Okay, answer this

have you ever met someone online and liked them?

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Well Dark Tifa is f*cked the ways towards the weekend :-)P) but yea, I usually trust people. You are right that you should always be cautious though. But still I'd rather have faith in people and get taken advantage of then anything else. Maybe that's just easy to say since I've never been taken advantage of though...
one person you can prob trust is koloth hes on another sight that im on and he helps me out too
no no no, don't get me wrong, i'v got complete faith in my fellow man/woman, just when its that kind of situation... it just gets a little weird, i had the same kind of thing happen, thats how i know, lol.
I said yes because I HAVE met a friend from online. We used to go to this chatroom when we were 14-16, then lost communication for a few years. Britt lives in Ohio and I was still in Cali back then. However, we moved out here in Ohio last year and so we met up. We're still cool friends, of course.

i haven't had that experience but i know alot of people that have moved from my home town so its kinda normal for me to talk to them because there my friends
Hahaha *hugs Azzie* ^_^ <3

Anyway kids, I'll tell you a little of my experience. I've met guys over the internet (just randomly, on forums we've started chatting on etc.) and yes, I certainly think it's possible to form close friendships with people online. One guy in particular I've been talking to for, oh, four and a half years now or something lives the next city over - we met up in real life, hooked up and have had an on and off relationship since. He's one of my best friends :p

I've ALSO travelled bits and pieces of the world and met up with people I've only known online - for example last year I went to Hawaii for two weeks and actually stayed with and hung out with a group of friends I know from forums. I mean, dude, free accomodation in exotic locations ^_~

Having SAID that, however, it's important to note that no matter how close you get to someone online it's always going to be different in real life. Always. If you have feelings for someone on the internet, I think you're setting yourself up for possible heartbreak if you class it as more than: "Hey, you know we have something really good going on here, it has potential and I'd like the opportunity to explore that potential in real life."

I also know what it's like to e-fall for a guy on the other side of the world, and while it certainly has its complications, in this day and age it's not something impossible to work out. It just requires a lot of sacrifices (and money, haha), and you have to guage whether it's worth it for someone you may not really know.

But yeah, video call is sexy.

This has been Internet Romance 101 with Dark Tifa
Hahaha *hugs Azzie* ^_^ <3


it's important to note that no matter how close you get to someone online it's always going to be different in real life.

True, but that doesn't change the fact that it could be more than what you thought it could be. It could be less. That's very possible... especially since people naturally feel protected on the internet... but it could be more. That's why, even though I think online romances are lame, I don't completely discount them. I've had some of my strongest feelings with online relationships. And whether or not they'd be real if I met in real life, they were certainly real when I felt them... and that's what matters most.
Mm, exactly ^_^

A lot of people are still stuck in the old "pfft, it's just the internet, it doesn't matter" stigma, but I think after all these years our generation are beginning to realise that just because you have friendships online doesn't mean they are any less real or important in your life.
The only real difference from real life is that you just feel less self-conscious. It makes it much easier to talk to people, of the other gender or not. Like I wouldn't be friends with half the people I am on here if this were real life... especially not any of the hunnies :P but on here it's much easier. It's a natural icebreaker.
Definitely agree there - I think it's also what makes some people more cautious about meeting people online, though. They think "well, am I actually getting what I see here?" It's just an unfortunate truth that yeah, there are some people out there who aren't always honest.

But I haven't encountered any on FF boards yet, haha ^_~

Then there's the crazy ones! I once had a guy planning on flying out to Australia to meet me after like two weeks of talking on AIM x_x
Erm, wait...I just realized this is about meeting a significant other or something? >.< Ooops. I posted one about my friend, Britt. Meh, whatever. I haven't met anyone that I liked on the net in real life. =/
-_- I figured as much. Let me confirm, I am not. Just had a little misunderstanding.
yeah i def say yes. ive met someone online once and we talked for a bit and wound up meeting up with each other. and yes, it was soo different than online, but it was actually a good different. it was good to know that the person i was talking to online constantly was what i expected and even a little better. and then i met someone who i have become great freidns with online and have yet to hang out in person becasue theres always the risk of making it awkward and then not being able to have that one person who you can just im and not have to worry about too much else. so yeah. meeting people online is a lot of fun, just in person after that is up in the air.
@Aztec Triogal (sorry if i misspelled name): Ye you're right about the icebreaker, back when i played Runescape i had so many girl friends it wasn't even funny, but in real life you don't end up doing stuf like that unless you're abnormal (well i am abnormal but not in that aspect)>_<