New images of FFXIII & Versus

I remember the trailer at the beginning, showing these ships and whatnot, loads of them, as if they're going into battle. Yeah, look like XII much?

I actually remember saying the same thing a long time ago when I saw some stills, but this new trailer shows alot more. I don't even know wtf the giant ship is supposed to be, the folding wings opening up makes it look like it wants to be a Gundam. I really don't like having alot of sci-fi elements in my RPGs, which is one of the reasons why I hate VIII. XII was borderline for me, but this is too much. I think they're having an identity crisis and they're letting some Star Ocean or Xenosaga influence slip in.
First scan is of a young woman of Pulse and she is wielding a bow.
Second scan is of Ifrit.
Third of Carbuncle
Fourth of Siren.

The young woman is believed to be a summoner. She catches a disc shaped object that falls off of the sphere in the sky at which time carbuncle appears.

They aren't new images really. They surfaced about a month ago I do believe.
Ok the game looks really awsome!

Plus it seems to me that theres time traveling involved with this game (just my assumption, from all the screenshots and trailers i saw :))

cant wait for squeenix to release more media!
Plus it seems to me that theres time traveling involved with this game (just my assumption, from all the screenshots and trailers i saw :))

Huh? Time traveling? o_O Just what makes you think that? The characters going from a big tech-laden city to lush forests? Cuz I think it's kind of obvious that the people figured out some way to be really technological but not destroy their environment (ooooh, is SE trying to teach us a lesson here?).
Huh? Time traveling? o_O Just what makes you think that? The characters going from a big tech-laden city to lush forests? Cuz I think it's kind of obvious that the people figured out some way to be really technological but not destroy their environment (ooooh, is SE trying to teach us a lesson here?).

From what I read on Wikipedia, it seems the game is set in a fairly inhospitable world, which humans escaped from by building a technological city that floats above the surface - shielded, then. But the FF stories always seem to relate to different people's opinions on technology versus nature and science versus magic, and the pros and cons of both.
From what I read on Wikipedia, it seems the game is set in a fairly inhospitable world, which humans escaped from by building a technological city that floats above the surface - shielded, then. But the FF stories always seem to relate to different people's opinions on technology versus nature and science versus magic, and the pros and cons of both.

I still don't see what that has to do with time traveling :wacky:

Sounds like Aeon Flux to me, too. Haha, oh god, I wonder if it is based off that. FF12 ripped off so many things from Star Wars, it wouldn't surprise me if this ripped off some other movie while simultaneously preached environmental stuff to us. After all, they had a ton of environmental messages in Tactics Advance, I'm sure they'd do it again, just more subtly maybe.

Note that everything found on Wikipedia should be taken with a grain of salt. I recommend cross checking your information when using Wikipedia as a reference.
Wow those images made me almost as excited as pron, i emphisize almost cuz no image is that exciting ;-) hahaha. I don't think that many of these images are suppose to be action, well besides the Shiva ones, which by the way if you take the gian wheel off her head she'd look cool but no that shit is anoying to look at. Siren looks pretty awesome and totally agree she looks like Shiva, more so than Shiva does. Anyway, like I said don't think they're suppose to be motion, I think they're intentionally suppose to look low quallity so that when they release better looking ones we'll get even more turned on hahaha. I'm actually thuroughly excited for this game to come out now. I foresee them holding off on information as much as possible it brings our saliva out more if you catch my drift. I think they'll slowly and slowly give us more information but all low quality up until 2 or so months until it comes out. At least thats when the best stuff will come out like good game play scenes giving us detail on how we get to fight and such. Also, I'm sure they'll give us little tid bits of game play but nothing big. I just hope I'm not disapointed by it.
Wow those images made me almost as excited as pron, i emphisize almost cuz no image is that exciting ;-) hahaha.

Didn't need to know. Anyway, there are now new images up from games shown at the SE party. Tidus looks faggier than ever:


It truly amazes me that Nomura is not only able to make Amano's character designs shitty, but he can even make his own designs shittier than they already were. Truly the mark of a master artist, Amano and Ayami Kojima don't hold a candle to Nomura's level of skill.

Also, have some footage of the new KH games and Dissidia.
Oh come on now, Tidus doesn't look that faggie in that pic. He looks kinda erh well... Ok yeah faggies the word. On the bright side I'm sure he could pic up some 'gals' pretty easy at the club lqtm. Anyway, in disidia did I happen to spot Edea, excuse me from the lack of knowledge that I may have since it is just recently that I've had time to actually look at up comming games. Anyway, this game looks pretty shity from my standpoint since I didn't really like X to begin with that much, well besides the under water rugby. X-2 was even worse to me. KHs on the other hand well the first one was good the second had way to much dialouge. I mean seriously I like a good story line yeah and dialouge is good but not when half the game is really JUST A FRIGIN MOVIE!!!
Also that Advent Children Complete looks interesting, I liked the movie IDK about anyone else, but it was good to me. I hope the game is good too, but it really doesn't seem like it should be made into a movie, it would be way to short.

EDIT: My bad I saw FFVII Advent Children Complete and thought it was suppose to be a game when in reality its a Directors Cut version of the movie that is apparently comming with a XIII Demo
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KHs on the other hand well the first one was good the second had way to much dialouge. I mean seriously I like a good story line yeah and dialouge is good but not when half the game is really JUST A FRIGIN MOVIE!!!

I think you're confusing KH2 for the Metal Gear Solid games. Seriously, go play one of those, then come back and try to say KH2 is half dialogue. The beginning of KH2 was just fucking awful though, running around doing errands with Roxas's stupid friends. I wanna get to the action, not spend 2 hours fighting bees and chasing ghost trains.

The new KH games (and Infinite Undiscovery) are some of the few upcoming SE titles I'm interested in. I'm relieved to see from the gameplay that they stuck with the traditional console gameplay and didn't throw in any of the card crap from CoM or the puzzling crap from Coded.

Versus is still pretty early in devlopment from what I hear, so it's fair enough that they didn't show any gameplay...but I wish they had shown some new footage of XIII, or maybe had more of it playabl than Lighting running around in a field. It's kind of hard to get interested in a game when we keep seeing the same stupid screens over and over.
I just found some new(ish) scans I thought you lot might like to see.





And regarding Final Fantasy Versus XIII, apparently the world it's set in worships some kind of Shinigami as a deity...
Interview with Nomura on Versus XIII from Famitsu.

Speaking about the eyes, the main female lead can be seen to have violet coloured eyes. So does the prince. We had the initial impression that he had red coloured eyes. From the new images, his eyes are blue. Will he have blue eyes normally?
Normua: Yes. His eyes will only turn red at some special occasion. (Triggered by something)

As for the female lead, is it the same for her??
Normura: Surprisingly, she is a rather shy person. (laugh)

Can you explain what is happening in the scene from the images released?
Normura: The scene takes place at a party. This is the first time they have met each other. Initially, I wanted to make a scene that showed them introducing themselves. Even though we tried our best, we still cannot release their name to the public. Sorry. We will try to screen that scene at TGS if possible.

Are there other people in the room?
Normura: Actually, the rest of the party is downstairs. The Prince came upstairs to hide from the noise and crowd. Initially, he thought that there wouldn't be anyone on that floor, but he was surprised to see the female lead. (She is looking at the drawing hanging on the wall)

What is the painting about?
Normura: It is still a secret

What is the skeleton that is holding the painting?
Norumra: This country believe in a Shinigami (Death god). Based on the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos.

The Prince's outfit is based on the design by the creative director of Roen. What is the reason for this co-operation?
Normura: This is to express the higher level of realism. If we based it on an actual real subject, it will feel more real.

What will happen to the the initial outfit?
Normura: Initially, we just designed this outfit based on the script to give a visual impression. That's it. As we create more scenes, the outfit will change. The car will have a new design too and the Prince will look like someone who goes to a high class pub.

You said it yourself! (laugh)
Normura: The game will have this dialogue too! (referring to prince going to pub)

Will the female lead say that?
Normura: She is a very polite girl. She will not say those things to someone who she's met for the first time. To express this characteristic, the way she speaks will have some prominent trait.

The team you are working with are excellent!
Normura: Yes, it is a very great team. I'm full of anticipation and the team spirit is very high!

Cba making a separate thread since it's a relatively short interview. :wacky: