One Big FFVII Rip Off?

I suppose it's hard to maintain that "hero/heroine" look without having the character resembling that of past characters.

A whole new revolutionary idea could be to model the characters on everyday people with the usual blemishes and not having that look of perfection that FF characters seem to have.

I do wonder how well that would be received, however.

Are we ready to give up the FF character stereotypes for something radically different? I'm probably not! :)
im sorry but where in the world did u get those images of the newer games, This is the first time im seeing them
I'm torn between hating its unoriginailty and loving the FF7 similarity! This world is filled with confusion!!! ARGH
I like the pics Contra, good evidence provided. It may seem like Square is getting abit lasy and maybe "borrowing" some features from the series most popular characters.
I like the pics Contra, good evidence provided. It may seem like Square is getting abit lasy and maybe "borrowing" some features from the series most popular characters.

It is just crazy how similar they look.

I also hope that the similarities are just in the designs, as that is what this thread is about. The rest of the game, from the fmvs at least...look quite amazing. So, I'm hopeful that it'll be a good game.

I'm also hopeful that Nomura will get his head out of his arse and try something different for a change. xD
The characters might look similar with facial features and such, but from what I've seen of the world it's completely different from that of FFVII. Not to mention, it has been stated that with this new character (stoic, blue-haired guy) if you're looking for somebody else like Cloud, he is not it. He's not anything like Cloud. Also in the trailer, it said that this game is a Fantasy based on Reality. FFVII was not.
Lookalikes aren't important, Ashe was hot as hell, but her boring personality ruined her as a character, if you look back at it, the only character not looking like Cloud is Zidane.
The characters might look similar with facial features and such, but from what I've seen of the world it's completely different from that of FFVII. Not to mention, it has been stated that with this new character (stoic, blue-haired guy) if you're looking for somebody else like Cloud, he is not it. He's not anything like Cloud. Also in the trailer, it said that this game is a Fantasy based on Reality. FFVII was not.

From what I've read, several things they've said about the city bears a lot of similarity to Midgar. Though, it looks much more futuristic to me.

I was happy to read that the main guy in Versus won't be like Cloud, personality-wise, but they did say that Lightning, was designed to be like the female Cloud, which explains the striking facial similarities, and the stoic expressions we've seen of her.

I still haven't quite figured out what they mean by 'Fantasy based on Reality.' It sounds like it might just be some catchphrase to make the game seem more realistic, but I have no idea otherwise.
I'm hoping that the blue-haired guy won't be like Cloud (or, God forbid, Squall) in a personality sense ... but I still dislike the visuals.

It's almost as if they've just taken a model of AC Cloud, changed his hair blue, given him red eyes, editted his clothes a little, and kept with the Buster Sword with 10 other swords inside it ... It just screams, at least to me: "Hai guise I'm badd@s like Clou|)!! I look and fight like him!"

By the fighting comment, I mean that the guy uses 10 swords, just like how Cloud did with AC Omnislash.

I personally think if they brought in a new artist, or even better, if they brought Amano back, then they would have very unique characters. I think it's Nomura that's running out of ideas ... so ... replace him =D
I'm hoping that the blue-haired guy won't be like Cloud (or, God forbid, Squall) in a personality sense ... but I still dislike the visuals.

It's almost as if they've just taken a model of AC Cloud, changed his hair blue, given him red eyes, editted his clothes a little, and kept with the Buster Sword with 10 other swords inside it ... It just screams, at least to me: "Hai guise I'm badd@s like Clou|)!! I look and fight like him!"

By the fighting comment, I mean that the guy uses 10 swords, just like how Cloud did with AC Omnislash.

I personally think if they brought in a new artist, or even better, if they brought Amano back, then they would have very unique characters. I think it's Nomura that's running out of ideas ... so ... replace him =D

Obviously you failed to read my post above, now didn't you? They have already stated that this new character is in no way, shape or form like Cloud in this game. This game is nothing like FFVII either. I don't think he looks like Cloud and his hair is very much different than that of Cloud. Spikey-haired guys are just something you see in Final Fantasy and that's that. Not everybody is like Cloud. So, since you missed seeing my post above, his is what I said:

Mystique said:
The characters might look similar with facial features and such, but from what I've seen of the world it's completely different from that of FFVII. Not to mention, it has been stated that with this new character (stoic, blue-haired guy) if you're looking for somebody else like Cloud, he is not it. He's not anything like Cloud. Also in the trailer, it said that this game is a Fantasy based on Reality. FFVII was not.

Now, maybe you'll stop insulting a character that you know nothing of yet. Oh and just for the record, Cloud's sword split up into 6 pieces, not 10. Watch the new trailer. The guy's fighting techniques are nothing like Cloud's.
i totally agree with mystique. he is nothing like cloud. other ff characters from other ff games are more like him than this one. i don't understand why everyone thinks it is a new ff7 why not ff8 or 9? ff7 is popular just because it's first 3d game nothing much.
For the record. Again.
This thread, was just my comments on the facial and clothing designs of the games.
The main guy in Versus doesn't look like Cloud, but his attire, and his blonde comrade's attire, are very similar to Advent Children Cloud's. That's not saying that he IS like Cloud, because most sources say he'll have a very different personality. [Thank God. xD]

This thread is just about the designs.
Um... Lightning isn't 'ripped off' from Cloud, she's supposed to be based on Cloud...
She's basically a female Cloud in personality. Lightning isn't your average Final Fantasy chick according to what I've heard.
^ Wow Lady Aerith, you changed your name!! :)

The only design that irritates me is the unknown character in Versus. She looks so much like Tifa that it appears that they just took Tifa's design and tweaked it a little bit. As for the other characters, the Versus guy does not look like Cloud, even with all of his swords, and his personality will probably be 1000 times different. As for Lightning, they told us from the beginning she was going to be based off of Cloud, so you can't really get mad about the fact that she resembles him. I believe she is going to be a breath of fresh air for the series since she appears to break away from the previous FF girls attitudes.