Ok pick your Eidolons

Ark, Madeen and Bahamut. I can't remember Bahamut's animation though. Or Ark's for that matter. I need to play the game again...
bahamut and ark =] i didnt get how to get ark for a while cuz i was lil and stupid =[
def bahamut

Buddy, you had the same reply in the best FF Villains topic. Could you try to give a little more of an answer. Psuedomodding or not, I like to actually read something when I check a topic. If all I get is that, it's not really enough for anyone to bother checking it. Not being mean... I just want to know what your thoughts are. Please expand.
hmmm this is a hard one to choose because unlike other ff's you've seen what the edions can really do agaist land. Which is a lot better too bad you can't see more of Summons doing damage agest citys etc. Hmmm though I did not use them that much I think I go for Shiva as she is allways one of my faves in FF games, normaly because she looks the best in my opinion
Ark, I loved how he is like a spaceship and then flies to earth.
I liked Bahamut, just cuz i have a tattoo of him on me.
But i thought that it was pretty touching that Mog sacrificed herself and became Madeen for Eiko. I thought that was true friendship.
Well it's hard to choose but of course Odin- Raiden(ff6)- and bahamut are cool but somemone really important is missing in this forum
The amazing Cactuar/Pampa! He is the best and the funniest!
Don't you think??!!!
bahamut is my favorite.
-why do they have to keep changing the names of summons? it gets confusing some times
I have a soft spot for Ramuh, just as it's the first one you get - but Shiva is my favourite, always been a good all-purpose summon I feel, and for once Bahamut isn't streets ahead of all the other summons XD
I like Ark, I guess cause he's the 'last.' My favorite in most final fantasy games, if he/she is there, is Fenrir. I used him a lot with his second ability, the one that you get with Maiden's Tear or whatever.
I like the concept of Leviathan being "too powerful" in IX, as stated by Eiko in the Lifa Tree. However his animation doesn't really say much. Stupid tidal waves...

I don't really agree with choosing Alexander as a favourite seeing as, you know, he isn't particularly playable... he is pretty gnarly when he makes his introduction though.

Personal favourites... Ark (mainly because he was a boss), Bahamut (because his scene at the Lifa Tree was amazing), and Shiva. Shiva... well, because I do like the fact she's one of, if not THE only humanoid summon. Her attack looks and sounds better in FFVIII though.
I like the concept of Leviathan being "too powerful" in IX, as stated by Eiko in the Lifa Tree. However his animation doesn't really say much. Stupid tidal waves...

I don't really agree with choosing Alexander as a favourite seeing as, you know, he isn't particularly playable... he is pretty gnarly when he makes his introduction though.

Personal favourites... Ark (mainly because he was a boss), Bahamut (because his scene at the Lifa Tree was amazing), and Shiva. Shiva... well, because I do like the fact she's one of, if not THE only humanoid summon. Her attack looks and sounds better in FFVIII though.

I love the concept of Leviathan being too powerful. He is.

As for shiva being the only human-ish thing, how about Ramuh? Or Ifrit whom is a minotaur - half human half bull?