One Big FFVII Rip Off?

Contra Fates

Jill of All Trades
Dec 21, 2007
With the latest scans that have been released by Square, I can't help but feel like FFXIII and Versus is just another name for a FFVII remake.

My argument? The character designs.
This following link includes cursing, but the images are rather interesting:
So, pretty much, to sum up 'Lightning,' as the picture does, it's just a pink-haired Cloud on estrogen. =/

Now for images:

And now, the newest girl from Versus:

I rest my case. =/

And now, hauntingly similar character designs:

So, pretty much, what Nomura did, was bulk Cloud up, dump water on his hair and wave it out, and add more pointless belts and buckles.

And now, just for kicks, the use of multiple swords...inside a sword:
From the Advent Children Finale:

Couldn't find a great image, but, you guys remember.

Now, they all do look bad ass, don't get me wrong, and I'm sure you guys will go: "That's just Nomura's artistic style," but, I'm getting tired of seeing the same old recycled designs, over and over again.

If Square was going to use the same image-renders as they did for Advent Children, and the same outfit designs...

....Why not just remake FF7 so everyone can go home happy?
/End Rant.

Edit: I just want to clarify this for any of the new posters to this thread. I am talking ONLY about the designs. I am NOT making any claims about unoriginal storyline, or battle system, or music, or anything like that. I'm only commenting on the character designs, and nothing else.
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They excpect people to buy it because of the FF label but sooner or later if there like me very observent then they will notice the similaraties.
I'm not saying people won't buy it, I'm just wishing Nomura would make something different for a change.
I'm not saying people won't buy it, I'm just wishing Nomura would make something different for a change.

I know where your coming from with this.
But FF has been recycling characters for ages.
Yuna - Ashe, Tidus - Vaan...there's a few character recycles that they're managed to pull.

As for "Nomura's artistic style"...what a load of bull.
It's his job to keep things fresh, and keep characters seeming new and like real individuals, not just some recycled clone.

Although...the multiple swords idea IS pretty badass. :P
you have a point they re very similar character designs and that one who is similar to cloud is pritty badass looking
I know where your coming from with this.
But FF has been recycling characters for ages.
Yuna - Ashe, Tidus - Vaan...there's a few character recycles that they're managed to pull.

As for "Nomura's artistic style"...what a load of bull.
It's his job to keep things fresh, and keep characters seeming new and like real individuals, not just some recycled clone.

Although...the multiple swords idea IS pretty badass. :P

Actually, the recycled character designs started at Final Fantasy VIII.

And, The Bouncer, the characters looked EXACTLY like FF8 characters.
Dominique=Selphie [Facially]
Pink-haired chick=Quistis [facially]

FFIX had different-looking characters, but, if I remember right, Nomura didn't design them, and the general audience didn't approve. If they had been made to look realistic, I think they would have all looked fine.

FFX actually had a nice change of pace for character designs, and I was pleased with it.

Same with FFXII. But, that, again, was a different character designer. Ashe and Vaan really didn't look like Tidus or Yuna when you compared the models. Only similaries were short hair and hair color. But, with this FFXIII business, the faces are FRIGHTENINGLY similar, as is the attire.

Square needs to stop recycling, period. =/
i agree with u. so many of the characters look alike. the tifa and new chick one kinda pmo b/c she looks just like tifas twin! but i do think the characters 4 this upcoming game do look pretty bad ass even if they are recycled. and the new red headed chick is a new design. so nomuras got some talent, hes just gotten stuck in the glory of his past designs
Whoa Lighteningstorm! Please make your post more legible I had trouble translating that. XD

Well, the characters to look simular but we'll have to wait till the game comes out and see if the stories are simular.

I do know that the main character Lightning was based off Cloud.

There have been many Final Fantasy characters that look simular.


Heck XII was a bit of a VI rip off so maybe there's a pattern going on? XD

Whoa Lighteningstorm! Please make your post more legible I had trouble translating that. XD

Well, the characters to look simular but we'll have to wait till the game comes out and see if the stories are simular.

I do know that the main character Lightning was based off Cloud.

There have been many Final Fantasy characters that look simular.


Heck XII was a bit of a VI rip off so maybe there's a pattern going on? XD


XII was actually similar to IV, Tactics, and Vagrant Story, because it had the same staff on it, and it was based in the Tactics world. There's plenty of references to those games in it.

I'm not saying that the stories will be the same, I'm just remarking on the horribly unoriginal character designs.
I've been thinking this myself for some time now, guy from Verses XIII does look hugely similar to Cloud. :huh:

It seems all he can do these days is 'borrow' from the predocessors. I swear I seen an 'Irvine' in a XIII screenshot somewhere....but I guess aslong as the personalitys are diffrent and it doesn't seem to be a complet rip-off of the characters we already know and love it'll be easy to block the resembleance out when it comes too.
The future of the FF series lies not with the fans, nor the quality of it's graphics, music or storyline. It rests with them finally firing Nomura.
The future of the FF series lies not with the fans, nor the quality of it's graphics, music or storyline. It rests with them finally firing Nomura.

Sigging. QFT.

Contra Fates, Kit: THANK YOU.
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that thinks it is, artistically, a rip-off of previous FFs. It proves Nomura's lack of originality. And I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that firing Nomura will improve FF's future.
I agree that FF13 does look simaler but not too simaler to be off putting. As logn as the smooth story and great gameplay ideas are there I dont see why we cant overlook Nomura's admitted lack of originality this time.
Haha, no problem, Grand Lethal.

And, I can honestly say, that the FF series has been slacking a bit when it comes to story. XII, as much as I liked it, was a bad experiment with politics. X wasn't too bad, it just had horrible characters. X-2...not even going there. IX had a decent story, but it was overshadowed by the super-deformed art-style. VIII's game was amazing for the first disk, and slacked off after that.

I can understand why Nomura wants to relive FF7 again, and bring back more cyberpunk, darker styles to FF.

But, Good God. Make. Faces. That look different. So many of his characters, he gets one face, and just changes the hair and outfit. Or, as we're seeing here...just...uses the same faces, and....very similar outfits.

Adding more belts, buckles, and straps doesn't cover it up, Nomura.

I don't think we have to fire Nomura, we just have to have some other staff members that he shows his work to actually go: "WHY NOT TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT, HUH?"

FFXIII and Versus better have some amazing stories and personalities for these characters, because I will be angry as can be if our hero and heroine end up just being the male and female equivalent of Cloud, both in looks AND personality.
I think that they should get Amano back and have him take a long vacation in the west say Europe and then have him do the final character designs that would be a good way to go about things I think.

After all imagine the quality of the character designs if they had been done to Amano's concepts which although are simple in the face are defiantly different.
I think that they should get Amano back and have him take a long vacation in the west say Europe and then have him do the final character designs that would be a good way to go about things I think.

After all imagine the quality of the character designs if they had been done to Amano's concepts which although are simple in the face are defiantly different.

As inappropriate as this will be:
I would personally go and give sexual favors to every staff member in Square Enix if they remade Final Fantasy VI in Amano-art style, rendered similarly to Okami. That would be the most epic game, ever.

But, nope. Square can't be creative, they either have to shoot for recycled realism, or over the top unrealistic cuteness.
They were trying to be creative with FFXII. Not like any other comparable FF in terms of artwork or music.
I have faith that XIII will work out well in the end.
Just noticed this is a Versus thread, so it should be in the Versus section, FYI *moved* Next time you make a thread? Make sure it's in the proper place.
Just noticed this is a Versus thread, so it should be in the Versus section, FYI *moved* Next time you make a thread? Make sure it's in the proper place.

Actually. It's about both FFXIII AND Versus. Since it's both, I just put it in the general FF13 thread. Unless there is a Compilation one that I missed.