Okay, answer this

have you ever met someone online and liked them?

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ShinRa Guard
Mar 19, 2007
answer the question... and i am ashamed to answer the 2nd choice.>_<
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I said yes. I kind of didnt like picking the online relationships are stupid cause I know people that can make them work. Me on the other hand, its only an e-friendship thing.
I just see them as friendships, then this nifty chatroom thing i went to was neat, and i had a little character to walk around and i made a few friends, but then after i make a friend it gets y'know "you want to know my number" and that's where i stopped, logged off, and i haven't been there since.>_< stopping my evil side from sinning.
I said no. Just because nobody ever got me like that i guess. I really don't see the point. Words are powerfull but just words alone doesn't do it for me. I have to have time together, sight, sound, smell, touch, something?? There was this one girl I really liked on Tap (like myspace) but she lived so far away and all we did was talk about what we would do if we seen each other. It got kinda boring and we just stopped talking to each other.
Yes, I do like alot of people on the internet. But first time that happened badly, after I had known somebody for about a month, it just ended up him asking to cyber and I just blocked him. A second time I got to know somebody, I got asked for my name and number. Blocked him too.

I don't give out info on the net, and I think it's safe as a place to chat and talk if you don't have a chance to get out. It somehow makes it easier to talk to people here, even though I don't think that's a good thing all the time.
I picked yes, as I've become friendly with a few people I've met online. And with some, more than friends;).

I'm looking at you Busta!

I'd say yes, well one of the yes options. It could happen. I know that even though I went to school with her, I actually only talked to a girl that I started liking back in high school via the internet. She had a bf at the time and I formed feelings for her and she did me as well. I was still pretty young and had no clue about dating so I just talked to her on there and it escalated to a point where we eventually dated for about 9 months after about 4 years of us liking each other.

It wasn't just the internet that we communicated through, but that's what kick started it all, so I'd say it could happen for me...maybe. I tend not to throw love around to even people I meet personally, so a chick will have to leave one helluv an impression on me over the net if I fall for her that way.
I just never really got to know anyone i met on the internet
I met a girl I knew online one time. It was a tad awkward talking face to face, actually. Made me happy that it wasn't exactly planned out that we'd meet each other, because it made talking online a little less awkward afterwards.
Both Busta and me ahve met someone from online though. I was "dating" her and he rode along when we picked her up. I was younger... and even though I do think online relationships are lame... it was a meaningful relationship. I dunno. And I've met a couple other people without him but nothing major. And then there are people you really wish you could've met but never did...
haha Vid chats are possible. But you don't just meet people right off the bat. That'd be stupid. You'd hvae to have some sort of a connection or something. You'd have to be good friends with them and probably live somewhere near them. It's not a definite but usually that helps.
Ok well then yes, I have. Dark Tifa is from Austrailia... and that's the furthest person I think I"ve ever met. I met another Aussie once named Stephany on another FF site. But yea... didn't know her too well.