No Over-Hyper Character?


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
Notice how in FFXII there was no character that was overly hyper or always happy? Did anyone miss this type of character or thought it was best this type stayed gone? Tell and Explain here.

(Example: Zell, Rikku, Selphie, Brother, Yuffie, Tidus, etc...)
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before i got the game i was positive that Penelo would be the hyper little lady, but she wasn't and i was Glad. mainly because the game is more serious than most others in the series, and a hyper character would be very out of place.
I also thought the same. I am not sure why though. Penelo was very monotone actually. =/.

I kinda wanted some type of character that rushed in without thinking or was annoying to the rest of the group. I don't know. I guess I like those type.
it would have been more amusing with one certainly. i did kinda miss the hyper character. although Vaan can be the hyper one at times its just not the same :/

and i guess i thought Penelo would be the hyper one is because its kinda stereotypical - the young girl, no huge attachment to the plot, and the others were too important or different to be the hyper ones.
I was absolutely sure that Penelo was going to be the majorly hyper character and she was kind of hyper at the beginning but she turned out to be quite serious. I do agree when you say that this game is much more serious and I find that more than refreshing.
Um, I kinda had a feeling that Balthier was more of the comedian. At first, Penelo gave the impression that she would be the happy-go-lucky type of person, but at the end, she was as serious as everyone.

Balthier seemed more like the happy type, although he was serious as well. I guess it's due to his charisma and how he presents himself. He takes things seriously, but doesn't show it in an extremely serious manner.

So for me, it has to be Balthier rather than Penelo. Don't get me wrong - all the main characters are way too serious compared to the other series.
Balthier was the funniest yes but surely not a hyper/happy character. He was more like the overconfident James Bond kinda guy, which I found very well done by square. One of my fav. all-time FF-chars.

Balthier was the funniest yes but surely not a hyper/happy character. He was more like the overconfident James Bond kinda guy, which I found very well done by square. One of my fav. all-time FF-chars.

I enjoyed Balthier as well, very amusing writing and a deep character. I think it's best that there was no hyper character. In fact, in several previews, it was stated that "there appear to be no lame attempts at comedy relief (Zell, Wakka, your legacy is DEAD!)," and I found this to make the story stronger.
After going back and replaying this game i've decided that this is my favorite FF. Yes i'm a graphics whore but I really liked the story, could it of been better and gave more information about story behind the characters yes, but In my opinion the characters in this story were the best. It was amazing to go to different countries in the game and hear them talk differently. balthier had kind of an English accent, Fran had her own way of talking and all the noble people in the game and judges talked with Nobility (if that even is a word).

I did not miss the over-hyper character one bit and I actually found Vaane to be the dumb one messing everything up, like bringing the Magicite with him when they got captured on the Levithian. I would of liked to see more bickering and goofing around from Vaane and Penelo. Or like in FFX it would of been cool to hear them talk in battle like "i'll take these 2, can you handle that one by yourself?" I think that would of made the battles alittle better.
I did believe Penelo tp be the hyper character. I think there is no hyper character as this Final Fantasy has more of a political and serious mature side to it then previous games. Would have been nice to have some comical relief though.
to be honest, i really didn't miss this type of character. i mean, does every FF really need one? i don't think so, they kinda wore out their welcome for me after zell.
I don't know if I really missed seeing that kind of character or not, I suppose I did in a way because a character like that always makes a situation happy or makes the game more interesting. Other times a character like that can be pretty annoying and a lot of people may dislike them. I always thought Penelo or Vaan were going to be characters like that but I believe I was wrong! They all seem to be very mature about things, even at a very young age. Having a hyper character may not have worked in the storyline but I guess they just wanted something different for a change, we have seen a few hyper characters within the last few games.
There was "comical relief" in this game. Although it wasn't like the others, it had some, despite the seriousness of the storyline. Generally over hyper characters piss me off, with the exception of Zell, so no, I didn't miss the hyper hyper people in this game. +1 more point for FFXII in this aspect.
i found Balthier the funny person and to break the silence with a funny comment. he wud be the more laid back one out of the cast.
Notice how in FFXII there was no character that was overly hyper or always happy? Did anyone miss this type of character or thought it was best this type stayed gone? Tell and Explain here.

(Example: Zell, Rikku, Selphie, Brother, Yuffie, Tidus, etc...)

I think most of the people who've played through the series thought Penelo would be the type, and so did I. I thought she would be exactly the same as Rikku, because she's got that "look" about her. Fortunately I was proved wrong. Penelo's probably one of the most sensible characters throughout the whole game, and that's what I like about her; she's my favourite character. :)

The lack of happy-bouncy-hyperactive characters is most likely a result of the lack (?) of story. Because of the fact that Final Fantasy XII seems to focus on war strategy rather than a good story and in-depth character backgrounds, there is little reason to put such features in there. Unfortunately this makes the game lose half its charm (in my opinion), as I personally play Final Fantasy games to be able to take part of said character personalities and wonderful, engaging stories that we've all followed and grown to love. Had I been given the chance to get to know the characters on a deeper/more personal level, I probably would've cried _a lot_ more throughout the game than I actually did, because so much more could've been done with some of the scenes (no specific ones mentioned. ;) ). Story-/characterwise, I think Final Fantasy XII was a complete letdown. Apart from that, it was close to perfection. In my opinion. :)
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Yes, I did notice and No, I certainly didn’t miss that type of character. All the same, I really didn’t notice any of the characters to be always happy either. If anything, I would say most were too serious with the occasional humor seeded in here and there.
No over hyper character is a good thing in my opinion as most of them usually piss me off like Selphie, Tidus, Palom, Rikku, Eiko and Yuffie (I actually didn't mind Yuffie but after FFVII: AC, I'm more pissed off with her). The only one I actually liked was Zell and that's it. Penelo did look like the typical cheeky little girl that have been in most of the games but surprisingly she wasn't. Most of the time the over-hyper stuff is usually cringeworthy (Particularly in FFX, mostly because the voice acting makes those characters seem worse which is why I kind of hate Yuffie now).
hmm, I never thought about a Hyper character, till you mentioned it, and yeah NOW I notice there wasnt a Character with that Personality, reminds me of Zell from Final Fantasy 8, lol he was all..."bring it on!"-ish, but no, no character with that in Final Fantasy 12
I was almost certain that Penelo would be the hyper character in FFXII, but she's quite the opposite. >.>

I can't say I miss that character, but it does kinda leave a gap where an over excited character should fit in somewhere. :P
I just think there really should've been one. It was kinda lacking in that department and the love department.