One world?


Black Mage Tree
Nov 22, 2008
My friend brought up an interesting idea...
He said that all the final fantasy games take place on the same planet, just in different time periods
proof he had:
-Continental Drift
-Moogles and Chocobos appear in all the games
-Technology gets more advanced in every game
-In FF8 Gilgamesh made a reference to FF5

what do you think?
I am not sure if all the games take place on the same planet, I do not think so because some of the games take place differently like xii for example. Chocobos in every game is true but I am not sure I believe what your friend said.
My friend brought up an interesting idea...
He said that all the final fantasy games take place on the same planet, just in different time periods
proof he had:
-Continental Drift
-Moogles and Chocobos appear in all the games
-Technology gets more advanced in every game
-In FF8 Gilgamesh made a reference to FF5

what do you think?


When I was younger (about 12) I used to try and make myself believe this as well... I was constantly looking for connections and was very confused (as I was new to the series) as to why FF8 didn't follow on from FF7. My friend at the time went as far as to say that Squall was Cloud's code name...

But really... They aren't the same planet as there is next to no major hints that the civilisations on the planet remember the earlier ones. References here and there are just for the fans, the developers added them in to make us feel special. The communities of the planets we visit in FF have no idea of their relevance or significance.

Also the rule that technology gets more advanced in each game is not true all the time... FF8 is clearly the most advanced the worlds have ever got in FF, but following that (with FF9) we were back to medieval settings. Though FF9 had plenty of technology as well, it wasn't as hitech as that found in FF8... Plus the societies of FFX and FFXI and FFXII were all not as advanced as that of FFVII and FFVIII.

The Gilgamesh reference is easy. The Gilgamesh you see in FF8 is the same one as the Gilgamesh from FF5. He was lost in the void and ended up in FF8's world. I'm not sure if it is official, but most fans settle at that as being what happened.
I've heard theories like this before and I wouldn't actually be surprised if there was another thread about it somewhere. It is an interesting concept but one I believe to be false. There are far too many differences between each world and each one has different magics (lifestream vs. mist, for example). It's not really a concept I wish were true or believe to be true, just one that would be interesting if it actually was.
No, each and every Final Fantasy (except for the obvious sequels, prequels and spin-off's) are completely separate to each other. Neither one exists in another's reality. There are references but these are merely easter egg references (such as Gilgamesh's post-FFV appareances) to satisfy fans of the seires.

When I was little I tried to work out how VII, VIII and IX could be together but clearly impossible.
I don't think that all the games take place in just one world, but you could make a case for some games being linked - the most obvious being FFIX being a future version of the world of FFI, with the appearance of Garland and a reference to him trying to do something in the past but failing. FFV and FFVIII could be linked because of Gilgamesh but as said it could just be that he re-appeared in the world of FFVIII. Also FFX-2 has a bit where the kid Shinra talks about an idea of harnessing energy which has some suggestion that this is the world of FFVII long in the past. But it could just be a casual reference to FFVII and not an indication that there is a direct link between the two games.

So no I don't think it's one world, but there may be some games which are linked like that. Mainly though it's just things like Moogles and Chocobos which remain consistent between all the different worlds.
mmhmm after reading this maybe theres a possiblility for a one world for sum of the games like ff10 and ff7 (by the way how did the company name shinra come about ? maybe that kid for ff10 had sumthing to do with it but probably not) and in ff10 there was that spirit dance thing where all the spirits went into the air (Lifestream?) its just a possibilitie but square enix are prob thinking nothin of it
they so dont take place on same planet, i mean example...
10 is set on spira, 9 is set on gaia..right there you have your proof there not set on same planet..
and for instance chocobo's in alot of them, is just because there loved by fans.
There is a very simple answer to this.
No they are not the same planet
But it is a group of humans making these games and never thinking about them as being on the same planet nor are they thinking about contental drift when they make the games. The reason you see familiar faces and ideas in the games is because its the Final Fantasy Series, it is smart to keep familiar concepts running through a series regardless if they are on different planets. Technology keeps increasing in the game because they are wankers and think that a pure Medieval Fantasy game won't work or something anymore.
That and some how Blond haired surfer looking guys became the Final Fantasy Norm for some friggn reason.

But no, its just a series that was never ment to be so tied into each other but does so to keep the players familiar with the series so it is not compleatly different and they can still slap the Final Fantasy logo on it.
Yeah this is interesting but it is proven to be false already. Yes I know there are refrences of gilgamesh almost all the time. Well Final Fantasy has to take place in different planets all the time.
yep i agree, they are set on different planets/universes/dimensions, for instance Odin dies in FF8 but appears in FF9, strange that

like someone said ealier all the planets are named differently for each game, not only that but summoninng creatures are named differently (guardian forces, edilions, aeons ect)

damiliar faces/names like moggles, chocobos, cid, biggs nd wedge are just simply mascots for the final fantasy series that everyone loves and either play a major or minor role in the series
Yeah whats with the summons always changing names in each Final Fantasy I really want to know. Well if the summons are different that means each final fantasy takes place in a different time. Yeah but Xii took place in a castle in the introduction.
They probably change the names of the summons just to make it seem new, so yeah there rehashing old ideas, but there just calling it by a new name!
Im glad the Final Fantasies are not set on the same planet for the reason, some of the settings are extremely beautiful, and with each game brings a new setting.
Oh all except X-2 which is as you all know on spira.
I don't think that they're all set on the sam planet but I swear some are. Wasn't there a reference to FFIV in one of the later games? Kain's spear and some other stuff.
Every Final Fantasy game takes place in an entirely separate universe/dimension. The only exception to this rule is that there is a loose connection between FF X and FF VII. These take place on separate planets, but in the same universe. According to the creators of both, FF X occurs thousands of years prior to FF VII, and at same point in FF VII's distant past people from Spira made space ships and traveled to FF VII's planet. Shinra from FF X-2's very distant descendants created the ShinRa manufacturing corporation, and the Shera, Cid's airship in Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, is a Spiran piece of technology.

Its a very loose connection but its definitely there, mentioned by the creators in the FF VII Ultimania Guide and hinted at in Dirge with the little speech about how the Shera was ancient technology, and how the globe in the airship is a map of Spira.
I think they took place on different planets within the same universe. It's like Star Wars, with many inhabited planets in one universe or galaxy.
I think they took place on different planets within the same universe. It's like Star Wars, with many inhabited planets in one universe or galaxy.
Its funny I always tought the same Idea, kinda like Kingdom Hearts.

I always tought all the worlds were connected somehow in someway. My guess goes to they are either all in the same universe but the cientists never had the Idea of exploring the outer space.
(That explains how Gilgamesh can easilly travel through the worlds, because they share the same Void/Rift?) Or parallel worlds in different universes.
The only FF games that occur in the same universe are FF VII and FF X, but even these are separated by different planets and thousands of years.