
Kind of. Obviously, you have to have an income of some sort to afford the monthly premium payments, and some companies offer health benefits as a perk, which are deducted straight from the payroll. But you can also individually purchase health insurance directly from a provider. The payroll deduction is the most common version.

Oh I see. We have that with Life Insurance, but regular Health Insurance is covered by BC (Well for me, or any Provincial) Medical... As long as you have a health Care Card number, you're in the system and most of everything is covered, just not prescriptions... My, potentially, thousands of dollars knee surgery was covered. =D

And depending on some jobs, they have Medical Benefits with cover your prescriptions and dental, and anything else missing...

I'm not sure I follow. The only way you'd lose coverage is if you couldn't afford the payments for some reason. Or if you never had coverage to begin with. Having an illness wouldn't force you to lose coverage. But, in virtually all cases, insurance companies will only cover a percentage of costs. For example, on average, insurance companies will only cover about 40% of costs of a person diagnosed with cancer.

There are, however, some cases where an insurance company will deny coverage to a person that owns a premium, such as preexisting conditions, or just deciding that a procedure isn't necessary.

Wow.. Your insurance is effed. Very informative... but effed. =/

Search me.

Spread em. :mokken:
I think the president is always in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position. Personally, I think the United States should stop being the god damn world police.

Agreed, why is everyone turning to Obama for every thing that goes on? He's president of the United States not the World. I think if Obama decides not to aid a country in war than tough, deal with it.
Yeah but the kicker with Obama is that he was supposed to be the turning point for the US; the pinnacle to bring about change for the world... why? Because he's the first black president? He's just a normal human being.
I just feel that maybe we expected miracles out of unlikely chances (the economy,Jobs,Health Care, etc) We can't expect one man to do everything thst's massively wrong in this country (in fact this is our country we should be take of it ourselves without the government or anything but aside that). I feel that we need to decide for ourselves what needs to be done and carry it ourselves (forget Obama or anything). Well this is just my opinion ( i hope im not Spamming)
As far as people are concerned, the problem is that many Americans fail to take the intiative. Sure, people are quick to point the finger to blame at the president when something is wrong and that is because they don't believe the president when he says that problems can't be solved in a second. Each problem takes time (though IMO, the oil spill situation should've been over and done with now, if it wasn't for BP's stubborness). He handled each and every situation thus far well enough so I needent complain.
Obama is overall a horrible president. He hasn't done one thing that he said he was going to do when he was elected. I'm not trying to sound racist but since he's the first black president that's all people see. I'd recommend watching the Obama deception on google video. It's very informing and really opened my eyes.
I'd recommend watching the Obama deception on google video.
Im not trying to flame or Troll or nothing like that. But i dont trust anything from Alex Jones because its kinda hard to sort out the truth from the lies with that man.
The Obama Deception video is actually quite true. I know this because I'm pretty much the only person in my area who closely follows politics. Obama is not doing quite well as of now, and he's leading the US to oblivion.
Obama is a horrible president.

I can't believe I actually wanted him as president. I expected him to follow up to his promises. The reason I liked him more was because when wasn't a president, he promised women EQUAL care and then he goes and makes the screwed up bill that we women have to pay more for health care but men get Viagra for free. :mad:

Horrible. President.

*Wow...what do ya know! I just recently watched the Obama Deception. None of it can't be fake, its all real. :p
Oh I agree. Where the hell is he going to get the money to do all this reform and "change"? Face it man, the US is broke, and in billions of dollars in debt, and you want to go spend billions more in bailouts and the health care reform. I mean, does he want to make the US better? Because I remember hearing him say that during the presidential campaign.
He did, he just lied. Like he lied about the Soldiers. Should have known better when he mentioned helping women. No president really cares for that...

You know how he plans on stopping Global Warming in America?

Taxing everyone and every single thing. And I mean everything. Miles you drive, what you have on in your house, people who have cows...it goes on, literally, to be everything.
I'm quite pissed of hearing about him being sexist along with being racist. Guy is also quite in love with himself, he thinks he's number one. He only cares about himself and the people who support him, that's it. He doesn't take all of America into consideration with this. He lies to the American people, and most don't even realize it.
Lol. I'm still waiting for an actual fact to pop up in this thread, not just miles upon miles of opinion.

he promised women EQUAL care and then he goes and makes the screwed up bill that we women have to pay more for health care but men get Viagra for free.

That's because there isn't a female equivalent of Viagra that has been proven clinically effective. And/or there is no medical equivalent to erectile dysfunction for women. Yes, there are drugs that are touted as "female Viagra," but what those try to do is increase sex drive in women. Viagra has an actual clinical purpose beyond increasing sex drive in men (which isn't its original purpose anyway).

Like he lied about the Soldiers.

You mean apart from his timetable for withdrawal from Iraq? Also, don't blame the fireman for not being able to put out the fire quick enough. Blame the arsonist who started the blaze in the first place.

Should have known better when he mentioned helping women.

He appointed the first Latina to the SCotUS. He signed a law allowing women more opportunity to sue their employer over wage discrimination. Joe Biden authored the Violence Against Women Act. Obama has a staunch pro-choice record (whether or not you agree with abortion, pro-choice = pro-women). He passed a law that required emergency medical coverage in cases of sexual assualt to provide for emergency contraceptives. He sponsored "Johanna's Law," which spurred education about gynecological health issues. But you're right, he's done nothing for women.

On another note, he could have done much more if he didn't have to deal with a Republican section of Congress that is so staunchly opposed to everything Obama does that they can't, apparently, think rationally when it comes to anything he puts forth.
I'm quite pissed of hearing about him being sexist along with being racist.

Obama on his eventual nomination of Elena Keagan for the Supreme Court:

http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/04/21/supreme-court-pick-must-honor-womans-rights-obama-says/ said:
He added, "I will say that I want somebody who is going to be interpreting our Constitution in a way that takes into account individual rights, and that includes women's rights. And that's going to be something that's very important to me because I think part of what our core . . . constitutional values promote is the notion that individuals are protected in their privacy and their bodily integrity and women are not exempt from that."

Obama on race issues:

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/09/us/politics/09race.html said:
Mr. Obama framed it this way: “I can’t pass laws that say I’m just helping black folks. I’m the president of the United States. What I can do is make sure that I am passing laws that help all people, particularly those who are most vulnerable and most in need. That in turn is going to help lift up the African-American community.”

These hardly seem like the words of a man who is either sexist against women or racist in favor of black people. The reality is that he has shown time and time again through his words and the bills he passes that he strongly tries not to discriminate in favor of any one group of people. Considering that the most vocal people accusing Obama of being one of these categories are usually right wing conservatives, it is no wonder that the rest of your claims also devoid of hard evidence or common sense.

Guy is also quite in love with himself, he thinks he's number one. He only cares about himself and the people who support him, that's it. He doesn't take all of America into consideration with this. He lies to the American people, and most don't even realize it.

Sticks and stones, mate. None of these empty accusations change the fact that he is fighting to end Don't Ask, Don't Tell, that he's succeeding in Afghanistan and in international politics as a whole, that he successfully managed to pass a health care reform bill, and that he is on track to turn the political aftermath of the Gulf oil spill disaster into a potential cap and trade bill. All of these policies are invaluable to American society, and in my opinion have made Obama the best president this country has seen since the Johnson/Kennedy days.
I really believe he's doing alright. Here's my input.

The soldiers haven't come home yet (like he promised), so I can't make much of a valid point. However, it's not like our soldiers were drafted to war. THEY volunteered to be overseas for our sake. You gotta know these things take time, and don't usually end just because the President makes a promise.

It's been a year and five months since he took office. He's accomplished some things. Give him more time. We gave Bush eight years, and look how THAT turned out. Obama would be lucky if he manages to clean up a fraction of that mess.

A little side note, I really don't care how Obama spends the money I pay to taxes. Once I pay up, it's not really my money anymore, so I couldn't care less if he uses it to add a pool to the White House or something (random thought).

Finally, how many of you are tired of hearing from the other side that Obama's the Antichrist? Funny how the same people are counting the days before Obama leaves office. If Obama is no longer in a position of power, how can he be the Antichrist?

I think I should stop for now before I bite someone's head off.

EDIT: I just got to respond to this.

You know how he plans on stopping Global Warming in America?

Taxing everyone and every single thing. And I mean everything. Miles you drive, what you have on in your house, people who have cows...it goes on, literally, to be everything.

I haven't seen anything this asinine in the news, so I would LOVE to see where you heard this.
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I live in the UK but I was born in the USA and moved here 4 years ago so things may be different from my view.

As for Obama he has been a good president............

Most of his problems lies elsewhere like in Afghanistan,and bringing the soldiers home.......But in the USA he hasn't had any major problems........People that hate him are mostly racist......And also people may say that his not good,that's probably because he's not been tested yet................Like let's see what happens if something big breaks out and threatens the USA!..........Just like George Bush ever since 9/11 he's been under pressure.
Why did Obama win the Nobel Peace award? WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO? WE (well, some of us <.< yes I'm talking about you retards...) elected him. Why should he get the Nobel? He hadn't done a single thing other than adding a new type of picture to facebook. That really makes him the most amazing person ever! Not...
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
Obama's the man, as usual. His deft handling of the oil spill crisis shows that.
I hope thats sarcasm, because he is doing the opposite of everything he said he'd do, like just for like instance; getting the US troops the hell out of Afghanistan etc.. :mokken:

Im not trying to flame or Troll or nothing like that. But i dont trust anything from Alex Jones because its kinda hard to sort out the truth from the lies with that man.

Well, they tell you where you can verify all the information, research for yourself.

The Obama Deception video is actually quite true. I know this because I'm pretty much the only person in my area who closely follows politics. Obama is not doing quite well as of now, and he's leading the US to oblivion.

I'd have to agree there. Some of the scariest shit I've have ever seen.