well. you know of my.. Status. So I guess I have no problems keeping a secret in return" Zotok informed.
Since Crane knows he being a prince, he already knew one of Zotok's secrets.

He had a few others, the main ones, was his magic abilities, as well as his mark.
"well ok if your sure, i was sent to kill a Girl named Cali, i am.... Well was an assassin." Crane chokes.
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“Cozy” Kelis thought as she pulls a chair from the table in the INN’s dining room and sits.It was small and a bit dusty. But it was warm and the smell of fresh baked bread was making it’s way to her nose.Her stomach began to growl.

“Have you made your selection?” The old maid asked

“Yes…. May you bring roasted chicken with your freshest bread” she replies wit a smile

“As you wish”the old lady smiles and walks away.

Kelis mind starts to wonder,as she waits for her meal. The image of her father began to enter her mind. She remembers the training. How much she hated it but thanked him for it. Her birthdays. The parades.Tears started to form but she couldn’t cry.Even though there was no one else in the inn that night.She couldn’t cry.

As her gaze catches the old lady with a large plate walking her way, a guard opens the front door.

“mama!!!??” he shouts “mama”

She can hear is attemps to gasp for air. “whats going on?” she wondered.

“Miss can you please excuse me” the old lady asks while placing the large plate on the table before Kelis.

Kelis nods and begins to eat. Though her attention is on the commotion taking place.

“What is it Gester” The old lady replies to the guards plea.”You can’t just come in and scream like that, I actually have a guest tonight”

“Mama…the prince he is here in Gondon” he whispers in his old mothers ear”I saw him”

“Rubbish”the old lady scorned

“Mama I’m telling the truth”

“The prince?” Kelis thought “what is he doing here” Though she never met any of princes she did hear a rumor about a royal of Irath leaving the kingdom.

The conversation has her full attention.

“Mama I was arresting a man for theft and he came out of the inn and told me to let him go”he tells his mother “He told me not to say a word, but it’s the PRINCE”

“Lets get you in a nice warm bed, you must be tired” the old lady replies. Kelis can tell by her tone that she didn’t believe a word that man said.

“One moment miss” the lady tells Kelis with a smile while she holds her sons arm and guides him up the stairs.

Kelis nods and returns the smile.

“A royal, in a inn?” she asked herself “with out any guards?”

“It must be the runaway royal from Irath.” As she answered her own question she heads up the stairs to her room. She grabs her weapons and starts wrapping her ribbons around her arm.

“Should I approach him”she wonders “should I ask him for help?”
Her heart started to race. She gets up and heads towards the stairs and out the front door.

Her boots splashing in the small puddles on the streets.”Its probably that high class inn?” she remembers the man in leather “Could that be him” she mumbles. Her pace quickens and she arrives at the front door of the fancy looking INN. She did not know what to say to him but something inside her was telling her to go.She takes a deep breath and opens the front door.
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(OOC: Wow, lot of progress already. I better catch up :P)

Cali was drying her blue hair with a complimentary towel found in the inn room. Her hair had darkened with the rain from the roots, but the pale blue color still showed. Sighing, she tossed the towel aside and flopped onto her small, but cozy bed. Her coat was hanging on a chair, getting dry from the rain leaving the young ex-priestess, leaving her in her black sleeves and leggings and white sleeveless tunic.

She had managed to get a room at the local inn in Gondon early enough before the rain became too severe but she still managed to get wet nonetheless.

The cold didn't bother her at all, but she HATED getting wet.

"Haha. Honestly, you must've been a kitten in your last life or something."

Cali swallowed thickly. Now why did she have to remember that silvery voice at a time like this? She shut her eyes and unbidden the image of blond hair and cat-like green eyes came to her mind. Absentmindedly, she touched her scar on her eye.

Maybe...Maybe she was getting closer to the other person...

The thought terrified her but also made her excited. Closer and closer she would get to the one who was suppose to hunt her, but the hunter would become the hunted.

But do I really want her death? she thought uncertainly

(OOC: Dun-dun-dun! The person Cali is looking for is female ;))

With a sigh, Cali sat up and looked out the window at the bridge, somewhat surprised to see someone else coming to the inn here. A woman of some sort, but Cali paid no heed. Women traveling alone wasn't common, but not strange either.

Time passed and when she was sure her coat was dry again she put it on and headed downstairs to grab something to eat. She could've just ranged from her room, but she didn't want to waste money on a tip if she could just grab it herself.

Settling at the bar she ordered hot cider and a some roast beef. Cali wasn't one to gossip or eaves drop but her ears couldn't help but perk when she heard something about royalty.

I wonder what's going on? she thought
Crane awoke after dosing off and could feel the fresh breeze of the wind outside due to the door being held ajar by someone outside.
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"An assassin, eh" Zotok muttered to himself.
He looked at his guest. It seems he had fallen asleep at the table.
It was most likely a good mean, and the warmth that did it.
However, he awoke shortly after the main door was opened.

In the doorway, stood a girl with short black hair. And a long red tunic. This was at least the first things one noticed.

She did not seem too rich, perhaps one that had the same idea that the young girl he saw earlier. The one with the monkey.

Zotok payed it no mind, instead he looked over at the Innkeep, that walked over to him with his Ale.
Zotok flinged up a silver coin, and thanked for it.

He took a good, long drink of it. And felt revitalized.
It was ages ago, since he had an ale.
An the ale here, was not too bad eighter.

He sat back on the chair, and enjoyed he ale,
She looks inside the well established inn. Though its fancy art work and relic artifacts, she didn't feel as comfortable as she did in the small inn."How ironic" she thought.

She closes the door and begins to walk inside. She can feel the stares of the people upon her. She begins to blush. She wasn't used to this type of attention."I should of stayed where i was" she argued. It was noisy but she can hear her heart pounding , the rain drops from the tip of her tunic hit the floor. Kelis walks to the counter, but sees to inn keeper.She turns around and notices the man in high class leather accompanied by another man with what seemed to be red and blue hair. "He wasn't sitting with him before?"she thought

"May i help you" A man asked from behind the counter

"Hello.. may i have a room, please?" she replied as she shivers.Felling the air hit her flesh.

"Certainly" He replied with a smile."One bed?"

"Yes" She forced a smile

"that will be 5 pieces of gold"he replied as He held out his hand

"What a waste of gold"she thought.She just wasted 3 pieces of gold in the last inn.But she new it was worth it.

She handed him the gold.

"This way please"he nodded

She decides to take a quick glance at the long haired young man once more."Is that him" She questions herself as she sees him drinking.She begins to pass him."Should I approach him?" she thinks.But shakes her head. Shes to wet and tired to approach a royal. "What would he think of me?" she thought "I will wait til daybreak"

With that in mind she walks up the stairs and into her room.

"Thank you" she nodded at the man as he walked away.
As she lays on the bed cold and wet she takes one deep breath and dozes off.
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Nimble and Jack entered their room. Nimble headed towards one bed and sat down on it. She took off her bag and her belt. Jack went straight for the other bed and jumped onto it. He began jumping up and down and making gleeful screeching sounds. The room was actually pretty luxurious. It came with a washbasin and a bath. There was even a small fireplace with a cauldron to heat up water with. Nimble wanted to have a bath drawn for her with hot water. Hot baths felt so good.

Nimble got Jack's attention. "Go ask one of the innkeeper's helpers if a bath can be drawn up here." She tossed Jack the bag with the coins. Then she pulled out her notebook, wrote a note, and gave it to him. "Just leave this note at the desk. Don't be seen." Jack took the note and looked at her. "Why do you want to get wet? You can get wet for free if you go outside." Nimble sighed. "You're asking a rhetorical question. We've gone through this before." Jack scratched his head. Nimble looked at him conspiratorially. "You're next, you know. You have to stay louse-free." Jack widened his eyes. Before Nimble could entertain the thought any further, he bounded out of the room.

Jack climbed over the railing of the stairs and jumped down into a more inconspicuous area. It was quite easy for him to remain undetected, for there was much activity in the inn. I wonder what's going on, Jack thought. What if they're having a festival? He smiled at that thought. Or... a carnival? He frowned at that thought. What if I get kidnapped by a clown?His frown deepened. He became ever more stealthy and cautious so as to not be caught by some monkey stealing bandit clown. When he finally made it to the desk, he quickly slipped the note onto the desk and hurried away. He looked around for the best vantage point to conceal himself and to listen in on conversations. He just had to know why all of these travelers were here. Plus, he certainly wasn't in a hurry to be thrown into that bath tub. He shuddered at the thought.

Jack slipped behind a barrel of ale in the corner and peered around it into the room. He watched as two more travelers, both women, entered the inn... one before the other. He scanned the inn. Jack became startled. The swordsman that came in earlier was here. This time, he was accompanied by another man. They were eating. Geez, that guy is still hungry? Jack thought to himself. Jack watched intently. Humans can be fascinating sometimes. After watching for long enough for Nimble to have finished her bath and to stop thinking of trying to drown poor Jack, he considered going upstairs. No news of a circus (thank goodness!).
Zotok had been sitting there long enough.
his clothes was now dry, and the heat had made him sleepy.
A stomach full of food, and alcohol. Did not make it better.

"Hmm, I wonder how much money I have" he thought to himself, as he opened his ouch.
"heh. plenty. I guess my portal skills is nice after all" he thought, as he smiled.

Before he left the castle, he had thrown an obelisk in he vault.
So if he ever needed money, he would open the portal, take the needed amount of gold, and throw in a replacement obelisk, and close it.
the depleted one, would appear in front of him.

This was a full proof plan. He had even discussed the guardians of the armory, to ignore any noises that came from within. And never remove the obelisk.

He walked over to the Innkeeper. With the smile still on his face.
"2 single rooms please, one for me, and one for my friend over there." he asked.
since Crane didn't seem like the type that had too much luck, Zotok thought he should have some luxury tonight.
"Give him the key when he wakes" he mentioned. The barkeeper nodded, as 10 gold coins hit the counter
The inn keeper gives Zotok a key, and he walks up the stairs.

"hmm, room 11" He thought.
As he got up, it seemed as if all the paired numbers where on one side, and the uneven on one.
so. on the right hand side, ther where: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on.
on the left side. there where 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.

So he entered the last door on the left hand side.
which was his room for the night.

He closed the door behind himself, and started to undress.
He unfastened his sword, ans put it up against the wall, in an arms reach of the bed.
The pouch of obelisks was put on a counter, with a *cling* noice.
His clothes where put on a chair, all save his pants. He had to be able to open the door, or exit in case of something.

He went towards the bed.
As he sat down in the bed, he thought of checking the sword.
He reaches for it. but instead of grabbing it, he pushes it if balance.
the Sword tips, and caches the strap of the bag.

*CrAsH!* It was slamming in the floor.
Making all obelisks pour out all over the floor.

"Aww. Now I have to pick that up" he mutters to himself in annoyance.
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''I can't stand anymore!''

Heroc was sitting quite long in tree, avoiding the rain. He gets out and already he was soaked wet. He looks around to remember where did he came from.

''Lets see...I came from that way so that would be south. Ok then, lets speed up the things.''

Heroc puts his hands like he is trying to squeeze in both hands. Suddenly he flashes a yellow light for a second. He could feel his blood moving faster through his veins and arteries.
Heroc turns towards north and starts to run. He was now running faster than a normal human person can. The rain drops barely touched him.
After 50 seconds Heroc was at the end of the forest. Then his speeding spell wore off.

''Aww, so soon?''

It was still raining and Heroc needed another shelter. Luckily he saw a village that was around 500 meters away from him. Heroc takes a deep breath.

''Ok, one more try.''

He again puts his both hands put in squeeze-like position and glows yellow again. Then he sprints towards the village.
She is running through the forest, but suddenly gets surrounded by these beast looking people.They growl and scream at her.Her heart pounds harder and harder with every breath she takes in. The moon is full and can see its reflection in the enemies eyes. "There's to many" she thinks to herself.Her hands begin to shake she ,closes her eyes.She recites a small prayer, a Mystlin prayer.Though she can't remember who taught it to her, she knew every word.
She opens her eyes.They are black as the night sky. She begins to speak Mystlin. Then the earth started to shake. The air was dense. She began to levitate. The elements were her weapons. But has she began to attack, she felt the sharp pain of steel pierce through her chest. She looks down and can see the tip of a curved sword that penetrated her body.She turns her head to identify her attcker.............

She is awaken from her dream.Her clothes were finally dry but she was covered in sweat. "What was that about" she thought "I was using celestial energy"
"who were those people.. those beast" She looks in the mirror and notices her blue eyes had turned black, she shakes her head, looks again and is relieved to see her blue eyes.Though she was a little confused about the dream, she couldn't help but to wonder where that noise came from.
" It must've been loud, to wake me up" she thinks
She puts on her boots. And opens her door. She looks around the hall. She wonders where it might've come from.She knocks on room number 7.But no answer.
She looks around once more and notices a light peering through the small crack under neath room number 11.
"It must've came from there." she mumbles
She walks to the front of room 11 and knocks.She softly yells through the door.
"Excuse me.. I heard a noise. Are you alright in there?"

When Crane awoke he saw that the inn had emptied out and the fire was burning on embers as it started to close for the night, Crane waved to the innkeeper who seemed a little annoyed to see him staying in the inn he had been thrown out of earlier.
"I believe your friend kindly payed for a room for the night for you" said the innkeeper. "Ok, may i have the key please" asked Crane trying not to get on the wrong side of the innkeeper who had tried to kill him earlier.
The key to Crane's room flew through the air and landed in his lap as the innkeeper shouted "there you are, room number 10".
Crane made his way up the stairs to the room numbered 10, but before he got to the top of the stairs, Crane yelled "what rooms my friend in".
"Room 11" said the innkeeper.

Seeing there was someone at Zotok's door already he decided to leave it till later.
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"There, thats the last one" Zotok said to the last obelisk he now has in his hand.

The door, someone knocked at it.
"Excuse me.. I heard a noise. Are you alright in there?"

Zotok put the last obelisk in the pouch, and puts it further in on the cabinet this time.
The sword, he also put on the cabinet, and walked towards the door.

He opened the door.
He was only wearing leather pants. And his bandana. His long hair hanged loosely around his broad shoulders.
His well toned muches and abs. As well as a big bare chest.

"yes I am." he starts "I list knocked down my bag" he muttered. "But all is fine now" He finished, while smiling.
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"oh yeah Zotok you okay I heard a noise from below your room, i just wondered if you were ok" Crane shouted over the shoulder of the person in the doorway.