New images of FFXIII & Versus

I'd liked to answer a question that was asked a while back. Carbuncle was in VIII & XI. So I think that it's great that Carbuncle has been brought back, and with a nice new look too. The the scan of Versus look amazing point blank period.
Though I don't trust Wikipedia enough to touch any of its information with a 10 foot barge pole, I went on it looking for images and well...They described the battle system in XIII.

Not sure whether they're just speculating based on the images or not, but apparently its real-time/ATB, which might make a little sense in a sec.

You have an ATB gauge, and your attacks drain it, rather than waiting till its full. You get put on a stack when you select your attack, and then perform said attack once you reach the bottom/top (don't know) of the stack. There's also some time-slowing ability that they speculate as being the next Limit Break system, but I doubt it :P
Im liking Carbuncle's new look even Siren's. And Ifrit islooking pretty badass as usually, he is one of my favorite summons/espers/gfs
The weapon that the girl in the first image is holding is very... strange. Is it a weapon? Or a torture device? Or maybe some sort of elaborate hair-combing device.
I really like the picture of carby. Reminds me of the version they used in FFXI. I never really liked Carb until that game. Siran reminds me more of Shivia in that pic...she seems to have more clothing then usual as well >.>

Two things I always look forward to in each game are Ifrit and Bahamat...don't really know why, but seeing their change for each game excits me.
Wow this look amazing. Tha graphics are stunning. These games will surely be amazing. I cannot wait for the TGS. We should get even more pictures then!.
Carbuncle looks a cutie!! :D Ifrit looks really scary in that pic, they just keep getting scarier! And I do have to admit Siren looks ALOT like Shiva in that game :blink:
Oh man, those are awesome. It might be another FFVIII were you have over 10 summons. lmao. But, I liked that. More variety. =D.

Siren nor Carbuncle I used too often anyways, but seeing them is always nice.

And...are these summons in Versus or in XII?
Wow, the graphics look EVEN BETTER. They just keep improving. Fabulous... much more life-like. The new character looks amazing. And after looking at the pictures on that link, the scenery looks like it'll be stellar as well. I have to agree with Rau-Rau on the fact that according to that picture in the first post, Siren looks fairly like Shiva (my favorite of the espers).
Not sure

The new FF's, in my opinion, are losing there touch with the overall dramatism that fueled the "middle games," such as, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX...after FFX, the feeling of the Final Fantasies have gone down, even though the graphics, and gameplay have skyrocketed...
I remember the trailer at the beginning, showing these ships and whatnot, loads of them, as if they're going into battle. Yeah, look like XII much?