Opera House

The opera scene is a great dramatic piece. Celes sings! It's amazing!

However... it's slightly ruined by the fight with Ultros. I kept thinking, Why are we fighting this pink octopus? Over and over?
The Opera Scene was one of the best scenes in FF6. It was cute yet fun, something rather original. I found it hilarious that the straight-laced Celes was dolled up in a dress. And Locke's reaction? Priceless. :lol:
I concur! The Opera House takes place right after Figaro becomes mobilized iirc. On the other side of the mountain just head all the way south down the coast, can't miss it... man it's been so long. Need to find my SNES and play it again :)
Jesus Christ said:
Your Ultros was pink!?! How weird. Mine was purple. Chupon was pink!

Heh heh, I should be more specific. I'd say Ultros was more of a magenta.
ANYWAY, to answer your question. The opera scene takes place after the party splits up in Zozo. :)
How can you not reach it. It is probably one of the most memorable scene ever. It's beautiful. It's also fun because you can take part in a scene in the opera. It's funny when Ultros tries to trash it but goof and everyone falls unto the stage. Locke tries to make it seem like it's all part of the plot. Just as Locke and company tries to wrap things up with Ultros, Setzer suddenly makes an appearance and snatches Celes away whom he thought was Maria. The funny thing is that the audience loved how the opera turned out and couldn't wait for the 2nd act. It's great how the music goes along with it also.
Honestly, the Opera House wasn't all it was hyped up to be in my opinion. I experienced it without the cutscenes since it was my first play through VI. I liked the music and plot and all that, but it just wasn't THAT great. I dont' see why it's so hyped up. It's great, but doesn't stand out to me like other events in FF games.
It is hilarious when you mess up singing at the opera house. I tried doing it without reading the script, haha it was so bad.
Honestly, the Opera House wasn't all it was hyped up to be in my opinion. I experienced it without the cutscenes since it was my first play through VI. I liked the music and plot and all that, but it just wasn't THAT great. I dont' see why it's so hyped up. It's great, but doesn't stand out to me like other events in FF games.

It's moments like these that makes FFVI so great.
I didn't like how they substituted the voices though.

I did however, love the part where you screw up though.
Personally I haven't screwed up yet, but I hear its a good time.

As for the Opera House scene overall. A must watch. The cutscenes are okay in my opinion but I think playing through it and actually experiencing it is so much more worthwile.
The opera scene is classic....I'll never forget that song....and Celes practicing singing, miserably...and shutting out Locke cuz of embarrassment...Ultros added additional comic relief....Great stuff.
I believe that it is just a touching scene where Celes gets to steal the spotlight for a moment in the game in a positive light. Later on Kefka places the blame on her as a traiter, etc, but here she gets to play out a scene where her mind is totally cleared and she can be herself and enjoy something in teh midst of chaos elsewhere in the world.